To: NYer
Re: "Both are cafeteria catholics."
That's a hoot. Are you always this funny? I have hear of the pot calling the kettle black but never the pot calling snow black.
To: Mark in the Old South; Wessex
Are you always this funny? Thanks for the compliment!
Tell me this, if the Holy Father opened the doors to reconciliation with the SSPX on condition that they acknowledge and accept the Novus Ordo liturgy, what do you suppose the SSPX 'leaders' would do?
87 posted on
05/15/2005 2:48:28 PM PDT by
("Love without truth is blind; Truth without love is empty." - Pope Benedict XVI)
To: Mark in the Old South
The SSPX picks and choose what part of tradition to follow. Little things like incardination and papal leave are tossed by the roadside, while they worry which way the altar should face.
Like any schism, there are many who chose the SSPX not to find God, but to spite their superiors in the Episcopacy and Rome.
90 posted on
05/15/2005 4:09:36 PM PDT by
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