As a former member of a modern ugly Roman Catholic church with guitar music, I can entirely sympathize. The American branch of the Tiber has gotten clogged with debris: 30 years' worth of polyester and felt.
Have you had a chance to look at other liturgical options: Eastern Catholic churches, Latin Mass indults and/or Anglican Use parishes?
Yes, there are four Anglican Use churches in my state, but none close by. There is a church which is sort of close which does a Latin Novus Ordo. We are resigned to this for the time being - but will pray that His Holiness will see a golden opportunity for establishing more Anglican Use parishes around the country! He would have a lot more Anglicans swimming the Tiber if he would advertise the Anglican Use Rite. Whole churches might convert! That would be a **relatively** painless way to get Anglicans back into communion with Rome. It could be done little by little, parish by parish, instead of trying to get the beaurocracy of the Anglican Communion to reconcile with Rome, which will never happen, anyway. A parish here, a parish there, and one day, the majority of Anglicans are Roman Catholic!