"But if Jesus as God is separate from the other 'persons' (yes, I agree much better than 'beings') of the Godhead, then I stand by my original reasoning."
Be careful. Again, this can be complicated. The Three Persons of the Trinity are NOT separate in any way. They are distinct merely in their relationship to each other. They do not share the divine nature, they each possess it totally and completely. To separate the Three Persons is to tread on polytheism again.
"It is not the 'nature of God' that is resricted as much as it is Jesus as God the Son through obedience to the Father restricting himself."
Yes, this is different than saying the divinity of God is restricted, yes? The nature of God remains unchanged. Yet, the Logos took on a second nature so that He could suffer and save us. Perhaps you are beginning to see why the Church went through several hundred years before they defined the limits of who and what God is (or perhaps, it is easier to say what God is not, according to Augustine).
Why the quibbling over what God is? This revelation of who God is is an act of love similiar in its depth to Calvary. We should become aware of who God is, not only because we love Him and this is a deeply personal revelation that was not necessary, but it also gives us hints of how we are made in God's image (especially realized in marriage) and what we will enter when we move on to heaven to "share in the divine nature" as Peter wrote in Scripture.
Take care
Three personages:
1. God the Father
2. Jesus Christ
3. Holy Spirit
How you can interpret these three as one other than a metaphorical one is beyond me. They are separate.
I don't know where you're getting your information from but it's definately not the Bible. No would guess that you are augmenting scripture with some doctrine of man on the issue of the Trinity. Since the Bible does not reveal that much information concerning the trinity there is no way that we can completely know everything about it. I only use the Bible as a source and everything I have studied in it leaves some real unanswered questions.
Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
By sharing these attributes, they are equal to one another and unique from anything else in spiritual and physical reality. They are in perfect agreement 100% of the time.
Because Jesus Christ chose to leave eternity and enter our time domain, He layed aside His Omnipresence. I say this because, to be a perfect example to us and be a bondservent to the Father via the Holy Spirit, He was in total reliance. He had a fleshly will of which the Father and the Holy Spirit never have had. Jesus perfectly submitted His fleshly will to the Father to demonstrate His worthyness as a ransom.
On the cross, when He took on the sins of the world, Jesus was briefly separated from the Father in order to be cursed of the Holy and Just Father in heaven. This separation was what most scholars think troubled Christ so much in the Garden. This separation also lets us know they are separate beings.
What differs our God from polytheistic gods, is the almighty Godhead is always unified in purpose and thought. Their Oneness is brought about by their perfect unity. Their unity makes them One, whether in the flesh divided by time and eternity, or existing in the timeless habitation of eternity.
Jesus Christ is in the body of a glorified man for eternity. The Father and the Holy Spirit are not.