What on earth are you talking about? I wasn't aware that Crisis had become a hotbed of monarchism, but if so, good for them!
What makes you so sure that Jesus Christ would prefer Americanism to monarchy? If so, why is He called "King of Kings"? Why did the Church for centuries bless kingship with sacramental coronation ceremonies, which have no republican equivalent? Why has the Church canonized so many kings and queens, most recently beatifying the last Emperor of Austria? How many presidents or politicians have been canonized? (I'll answer this one: zero.) Why did the Church until Vatican II clearly understand herself as a monarchy, complete with the papal tiara and coronation ceremony?
If none of these facts convince you, I would ask you to keep this Bible verse in mind: Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. (1 Peter 2:17)
To see why "American yahooism" is the wrong choice, you might also familiarize yourself with the writings of the great Catholic monarchist Charles Coulombe.
'Splain. There is nothing any more "sacramental" about placing a crown than taking an oath and proclaiming "so help me God."
If "Americanism" meant support by Catholics of the United States constitution, why is not every single Catholic in the United States from Leo XIII onwards who is loyal to this country and its constitution excommunicated as a heretic? Americanism was a much more circumscribed notion. You paint with too broad a brush.