This morning, I feel very hopeful again. Gibbs can appeal and Terri could yet be saved. This is what I'm hoping for. I felt soooooo sick last night, in body, spirit and mind. My husband prayed for me and I slept until 4 a.m. Woke up to the news that the fed judge FINALLY ruled. Now it gets appealed and as has happened in the past during the appeal process at least, Terri's feeding tube will be reinserted. We'll see . . . but whatever happens, I'm gonna stop being a wimpy half Christian. Let's rise up and love Heavenly Father even more and His beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Master. Wahoo!!!!!!! Let's roll for God.
There always lost battles in every war. Do not lose heart all my friends! I was thinking this morning that Pontius Pilate, a heathen ruler use to release a prisoner every passover.
I am reminded that I serve the King of Kings, and if a sinful pagan ruler can be that merciful; if our elected officials can be merciful enough to step out of their comfort zone to attempt to save Terri's life; Our Heavenly Father will do at least as much---yet probably more.
I am praying, and we must fast to cast out these demonic forces...I am praying and fasting and asking the King of Kings to set Terri to heal her--and set her free from those who mock God and want her dead. Please join me. Let us be one voice. Let us be as the friends who cut a hole in the roof of the house to lower their disabled friend down for Jesus to heal. Jesus said the faith his friends healed the man.
Raise Terri up to Christ. Be her friend who takes her to the healer.