Denial of efficacy of the Word
Denial of depravity of Man
minimization of sin and need for repentance (e.g. turning AWAY from all that you valued before)
That's a large chunk of what real salvation is about. Without it who knows what you've got. IF people are being saved, (and I have my doubts) it is IN SPITE of his teaching, and not because of his teaching. I've read through his books and he is the muddiest Christian writer I've ever read. If I had an agenda I could use his stuff to justify it, quite easily. It's just like beauraucrat-speak. However Christ did not EVER dilute his teaching to suit his crowd. Many stopped following him because of that. If he had softened his teaching to become 'seeker sensitive' he would not have been crucified.
It's not just Rick Warren. Rick Warren has only put new clothes on an old fad called the "church growth movement." He's just the newest guru trying to make it work.
But, that's ok. Let him have his global PEACE plan and usher in the antichrist. It's your hide, not mine.
So one of his sins is being an Arminian?
I'm an arminian.
Most of historic Christianity, past & present is Arminian, whether called that or not.
But...I don't want to argue that here. Start a thread on it (about the one zillionth), and we'll talk about it.