I am trying to stay focused on praying for her and her parents, but I am having a difficult time dealing with my anger right now.
Do not let the enemy steal your joy! Then he has really won. Satan comes to rob, kill and destroy.
He is mocking us right now.
I understand your anger. And I must admit here that I have felt the same way in the last few days. Yet, you must Ask the Lord to forgive that anger. Anger is a sin. Christ taught us that to be angry, we are in the same class as the murderer!
"You have heard that the law of Moses says, `Do not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.' But I say, if you are angry with someone, you are subject to judgment!" Matt. 5:21-22
Do not allow the enemy to cause you to join the murderers!
NOW is the time to pray! Pray especially hard when you don't feel like it! The good news is, if you follow Christ in obedience, to pray and ask forgiveness for this anger and put this in His hands, HE WILL GIVE YOU THE ABILITY to get over your anger! He gives us the very thing he demands of us!
But if we don't come to Him, then He can not do the wonderful work in us!
Satans greatest victory is when Christians do not pray!
This was my lesson today.