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To: Rutles4Ever
If the seat of Rome is "vacant" or in need of "reproval", then the gates of hell have prevailed.

Where, when did Christ ever say that Rome would always have the Faith?

Also how did you develop this absurd notion that the Holy Spirit approves of Vatican II and all of its rotten fruit?

22 posted on 05/02/2005 1:31:54 PM PDT by Judica me
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To: Judica me
Where, when did Christ ever say that Rome would always have the Faith?
St. Robert Bellarmine
Lib. iv. De Rom. Pont. c. 4. sect. 1
Second Proposition: Not only the Roman Pontiff is unable to err in faith, but also the particular Roman Church. However it must be observed in this place, that the firmness of the Roman Church in the faith ought to be received in one sense, and the firmness of the pontiff in another: for the pontiff cannot err by judicial error: that is, when he judges and defines a question of faith. But the Roman Church, that is, the Roman people and clergy, cannot err by personal error, so that all together err, and no faithful would be in the Roman Church, adhering to the pontiff. For although each one individually can err, however it cannot happen that all together would err, and the whole Roman Church become apostate.

Lib. iv. De Rom. Pont. c. 4. sect. 5
For the authorities cited ... Agatho and Nicholas, popes and confessors ... assert that not only the pontiff, but also the Roman Church, is unable to err ... Another testimony is that of Pope Sixtus IV, who first through the Complutensian Synod, then also by himself, condemned (damnavit) the articles of Peter of Osma, of which articles one was, "The Church of the City of Rome can err". And although these statements seem to owe to be understood especially by reason of the pontiff, since however the Roman Church is not only the Pontiff, but the Pontiff and the people, so when the Fathers, or the Pontiffs, say that the Roman Church cannot err, they want to say; "In the Roman Church there will always be a Bishop teaching Catholicly and a people believing Catholicly."

First Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church

So the fathers of the fourth Council of Constantinople, following the footsteps of their predecessors, published this solemn profession of faith: The first condition of salvation is to maintain the rule of the true faith. And since that saying of our lord Jesus Christ, You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, cannot fail of its effect, the words spoken are confirmed by their consequences. For in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been preserved unblemished, and sacred doctrine been held in honor. Since it is our earnest desire to be in no way separated from this faith and doctrine, we hope that we may deserve to remain in that one communion which the Apostolic See preaches, for in it is the whole and true strength of the Christian religion.

25 posted on 05/02/2005 2:01:10 PM PDT by gbcdoj (And the light shineth in darkness: and the darkness did not comprehend it. ~ John 1:5)
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