Thank you saying I am brave,but what I dearly pray for is that someone in Vatican will be brave,an put an end to this error.
It has gone on to long,and done to much spiritual damage.
It is going to take a very,very brave person to front up,and tell the church that they have been lied too.
Our Lady wanted the whole church to hear the Third Secret,no matter how shocking it is.
The whole church needed to hear it,and debate it.
From that would have come the wonderful healing the church so desperately needs.
The Vaticans disobedience of God has already led to a massive spiritual decline both in and outside the church,and this is clear to every thinking person.
We have become so spiritually denuded,that our souls are now in a state of dire want.
This error must come to an end.
We should all pray that God raises a brave one in the Vatican.
Please God.
Send us your bravest Angel.
I think it is for precisely the reasons which you stated that the whole and entire third Secret of Fatima was not revealed - neither in 1960, nor in 2000.
It "called a spade a spade".
A common story surrounding the conversion of St. Mary Magdalene is that when she was being accused of her sins by the Jews with the elders of the Tample watching.....having been caught in adultery & condemned to death by stoning, that Jesus bent down and began to write in the sand.
My understanding is that he wrote the sins of those who were about to stone her - in public, on the ground, for all to see. They walked away in horror.
So it seems to be with the real and whole text of the third Secret. All was to be exposed - for all to see, hear & read. It was for that reason that Our Lady wanted the text exposed to the light of day.
when you turn over a rock in the woods, all sorts of disgusting slimey things are exposed to the light of day..........and slither away.