Good question. His simplicity is one of ignorance to the actual complexity, not the distilling of complex reality. His God is a machine whose feasibility is locked in the distant future, if ever. That machines/AI software will be so great within his lifetime is his faith.
BTW I am familiar with his book "The Age of the Spiritual Machines" and his appearances on unscientific and "scientific" television specials.
Excellent summary.
This post, Kurzweil, along with Anthony Flew's admission in December 2004 (A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature) and many more folks are expressing similar thoughts in specifically different ways. Maybe the human mind and soul are derivatives of a higher deity we don't know and may never know.
I think I'll seek an understanding of people and manage relationships based on Weinberg's "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evilthat takes religion" and try to live the life Jesus would live.