This has always been one of my favorites.
Proverbs 28:32 He who rebukes a man will afterward find more favor than he who flatters with the tongue.
The prophets of old were held accountable for preaching repentance. How the message was received was not their problem. Ezekiel 33:9 But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your life."
Jesus loved sinners by giving them the message of repentance and forgiveness.
Jesus said in Luke 13:3, "I tell you, no, but, unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
Jesus would likely tell the homosexual that not only is he sinning in his act of homosexuality, but he is also sinning when he lusts after the act. He needs to repent of both sins -- the inward and the outward.
I just had to say all that. The guy who needs to hear it won't listen. He thinks he has a better gospel than Jesus offered. His is the broad way, the wide gate. Fear for those who take it.
SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD, by Jonathan Edwards, was used mightily by the Holy Spirit to begin The Great Awakening -- preached from the pulpit of the First Christian Church, Northampton, Massachusetts in 1741 "Their foot shall slide in due time" - Deut. 32:35 was the Bible text upon which this sermon was based. As Edwards read his sermon, people began to beat their breasts, moaning in great conviction of sin. Other people began to fall on the floor, begging for forgiveness of sin. Never had North America seen such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This wonderful manifestation of Revival soon spread to other churches throughout New England. If America is to experience Revival now, we need sermons like this one, especially since too many preachers today refuse to preach Judgment in an eternal Hell.
Wonderful Dramatic Reading!