So much for the argument that modernism was unleashed by Vatican Council II and is the cause for this rift!
This seems to be the theme whine of the week. The Catholic Church Needs To Get With It, It needs to throw off the oppression of orthodoxy and hey ho go with the flow". So what cultural practices past and present, besides those of the Western Secular should the Church adapt to? Indian practice of Suttee (sp). New Guinea Headhunting, Aztec human sacrifice, Arab harems, Child slavery, Abandoment of the frail and elderly, Chinese foot binding. Female circumcision ? There are just too many to list thema all.
So the whiners should remember the Church is protecting and preaching and eternal Truth. That does not change. So if you don't like don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.
"So much for the argument that modernism was unleashed by Vatican Council II and is the cause for this rift!"
No, Vatican II was an attempt to climb onto the band-wagon of modernism and Rome has since tried hard to shake off the ties of tradition. The failed "new springtime" fantasy has now given way to the patently obvious "smaller church" reality. There is no pleasing people who despise ritual and absolute values; chasing after their vote will only incur further contempt and undermine what credibility is remaining.