To: Graves; RKBA Democrat; TaxachusettsMan; NYer
"Who am I, unworthy sinner that I am, to judge him or any man as to his spiritual progress?"
"It's official. Your Pope is a heretic, as are also all who follow him."
"That's final and there is no room for discussion."
An apparent total inability to appreciate the inherent contradictions within your own posts combined with a mindset that would be right at home in Al-Qaida makes any notion of rationale discourse utterly impossible.
Not that this isn't what one might reasonably expect from an adherent of a Church that gladly licked Russian communist butt in order to be the immoral recipient of stolen Catholic Church property and point-of-the-gun converts within enslaved Ukraine for decades!
90 posted on
07/24/2005 10:57:25 AM PDT by
(paraphrasing Parrish: "damned Liberals, I hate those bastards!")
"...a Church that gladly licked Russian communist butt in order to be the immoral recipient of stolen Catholic Church property and point-of-the-gun converts within enslaved Ukraine for decades!"
Come again????
91 posted on
07/24/2005 11:15:22 AM PDT by
(Remember Esphigmenou - Orthodoxy or Death!)
93 posted on
07/24/2005 11:51:36 AM PDT by
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