There's no other parish here that does so. That elderly priest was Msgr. John Reynolds, pastor for many years, who passed away -- what, three? -- years ago. He was a hero who gave everything he had to keep that parish alive and thriving, who obtained the indult for us at the ealiest possible date. His successor has taken the parish to even higher levels in terms of liturgical splendor, and has restored the traditional language, orientation, and chant to his NO masses as well. For the record: in the 20-plus years I've been going there, Holy Communion has always been received by kneeling communicants, except for overflow occasions like Christmas and Easter, when the communion rail is "extended" to include free-standing ministers at remote points in the church. (Yes, I do know and use the correct formula when serving as Extraordinary Minister). I have never seen Holy Communion distributed there by a woman. I have never there seen the Precious Blood received by anyone but a priest.
Full disclosure: since January, I have served as MC at all of the Vetus Ordo masses and some of the NO liturgies, including the Easter triduum. I'm also an usher, and RCIA catechist. I trust this does not make me a groupie, but it's fair to say I'm heavily involved in the affairs of the parish.