Does anyone else have this practice in their parish?
Is it customary in your Maronite parish for the pastor to offer one Mass on Sunday "For the people of the parish"? The Latin Rite requires the pastor to offer at least one Mass per week for the intentions of the the people of the parish.
As an aside, our parish gets so many Mass intentions that the pastor "farms them out" to the rural priests. I went to offer a Mass for my deceased uncle, and was told it would be three months if I wanted it offered at St. Michael's, or two weeks if it didn't matter who offered it.
Our Catholic maiden aunt-in-law in New Jersey has been sending us Mass cards for years . . . I finally got her back and sent HER one. ;-)
On to topic of intentions as a whole, my university center drives me nuts. The head of Liturgy planning, who also runs the music program, won't use intentions that reference abortion for fear of angering people, nor do we ever have intentions for the troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is kinda upsetting. We have a period for the community to say aloud their intentions, which can be quite interesting. Some of the stuff I've heard. I usually pray for an "End to Abortion" which either gets me evil eyes, a response intention for "pregnant women" or my favorite, a confrontation with an associate over my simplistic world view. (rolling the eyes). The drama I go through on Sunday.
Yes, I've seen this in many parishes. In fact, some of my family members prefer Mass intentions to traditional gifts for Christmas or birthdays. The is no gift greater than Christ's Sacrifice.