Thank you for posting this.
But, you do realize that such things are not permitted in the Church of Vatican II.
This is because they are banned by the lawful authority of such as ICEL, the USCCB, GIA publishing, NPM, your local Diocesan LItugy Commission, and all nuns - plainclothes division.
I could explain that such things are devisive to the agenda of a throughgoing praxis, which interferes with the ability of the assembly to gather faithfully, in a the full participation of the priesthood of the assembly - to become Christ in the sharing of the bread and cup.
Or, you could believe that these group are composed of and take orders from the ultimate authority in the post V2 Church: the "lavendar mafia"..........which the late Fr. Malachi Martin termed the "Superforce".
Choose which ever explanation you think more suitable.
AS for me.......I am going to put on a Marty Haugen tape, and read up on the preferential option for the poor........and take my Ridilin
(OK.......gross sarcasm off!!)