Sad, but better to abandon the Communion, and the property, than to abandon the Faith.
Sadly, I agree. I've spent the past 22 years outside the world-wide Anglican Communion, and never happy about it, but recently I'm beginning to consider rethinking that. In Communion with what?
Well, the vast majority of Anglicans world-wide who still have the Faith (even if they're on the other side of the Elizabethan Compromise). That's a very, very powerful draw for a cradle Anglican.
But it's the rest I'm beginning to wonder about. (And I speak here as myself personally, not from any office.)
If I choose to go with the Anglican Communion today, I have to declare (careful choice of word) communion with Robinson, Ingham and their ilk, with bishops and priests who have for some time been denying Christianity -- from their office!, with (dare I say it?) a druid Archbishop of Canterbury, with the churches I could not join when I moved to this locale 22 years ago.
But I will not say, unlike some whose material I've posted here, "Who Cares About the Anglican Communion?" I do care. But it needs to be a communion of the faithful for me to rejoin, and I am beginning to think that instead of a true Communion it is today little more than a "declared communion" (i.e. association) of those who have absolutely nothing more in common than an inherited church history.