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To: Quix


Quote: 'Yes there is still great sin piling up, but the Lord’s eyes ... on the completion of His Bride. That which was imminent is stayed a little while longer for the sake of the Body. Let those who are in the valley of decision come quickly while time permits. Let those who are preparing continue.' End quote.

That which is IMMINENT is stayed a little while longer.


Those who are considering calling on the Name of the Lord, do not put it off. Time is short.

Thanks Quix for this post.


89 posted on 02/14/2005 2:15:42 AM PST by JockoManning (
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To: JockoManning; All


THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE SEEN THIS SITE. Interesting. A worthy project, imho. Should be interesting to see it rise and fall as long as it's allowed! The link is at the end of this post. Evidently the individual item ratings go from 1-5. --Quix

1 False Christs 2
2 Occult 4
3 Satanism 1
4 Unemployment 2
5 Inflation 3
6 Interest Rates 2
7 The Economy 2
8 Oil Supply/Price 4
9 Debt and Trade 5
10 Financial unrest 2
11 Leadership 5
12 Drug abuse 2
13 Apostasy 5
14 Supernatural 1
15 Moral Standards 3
16 Anti-Christian 4
17 Crime Rate 1

18 Ecumenism 4
19 Globalism 4
20 Tribulation Temple 3
21 Anti-Semitism 4
22 Israel 3-1
23 Gog (Russia) 3
24 Persia (Iran) 4
25 The False Prophet 2
26 Nuclear Nations 5
27 Global Turmoil 4
28 Arms Proliferation 5
29 Liberalism 1
30 The Peace Process 4+1
31 Kings of the East 4
32 Mark of the Beast 4
33 Beast Government 4
34 The Antichrist 3

35 Date Settings 1
36 Volcanoes 5
37 Earthquakes 5
38 Wild Weather 5
39 Civil Rights 4
40 Famine 3
41 Drought 2-1
42 Plagues 5
43 Climate 5
44 Food Supply 3-5
45 Floods 5

Rapture Index 152
Net Change -1

Updated Feb 14, 2005

2002 High 179 2003 High 177 2004 High 157 2005 High 155
2002 Low 161 2003 Low 133 2004 Low 135 2005 Low 152

Record High 182 Record Low 57
24 Sept 01 12 Dec 93


04 Unemployment:
The global job market shows signs of improvement.
2 Occult:
A study by City University of New York noted a jump in the number of adult Pagans, from 8,000 in 1990 to 274,000 in 2001.

05 Inflation:
High commodity prices are forcing up wholesales prices.

07 Economy:
The high price of oil is putting pressure on the global economy.

08 Oil Supply/Price
The price of oil is up on colder weather.

09 Debt and Trade:
The U.S. federal and trade deficit both hit new highs.

11 Leadership:
The historic nature of the Indonesian earthquake has upgraded this category.

12 Drug abuse:
Drug use in teens declines by 11 percent

15 Moral Standards:
Gay marry supporters lose every major political vote.

16 Anti-Christian:
A terror bombing against Iraqi Christians has upgraded this category.

15 Moral Standards:
The scourge of gay marriage upgrades this category.

17 Crime Rate:
Violent Crime was Off 3 Percent in 2003.

19 Globalism:
Several Asian nations are working on a free trade zone.

22 Israel
A new round of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians has brought a shaky peace to the region.

23 Gog:
The lack of activity has downgraded this category.

24 Persia (Iran):
Iran continues to advance on its nuclear weapons programs.

27 Global Turmoil:
A series of terrorist attack have occurred in Russia.

28 Arms Proliferation:
Iran, China, and Pakistan continue to buildup their military

29 Liberalism:
Liberals in the U.S. take huge beating.

30 The Peace Process:
Recent peace agreements in Israel seem to be holding.

31 Kings of the East
China's economy continues to grow at a fast pace.

32 Mark of the Beast:
Wal-mart is falling behind in its plan to bar code all products with radio tags.

33 Beast Government:
There is a growing belief that the EU is going to have a difficult time ratifying its Constitution.

34 The Antichrist:
The EU is looking a new President.

36 Volcanoes
Mount St. Helens continues to build up for a major eruption.

37 Earthquakes
Asia is hit by a massive 9.0 magnitude quake.

38 Wild Weather
Florida is hit by a deadly hurricane.

40 Famine:
The world hunger situation remains stable.

41 Drought
Heavy rains in Arizona end 8 years of drought

42 Plagues
West Nile Virus spreads across North America

43 Climate:
The increase in the frequency of Hurricanes has experts wondering if there is a connection to climate change.

45 Floods:
Floods in the Philippines kill over 1,300 people.

View the Gulf War high from 26 Oct 90
View the record high from 24 Sept 01
View the record low from 12 Dec 93

The Rapture Index categories explained

The Purpose For This Index
The Rapture Index has two functions: one is to factor together a number of related end time components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to standardize those components to eliminate the wide variance that currently exists with prophecy reporting.

The Rapture Index is by no means meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is designed to measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the rapture.

You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

Rapture Index of 85 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 85 to 110: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 110 to 145: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 145: Fasten your seat belts


THEIR FAQ TOPICS and links work at:


Why do Christians think that a woman should not have an abortion?
Is abortion really murder?
What does the Bible say about abortion?
I have had an abortion. Will God forgive me?

Are angels real?
Does everyone have a guardian angel?
Do we become angels when we go to heaven?
Do angels have a sin nature?
Since angels fell at one time, can another rebellion take place?
Are angels male or female?

Is the Pope the Antichrist?
Will the Antichrist know he is the Antichrist?
Will the Antichrist be of Jewish descent?
Is the Antichrist already alive on earth?
Who is the man of lawlessness in 2 Thess. 2?
How will the Antichrist take over the world?
Will the Antichrist be a homosexual?
Is Maitreya the Antichrist?
Will Christians be able to identify the Antichrist before the rapture?
Will the Antichrist come out of the European Union?

What is addiction?
How can I be free from Pornography?
If I have an addiction, can I still be saved?
How does someone win victory over any addiction?

Can you explain how the Bible is put together?
How was it decided what was put in the Bible and what was left out?
How often should Christians pray and read the Bible?
How was it determined that animals were clean or unclean?
If the Jews couldn't put Jesus to death, how were they able to stone Stephen?
Who was Melchizedek?
Is there any place that I can get a free copy of the Bible?
How was the Bible distributed before publishers and printing presses?
When did the animal sacrifices stop?
Does the Bible actually say that mothers should not work outside of the home?
Can you explain the Song of Songs?
Why is the Bible so difficult to understand?
Are the Bible codes for real?
Where did Cain get his wife?
Are there errors in the Bible?
Was Judas ever a believer?
Was John a reincarnation?
Who were the Nephilim?
What is meant by "Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven"?
What is the Trinity?
Does the Bible allow spanking?
What was the purpose for sacrifices?
Is the Law of Moses in force today?
Why was Moses kept from the Promised Land?
What is "the third heaven"?
What is crucifixion?
Are there books missing from the Bible?
What were some medical practices during biblical times?
Why is the Apocrypha not in most Bibles?
Why did David grab five stones when he went out to fight Goliath?
Why does the Bible seem to condone slavery?
Is the King James Bible the only true word of God?
Why did God say to Paul in 2 Cor 12:9 "my strength is made perfect in weakness"?
What was the "eye of the needle"?
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
What is the meaning of the phrase, "baptized for the dead," in 1 Corinthians 15:29?
Should we still give the Bible authority?
I can no longer see very well. How can I study God's Word?
Did God stop the sun, as it says Isaiah 38:8?
Do Christians need to adhere to the laws of the Old Testament?
Did Jesus predict that John would live until the rapture of the Church?
Are Old Testament saints considered to be part of the Bride of Christ?
What was the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark?
Why did God command people to kill people in Genesis?
Why the difference between OT "Law" and NT "Grace"?
Do writings other than the Bible hold any spiritual significance?
Is it possible to understand the Book of Revelation better?
Where do I start in reading the Bible?
Is there a difference between meditating on the Bible and reading the Bible?
Which day is really the Sabbath?
What are some of the common misunderstandings of the Bible?
What were the types of Old Testament sacrifices?

How does a Christian handle temptation?
Is it acceptable for a Christian to visit a psychic and to study astrology?
Why are some non-Christians nicer people than many confessing Christians?
Does “speak the truth in love” mean we are to tell the truth even if is hurtful?
Does every Christian have a calling and can a Christian miss his calling?
If I was baptized as a child, do I need to be baptized again?
Do I need to forgive someone even if it doesn’t seem that he is sorry?
Should Christian’s join the military?
Does "pop" Christian music honor God?
Are lotteries to raise money for education all right?
How do I find out what my God-given talents are?
Are there different types of “speaking in tongues”?
Should Christians still worship on the Sabbath?
In what circumstances, if any, do we teach our kids that it is good to fight back?
Should the church ever become involved in politics?
Do Christians need to vote?
What is meant by, "as you judge so you will be judged?"
Is it wrong for TV preachers to drive fancy cars or live in luxurious mansions?
What is fasting, and should Christians do it?
Should Christians be vegetarians?
How do I become a mature Christian and how long does it take?
Why does it seem as though today's teens don't care about the things of God?
Is it possible for a Christian to live without sinning?
Is it more important to believe in God or to live a good life?
What do I do about friends who tease me about my faith in Christ?
What is communion, and should we still do it?
What makes you think that Christians are better than non-Christians?
What I should do when someone repeatedly takes advantage of my Christian generosity?
What is worship?

How can I find a good church?
Why do I need to go to church?
Why do I need to go to church? Can't I just read my Bible and pray?
Is it okay to leave my church because I don't agree with a building project?
I attend a very large church but feel so lonely there. What is wrong with me?
Should women be pastors?
Is it all right for churches to have bake sales?
Why are churches so different? Is one better than the other?
My parents think I betrayed them by leaving the church. What should I do?
Does God care which denomination I belong to?

What is your view on conspiracy theories?
Who are the “conspirators”?
Do conspiracy groups really control world affairs?
What makes conspiracy theories so appealing to some folks?

How can I recognize a cult?
What should I do if a cult member comes knocking on my door?
What's your view on the “Jesus only” issue?
Are the Jehovah's Witnesses a Christian organization?
What is your view of Mormonism?
What is Christian Science all about?
Can you tell something about the United Pentecostal Church?

Does God allow cremation?
If I commit suicide, will I still go to Heaven?
Are there ghosts walking the earth?
Do babies go to Heaven if they die?
Is it a sin to kill in self-defense?
Is there such a thing as a "near-death experience"?
Is it wrong to keep someone on life support?
Before Jesus came, where did one's soul go after death?
Is capital punishment murder?

Where did the devil come from?
Can Satan harm me?
Why is the devil mankind's adversary?
Where did demons come from?
Can Christians be demon possessed?
Is Lucifer Satan’s angelic name?
How can I have power over Satan?

What is wrong with date setting?
I am afraid of the end of the world. What should I do?
Since things are getting worse, is the devil working overtime?
What does that have to do with Bible prophecy?
Do things like protecting endangered animals and the enviroment really matter?
What is Petra and what does it have to do with Bible prophecy?
When is the world going to end?
Is an EU constitution a sign of the Antichrist coming to power?
What was the original intent of the EU?
Where did the EU get its start?
Will the revived Roman Empire become a military superpower?
What is "Babylon" in the Book of Revelation?
Is the 1948 establishment of the nation of Israel the blossoming fig tree?
During the tribulation, what will make up the one-world church?
Since Israel controls Jerusalem, is the “time of the Gentiles" over?
How long is a generation and is this the final generation?
Who are the "two witnesses" in Revelation 11?
What happens after the Millennium?
Why do prophecy-minded Christians have such a fatalistic view of the world?
Why does Ezekiel 29 say that Egypt will be uninhabitable for 40 years?
Is the European Union the revived Roman Empire?
Does Bible prophecy require that the Dome of the Rock be destroyed?
Is the Book of Revelation going to be fulfilled in our time?
What is the Millennium?
What is a red heifer and why is it significant?
Why is there no mention of America in prophecy?
What is the battle of Armageddon?

Don't we all get the same rewards in Heaven?
Is it right for Christians to seek after eternal rewards?
What are the rewards that believers will receive at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
What exactly will be "judged" at the Bema seat for Christians?
Why do you think God will have the Bema seat judgment?
Can you lose your eternal rewards?

How is it possible that our world was created in six days?
What is the Gap Theory?
Could it have been part of God’s master plan that men evolved from apes?
Did Noah's flood cover the whole earth or just areas where man lived?
Is it possible to blend a career in science and a faith in God?

I recently lost a family member. How can I get over my grief?
How can I go to heaven knowing that no one else in my family is saved?
Is it wrong for a Christian to put a loved one in a nursing home?
What was Jesus' family like?
I want to make my children happy. Should I give them anything they want?
Do I need to set limits with my child?
Why won't my parents let me grow up and have more freedom?
My Mom died recently; now my Dad isn't taking care of himself. What can I do?
How can I help a family member who is heavily involved in alcohol and drug use?
Would it be okay to get in touch with my deceased family members?

How can I really know God?
God cannot be proven scientifically, how can we be sure He exists?
How can God be so destructive and still be called a God of love?
Why is God so confusing?
What does it mean that God is a jealous God?
Did God create evil?
Does God ever speak in an audible voice today?
Does God play favorites with people?
Does God think Women are inferior to men?
If God wrote the Bible, why do we give the human authors the credit?
Where did God come from?
Why doesn't God do something about evil?
Is there anything God can't do?
Does God ever change His mind?
Should we fear God?

What will heaven be like?
Do you think there will be animals in heaven?
In heaven, will we have free will?
What is "the third heaven"?
Is there a difference between my soul and my spirit?
Will we have spouses in heaven?
Could you see heaven if you got close enough?
How can we enjoy heaven with loved ones in hell?

What is hell like?
Did Jesus suffer in hell?
Why would a God of love send someone to hell?
Will the person who goes to hell cease to exist?
Is hell eternal?

Is it wrong to have a Christmas tree?
Holidays are so difficult; my in-laws are so mean to me. Can I just stay home?
Is the modern celebration of Easter pagan?
How is the date for Easter determined?
Should my family become involved in Halloween?

What or who is the Holy Spirit?
What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Are the gifts of the Spirit for today?

I just found out that I have AIDS, what do I do?
Is AIDS a judgment from God?
Why doesn't God cure my illness?
Knowing that God has healed the sick, why do Christians run to the doctor?
I just want to end it all. Is it wrong to feel that way?

Why is Israel important to Bible prophecy?
Was there ever a Palestinian people or a nation called Palestine?
Who really has the rights to Jerusalem?
When will the Russian (Gog) invasion of Israel take place?

Will Jesus ever be back on Earth?
Was Jesus really born on December 25th?
On the cross, Jesus asked God why He had forsaken Him. What did He mean?
Do Christians truly believe Jesus actually died and then rose from the grave?
If Jesus is God, why was He unable to do certain things while on earth?
When Jesus was crucified, was He nailed to the cross through His palm or wrist?
What language did Jesus speak?
Why is Jesus called "the Son of God"?
Why did Jesus speak in parables? Why couldn’t He have just said what He meant?
When Jesus died, did tombs really break open, and dead people walk the earth?
Why did Jesus come to be baptized by John?

Does the Bible say that the husband is to be the head of the home?
Is the use of birth control wrong?
My spouse had an affair. What do I do?
My husband is verbally mean to me. What can I do about it?
My husband gets angry sometimes and hit me. What can I do?
I am facing a divorce, what can I do?
I have been divorced for ten years. What are my options?
Will I ever get over the affair my husband had eleven years ago?
How does a couple make a marriage last?
My retired husband seems to be depressed. What should I do?
I am unmarried and thirty and most of my friends are married. What can I do?
Is it okay for my boyfriend and I to live together in order to save money?
My boyfriend has been violent towards me in the past. Is it okay if I still marry him?
Because I was a terrible Father, my adult children reject me. What can I do?
How can we resolve the problems we are having in our marriage?

What are your thoughts on money?
What can I do about my serious financial problems?
Does heaven utilize money?
Is it wrong not to loan money to family members?
Is having money a bad thing?
Is gold a good investment?
When I tithe, shouldn't I have a say in where it goes?
Does God want us to be rich?
What is your view of the doctrine of "prosperity gospel"?

Why do you have a page attacking Benny Hinn?
Does Yasser Arafat have a role in Prophecy?
Did Nostradamus predict future events?

When Does Daylight Time Begin and End?
Is it possible to ever win the war against terrorism?
Are horoscopes real?
What does New Age mean?
What is witchcraft?
What is dispensationalism?
Does God approve of cloning and genetic research?
What is legalism?
Could there be other planets with intelligent life on them?
Is capital punishment scriptural?
Is it all right when mad to say "gosh" or "darn"?
What is the difference between white and black magic?
Is there anything wrong with getting a tattoo?
Some people believe in reincarnation. How can I know who is right?
Is reincarnation possible?
What is the Apostles' Creed, and why do some churches use it and others do not?
Should believers store up food for hard times?
Do animals have souls?
Is it really possible to forecast the future?
Is it okay for Christians to listen to secular music?
Is it ever possible to be free of racial tension?
Can anything be done about the decline of morality on TV?

Does God work through dreams and visions like described in the Bible?
How can I pray for this nation when there seems to be no hope?
What does "amen" mean?
If Jesus was God, why did He pray?
What good is prayer?
I am not a Christian, but I need God's help. What can I pray?
If I don't believe in Jesus, can I still pray to God?
When praying, my past sins come to mind. Does this mean I am unworthy to pray?
People describe prayer as speaking with God. How does one do this?
Why doesn't God seem to answer my prayers?

What is the "rapture" and when will it happen?
Do you have any information that explains the rapture?
Isn't it true that the word "rapture" is not found in the Bible?
Is the Second Coming as near as some people are predicting?
Will the rapture happen this year?
Why do people say the rapture is imminent?
Will my children be raptured?
What if the rapture doesn't occur?
Can people repent and be saved after the rapture?
Will some Christians miss the rapture?

How do you plan to maintain this site after the rapture?
What do you think of all the post-tribbers who attack you personally?
How did you get started studying Bible prophecy?
What if all of my family and friends do not accept Jesus before the rapture?
Why are you trying to scare people with this rapture nonsense?
Where do you find the time to update Rapture Ready?
Does Rapture Ready have any fliers or pamphlets you could send me?
Do you get mail from a lot people who claim to know when the rapture will occur?
Why won’t you answer my email?
Why does your site have articles that Judge fellow believers in Christ?

What will happen to members of non-Christian faiths?
Why does Christianity claim to be superior to all other faiths?
What is "Confirmation" and does every believer need it?
What is "baptism for the dead"?
What is your view of the Catholic Church?
Was Peter the first Pope?
What are the Stations of the Cross? Do all churches recognize them?
Is fundamentalism within any religion a dangerous thing?
What is a Bar Mitzvah?
When people from other religions try to "convert" me, how do I know what is right?
Aren't all religions the same? They all look to a higher power.
What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?
What is Hinduism?
What is Mormonism?
Who are Muslims and what do they believe?
Why don't the Jewish people believe that Jesus was the Messiah?

How do I become saved?
How do I know I'm saved?
Could a cloned human being be saved?
Why is Christianity the only way to God?
I am a good person, so I can count on going to Heaven, right?
Can someone who's heard the Gospel get saved after the rapture?
What is eternal life?
If God really knows me, deep inside, will I still get into Heaven?
Does baptism save me?
Are names erased from the Book of Life?
I believe in God. Does that mean I am saved?
I am not emotional and did not cry when I became a Christian. Am I saved?
Can I just have fun while I am young and then get saved later?
Is baptism a requirement for salvation?
I don't always feel saved. How can I be sure that I am?
Does the Bible promise that my loved ones will get saved?
If God selected those who would saved, how is this loving and just?
If a Christian commits suicide, will he or she still go to Heaven?
A few years ago, I turned away from the Lord. Will He ever take me back?

Is masturbation right or wrong?
What is wrong with homosexuality?
Are people homosexual from birth?
Is it possible to be a gay Christian?
Is it okay for a man to dress like a woman?
How did people date in Bible times?
What do I say to a gay loved one about his lifestyle and God's Word?
What does it mean that my son wants to act and dress like little girls?
Is there anytime in the Bible when God allowed a homosexual relationship?

Did Adam and Eve have a navel?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Why is the sky blue?
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
How does an accident go horribly wrong?
Why is Batman just Batman while Robin is the Boy Wonder?
Will there be things like computers and the internet in Heaven?
Why do hot dogs come 10 to a package while buns are 8 to a package?
Why are saints drawn with halos around their heads?
What is God's favorite color?
How fast can a camel go?
What is the most frequently asked frequently asked question?

If I sin, does that mean I was never saved?
Is there any sin for which God would never forgive me?
If I am not supposed to judge others, how can I say that someone is sinning?
I like to gamble for fun, and I know when to quit. Is that okay?
What does the Bible say about suicide?
How do we keep from becoming desensitized to sin?
What does God think about people smoking?
Should a Christian gamble or play the lotteries?
Is it true that illness or problems in my life are because of my sin?
I have done something wrong and I'm facing jail time. Will God forgive me?
Is Satan responsible for every sin?
Is it possible to ever reach a point that I don't sin?
What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?
Is drinking beer or wine a sin?
I am unmarried and pregnant. Can God ever forgive me?
What does the term "backslide" mean?
What sins are cast into the sea of forgetfulness?
What exactly is gossip and is it really a sin?
If I know that someone is sinning, but don’t tell them, am I sinning?
Can a person be saved and smoke cigarettes?
Do I lose my salvation every time I sin?
What are the seven deadly sins?

Will I ever get over the pain of the child abuse I suffered?
Now that I am ill, why does God seem to be so far away?
How can I overcome health related discouragement?
A Christian friend has terribly wronged me. What can I do about it?
Why does God allow so many problems in my life?
I worry so much. What can I do to stop worrying?
How does one find peace and hope in the midst of desperate circumstances?

I trust in Jesus for my salvation, but why do I still struggle with sin?
Did God harden Pharaoh's heart?
Should we really pluck out our eyes?
I keep making mistakes and getting caught. How can I stop?

What exactly is the tribulation?
So does the Bible say that there will be a nuclear war during the tribulation?
Could the Jews begin sacrificing in the temple before the tribulation actually starts?
When will the tribulation begin?
What's your opinion on a Christian staying behind to assist the tribulation saints?
How much time will elapse between the rapture and the start of the tribulation?
Can the Mark of the Beast be accepted by mistake?

How can I witness for Christ?
I feel like God is calling me to enter the ministry. What do I do now?
Why do you Christians always try to shove the Bible down my throat?
Are Christians required to be active witnesses for Christ?
Is hell-fire preaching good or bad?
How can I, as a new Christian, share my faith?
With all of the restrictions, how can we effectively witness in the workplace?


Abomination of Desolation:
When the Antichrist sits down in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and declares himself to be God, the great tribulation of 42 months will then begin. At the occurrence of this event, the Jews living in Israel are commanded to flee into the wilderness. All tribulation saints will know, from that day on, they must now wait 1260 days before the Lord returns.
(Dan 9:27) ,(Mat 24:15-19)

(prefix "a," "no"). The belief that there is no literal 1000-year reign of Christ. Thus Revelation 20 is taken symbolically, not literally, by adherents of this view. Amillennialists generally believe that Israel has been permanently set aside for all time and that God's current plan of salvation involves only the Church.

Often described as the most evil man that will ever live. He will arrive on the world scene and appear to be the world's savior, but everyone on earth will soon learn his real mission will be one of destruction. Also called the man of lawlessness (or sin), Gog, the son of destruction (or perdition)
(1 John 2:18) , (Rev 13:1-8)

Apostacy, The:
During the end times the Bible predicts a falling away or departure from the faith. Because we have experienced a number of generations where people have rebelled against God, the one that takes place during the tribulation will likely surpass prior apostasies. The Greek word apostasy was originally used to describe a revolt staged by a military commander. (2 Thes 2:3), (Mat 24:11-13)

Armageddon comes from the Hebrew word meaning "the Mount of Megiddo." This ancient fortress is located in northern Israel, across the Plain of Esdraelon from Nazareth. Armageddon will be the gathering place for the final great battle, which bears its name.
(Rev 16:16)

Church Age:
The “Church Age” began on the day of Pentecost and will end at with rapture of the church before the beginning of the tribulation. Many dispensationalists believe the Church is the reason why there is a gap between Daniel's 69th and 70th week.
Dan 9:24-27

The city of Damascus has been around for thousands of years and it has never been destroyed in battle. The Prophet Isaiah predicted that someday this city would be destroyed. Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

The view that believes God’s dealings with men have proceeded through well-defined time periods, in each of which God reveals a particular purpose to be accomplished in that period, to which men respond in faith or unbelief.

The dragon is the symbolic name given to representative the devil. Satan is also described as "that old serpent."
(Rev 20:2)

Eastern Gate:
The Eastern Gate has a very important prophet role to play. It is the only gate that is currently blocked. The book of Ezekiel foretold that it would be shut and the only one who will open it will be the "Prince" Jesus
(Ezek 44:1-3)

The study of things that relate to the end times. That which relates to the final events in the history of mankind, which is a big word to impress your friends.

False Church:
During the first part of the tribulation, the Antichrist's rise to power will be aided by a religious system, which will include most, if not all, of the world's major religions. During the second half of the tribulation the Antichrist will destroy this false church. The book of Revelation describes the false churches as the great whore.
(Rev 17:1-5)

False Prophet:
He will administrate the workings of the one-world church. The False Prophet's primary mission will be to cause the world to worship the Antichrist.
(Rev 13:11-14)

Gog And Magog:
Most prophetic scholars agree that Gog and Magog were the people that lived in the lands, which are now modern Russia. Someday Russia and a horde of Middle East countries will launch a surprise attack against Israel. All but one sixth of the Gog army will be destroyed upon the mountains of Israel.
(Ezekiel 38 and 39)

Historicism relates the timing of the current church age through the day/year theory. The day/year theory takes numbers such as the 2,300 days (Daniel 8:14) and 1,290 days (Daniel 12:11) and declares them to be years. They also relate the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments to major historical events that have occurred throughout the past 2,000 years. For example, the fifth seal in Revelation 6 may be identified as the martyrdom under Roman Emperor Diocletian (A.D. 284-304). The Pope is commonly looked at as being the Antichrist. Historicism is the view held by the Mormons, the Seventh-day Adventists, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Jacob's Trouble:
Called by Jeremiah as "the time of Jacob's trouble" and by Daniel as "the time of distress such as never occurred," this event will take place during the 3 1/2 year reign of antichrist. The time of Jacob's trouble will be a time of great suffering on earth. The suffering will be brought on by the actions of the Antichrist and by the wrath of God being poured out on a sinful world.
(Jer 30:7)

Judgment, Great White Throne:
This judgment is predominately for the unsaved. It is also believed to be a more stern judgment than the Judgment seat of Christ. It is here where all those that are not found written in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire. (Rev 20:11-15)

Judgment Seat Of Christ:
Immediately after the rapture, the church will receive rewards according to what they have done on earth, whether it be good or bad. The Judgment seat of Christ is for believers only. (2 Cor 5:10), (Rom 14:10-12), (Rev 11:15-18)

Kings of the East:
And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. I believe the kings of the east will likely be or will largely include the nation of China. (Revelation 16:12)

Lake Of Fire:
The lake of fire is the final abode for all the lost, the Devil and all of his co-workers. Everyone that's condemned to this fiery inferno will suffer unrelenting eternal torment. (Rev 20:15)

Little Horn:
Daniel the prophet described seeing a little horn rising out from among ten other horns. The little horn is clearly another representation of the antichrist, because Daniel's accounting aligns with the apostle John's Revelation 13 description of the Antichrist.
(Dan 7:7-8), (Dan 7:19:25)

Mark Of The Beast:
"He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." The Mark of the Beast will likely be a microchip implant that operates like an ATM or credit card. Remember, everyone who receives the Mark of the Beast will be cast into hell, so don't take the mark!
(Rev 13:16-18)

After the tribulation, Jesus Christ will set up an earthly Kingdom where he will rule for 1000 years.
(Rev 20: 3-4)

The belief that nearly all prophetic events have already occurred. The year 70 AD is a popular date where Preterists claim that the book of Revelation was fulfilled. Under preterism you are basically left to just waiting for Jesus to return.

Progressive Dispensationalism:
A recent form of dispensationalism, which emphasizes the present spiritual reign of Christ on David's throne.

At an unknown hour and day the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven, while remaining in the air, he will snatch his Bride, the Church, out from among this sinful world. Christ then takes the Church to heaven for the 7 year wedding feast. The earthly reason for the removal of the Church is to make way for the rise of Antichrist and to fulfill Daniel's final 70th week.
(Mat 25:13), (1 Thes 4:16-18), (1 Cor 15:51-54)

Red Heifer:
The Bible predicts that the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Ever since the 70 AD destruction, one major roadblock barring the reconstruction of the Temple is the fact that the Temple Mount area has been defiled by warfare. In order to cleanse the tribulation Temple Mount for worship, the Jews will need the ashes of a pure red heifer. Numbers chapter 19 describes how King Solomon cleansed the first Temple with the ashes of a specially prepared red heifer.
(Numbers 19:2-9)

Replacement theology is the view that Israel, having failed God, has been replaced by the Church around 70 AD. The Church is now seen as spiritual Israel and spiritual Jerusalem. This teaching claims that all the promises and blessings, in fact Israel's entire inheritance, now belongs to the Church. However, all is not lost for Israel; it gets to keep all the curses.

Restrainer, The:
The presence of the Holy Spirit on earth currently is what restrains the forces of evil. The Holy Spirit resides in the lives of all believers, which is why Christians are called the "salt of the earth." When the Church is removed at the rapture, most of the restraining power of the Holy Spirit will be removed as well.
(2 Thes 2:7), (Mat 5:13)

Rosh Hashanah:
The Jewish festival of the civil New Year celebrated on the first and second days of the month Tishri. During this holiday trumpets are blown as a call for repentance. Many Christians look towards Rosh Hashanah as a possible time for the rapture.
(Numbers 10:1-10)

Second Coming:
This is the time when Jesus Christ will return, defeat the Antichrist, and set up his 1000 year kingdom on earth. The second coming is not the rapture. The rapture takes place approximately 7 years prior to the second coming. Another important difference between the two is that the rapture will occur at an unknown time while the second coming will take place 42 months after the Antichrist declares himself to be God.
(Rev 13:5), (Mat 25:13)

A period of time lasting 7 years, the first 3 1/2 years will be relatively peaceful as the antichrist rises to power. The second 3 1/2 years will bring the greatest suffering in human history as the wrath of God and the Antichrist is poured out on earth.
(Dan 9:27) , (Mat 24:21)

Witnesses, Two:
During the tribulation, two men will prophesy in the streets of Jerusalem. These two witnesses of God will have the power to prevent it from raining on the earth, to call fire down from heaven, to turn bodies of water into blood, and to command a number of other plagues. After they preach for 42 months, the Antichrist will be allowed to kill them. Three and 1/2 days later they will be resurrected and raptured up to heaven. Some scholars say the two men could be Elijah and Enoch or Moses and Elijah.
(Rev 11:3-13), (Malachi 4:5-6)

Wrath of God, The:
The Wrath of God is poured out on man at the midpoint of the tribulation. The people of earth will come under God's wrath because they refuse to turn from their wicked ways. Those that receive the Antichrist Mark will not only come under God's wrath, but will be lost forever. (1 Thes 1:10), (1 Thes 5:9) , (Rev 14:9-11)

10 Nation Confederation - Toes; Horns; Kings:
Out of the area that once was the Roman Empire, ten leaders will arise. The only purpose these 10 leaders will have is to give their power to the Antichrist.
(Dan 2:41-44), (Dan 7:20), (Rev 17:12), (Rev 17:17)

70th Week:
The final seven years of Gentile domination of the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem; the last week of the seventy weeks of years (490 years) of Daniel's prophecy which will begin after the long interval.
(Daniel 9:27)

144,000 Jewish Saints:
Before the Antichrist administers his mark, God will send an angel to mark the foreheads of 144,000 Jews - 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. The 144,000 sealed Jews will apparently be commissioned to be a witness to the Gentiles during the tribulation.
(Rev 7:2-8)

200 Million Man Army, The:
During the latter part of the tribulation an Oriental army of some 200 million strong, will move into the Middle East, crossing over the dried up Euphrates River. This army, guided by four demonic angels, will kill one third of mankind.
(Rev 9:14-16), (Rev 16:12)


90 posted on 02/14/2005 6:06:32 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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