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To: Quix

Prideful rebellious attitudes are defiling our country. But the Lord God can fix that. He invented "shock and awe." BUMP

453 posted on 12/14/2004 10:21:01 PM PST by 185JHP ( "The thing thou purposest shall come to pass: And over all thy ways the light shall shine.)
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To: 185JHP

Well said.

You might enjoy the note about an upcoming HISTORY CHANNEL show on ARMAGEDDON by a favorite character living in Israel. I just posted it on the PROPHETIC SIGNS thread.


454 posted on 12/14/2004 10:22:48 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: 185JHP
Publishing the Explosive Evidence

Bible Code Bombshell is Ed Sherman's long-awaited book on the most important code findings since the publication of the results of the "Famous Rabbi's Experiment" (Witztum, Rips & Rosenberg) in Statistical Science in 1994. It may well become the book of the year on science and religion.

Bombshell's main chapters are easy-to-read. Technical appendices buttressing its findings have been properly placed at the end of the book.

The first two chapters introduce Bible codes and summarize code developments over the last decade.

The next four chapters present the most convincing evidence yet presented for the reality of the phenomena of Bible codes. While pieces of this evidence have been presented in past BCD issues, the thrust of the case Ed makes in Chapters 3 and 4 is fresh material.

The BCD website is loaded with so many articles and past Digest issues that it can be bewildering. Bombshell boils down the results of five years of extensive research into an enjoyable read. It is limited to covering the most important and significant findings of BCD researchers.

The gist of Ed's case is this:

He "blindfolded" an acknowledged Hebrew expert and had him look for codes in the Hebrew Bible and in an ordinary non-encoded Hebrew text.

He recorded how many "codes" were found in both texts, how coherent their content was, and how long they were.

He developed a clear benchmark for how much "encoded" material would be "discovered" in the ordinary, non-encoded text.

He chose a chapter of the Bible that many believe is a prophecy about Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53) and searched for a set of short words about Christ that appear as ELSs in that passage.

The Hebrew expert examined each of these short ELSs to see if they were part of a longer phrase or sentence.

The Isaiah 53 findings exceeded the benchmark to such an overwhelming extent that "chance" had to be completely ruled out as an explanation.

Not only were the extended codes in Isaiah 53 far longer than chance might produce, but the coherence and relevance of these codes to the topic of Christ sharply contrasted with the kind of random content one would expect from chance "codes."

It is one thing to find a very short code like "Peter" in Isaiah 53. It is quite another to find a lengthy code right before Peter that reads, "Have obedience to God, even if for a day only." How fitting would such words be as ones spoken to the impulsive and unruly Peter.

It is an interesting thing to find a short code like "chosen people." It is quite another to find a potent message surrounding this code that reads, "Know who the chosen people are or God will be angry." What words could better summarize Jewish reactions to the radical early Christians who were seeking to set aside Jewish laws and customs in favor of a new religion?

It is not that unusual a thing to find a short code like "resurrection of Jesus" here and there in the Hebrew Bible. It is utterly amazing to find the following sentence encoded right afterward: "He is risen indeed." What an emphatic reiteration of an event that forever changed human history.

Finding "Jesus is the way" as a code in Isaiah 53 was a bit unusual, though it could have been a coincidence. But finding that this phrase is only part of a longer sentence that reads, "In his name, as he commanded, Jesus is the way," is truly astounding.

Bombshell isn't a dry exposition of a scientific investigation. It is dramatic in its unfolding—because of the stunning content of the codes that were discovered tightly interwoven between the letters of the most controversial passage in the Hebrew Bible.

Not so long ago, a skeptical Ed Sherman was blown away by the profound findings that emerged from his careful investigation. Bombshell provides you with the opportunity to share that experience.

455 posted on 12/14/2004 11:41:21 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: 185JHP
Psalm 22 Cluster Dwarfs Skeptics’ Best Counterexample

As Christians prepare to celebrate the best of times, the birth of the Savior, it seems somehow inappropriate to be focusing on the worst of times, the execution of the Savior. Yet as Ed Sherman's book, Bible Code Bombshell is published with its claim that Bible codes give evidence that God authored the Bible, it seems fitting after all to examine a fascinating cluster of codes that focuses on the central figure of the Bible, not to mention all of creation (which He, incidentally, is responsible for orchestrating). As horrible as the crucifixion was, the subsequent resurrection of Christ changed everything for mankind, so there is great hope in its subtext.

Great Opening Words

One of the great opening sentences of modern literature is that of Charles Dickens' masterpiece, A Tale of Two Cities: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

And yet it pales in comparison to the opening words of Psalm 22, written by King David, one of Jesus' ancestors: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" This psalm is a clear prophecy of the death of Christ, written hundreds of years before His birth. They were the last recorded words that He spoke before he died, nailed to the cross.

One intriguing area is an Old Testament prophecy concerning the Lamb of God. In Exodus 12, where God is first telling Moses about the Passover, He commands that the sacrificial lamb was to be killed "between the two evenings," which some have translated as "twilight," between the 14th and 15th days of the month (the Jewish day runs from sunset to sunset).

As it turned out, although we don't have the precise time of His death, Jesus apparently died on or very close to that time. There was an extra twilight that day, when God caused darkness to fall on Jerusalem from noon to 3:00 p.m. Matthew 27:45-46 tells how Jesus died soon after that first darkness ended:

From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land. About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (NIV)

Extremely Significant

The Psalm 22 cluster is not in the same league with the Isaiah 53 or Ezekiel 37 clusters as yet. Still, though, it is extremely significant, dwarfing the skeptic’s best example of a chance cluster (the Hanukah cluster presented by Prof. Barry Simon in The Case Against the Codes). Consider this comparison of the number of long codes in each cluster:

While this is not a fair comparison, in the sense that we probably looked for many more ELSs than did the skeptics, it still raises the question of why the skeptics haven't presented a cluster of comparable extent and complexity to that of the Psalm 22 cluster, or any one of a number of other clusters that code researchers have presented in recent years.

The simple answer is that it would take decades of searching for the skeptics to produce such an example. They know it, and they are intelligent enough to not bother to invest that much time in such a project. In contrast, BCD researchers looked for only 120 terms, and yet we came up with the mind boggling collection of long ELSs presented in this article. Yes, there are a number of terms we looked for but did not find in Psalm 22, but the rate of discovery of long ELSs was exceptionally high. And the clarity and relevance of the content of most of the codes in the Psalm 22 cluster, with the exception of some of the longest ones, is compelling. And that is a key part of why BCD maintains that the phenomenon of Bible codes must be real.

The Most Interesting Codes

One of the most interesting ELSs in this cluster is the 15-letter, The Guilt Offering, the Son of Man, Humbled Himself. Not only does it harmonize with the Bible's descriptions of Jesus, it nearly paraphrases key scriptures about Him. Take, for example, "Your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, being made in human likeness." (Philippians 2:5-6 NIV)

Long Live the Risen God of Action. It is Finished. And Where is the Resurrection of Jesus of Blessed Memory? For Whom are the Twelve? This 30-letter code is delightful and mysterious at the same time. The first two sentences make perfect sense to the student of the Bible, and they also harmonize beautifully with Psalm 22. Sentences three and four bring mystery to the ELS. There seems to be a shift in point of view to that of people doubting the hopes of Jesus’ followers that he would be raised from the dead.

Two codes focusing on the ascension of Jesus to heaven 40 days after His death and resurrection are also remarkable. The Ascension of Jesus: for the Sleeping One Will Shout. Listen! (20 letters) and The Ascension of Jesus, the Lofty One, to Him (12 letters) both line up nicely with scripture, although some may argue that "shout" might be a bit strong if the "Sleeping One" refers to Jesus as the resurrected Christ. Others might say that His victory over death and ascension to Him, the Father, certainly shouts a message of hope to a sorry world.

The 23-letter He Wove the Light to be My Might. A Living Sacrifice for Him to Put On is poetically enigmatic, but may be referring to the new life of a believer in Christ, which is sometimes paralleled with a garment. In Ephesians 4:22-24, for instance, the apostle Paul encourages new Christians in the Ephesian church this way:

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (NIV)


456 posted on 12/14/2004 11:47:48 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: 185JHP; All

Psalm 22 Cluster Dwarfs Skeptics’ Best Counterexample Continued

Serendipitous Finds Continue to Expand Psalm 22 Cluster

There is still potentially a great deal of material left to be dug out, but other priorities have caused it to be shelved for some time. Even so, while searching for codes in other clusters, serendipitous finds have turned up in or passing through the psalm, and so the cluster has slowly increased in size even without our direct attention to it.

What the connection is between the longest ELS, the other clusters that it passes through and this cluster, is a mystery, unless it in intended to connect the significance of the sacrifice of the Messiah with end times events. There is Quarrel in His Speeches. A Living Brother Uttered Words to Them and to Me. And Zubaidah Turned to His Sea, Without Then Lying for a Whole Week. Oh, the Mountain of Her Interior Will Bear a Testimonial to Her Name also passes through the Ezekiel 37, Ezekiel 40 and Ezekiel 7 clusters, as well as the Jeremiah 17 cluster. These other clusters are concerned with terrorism, the third temple in Jerusalem and the Battle of Armageddon.

We will Advise the Dove. He will Place in Me the Multitude of Gog. You will be Weakened is an interesting, 24-letter ELS in that it not only contains a hint of the end times and also passes through the Isaiah 53 super cluster, which is also concerned with the execution of Jesus Christ. Gog is generally considered by prophecy experts to be modern day Russia, which Ezekiel 38 prophesies will spearhead an attack on Israel. Some even believe that this assault will signal the beginning of the Tribulation period. Here are the first few verses of that scripture:

The word of the LORD came to me: "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal; prophesy against him and say: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army—your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords. Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you.'"

"'Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.'" (Ezekiel 38:1-9, NIV)

The following table lists those in the cluster that are longer than any ELSs in the skeptics' best counterexample cluster:

There are other ELSs that are just as interesting as those presented in this article. If you find other terms in this area please let us know about them. If validated by one of our Hebrew experts, we will add them to the cluster and credit you publicly for your research.

The next table presents ELSs found in Psalm 22 that are comparable in length to those in the skeptics' best counterexample cluster

The following terms were searched for in the cluster but not found: Jesus is the Rock, Jesus is the Way, Jesus is the Salvation and the Light, My Name is Jesus and Salvation, Jesus is Her Seed, Jesus is Truth, My Righteous Servant, Jesus is the Son of Mary, Jesus is the Son of Joseph, Only Way, God is My Banner, Jesus Our Righteousness, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, Lord of Lords, God of Gods, Lord God of the Heavens, It Shall Bruise Your Head, The Prince of Peace is Jesus, Sin Bearer, The Prophesied Messiah, Chief Cornerstone, False Messiah, Jesus the Everlasting Father, Jesus Reigns.

FROM (start):



MERRY CHRISTmas to all.

459 posted on 12/15/2004 9:00:13 AM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: 185JHP; All; Alamo-Girl; DAVEY CROCKETT; MamaDearest; Indie; JustPiper



Codes and a Presidential Election—Part 1

A year ago, code researcher Moshe Aharon Shak began a study of the 2004 presidential election. He looked for ELSs involving the political hopefuls of the day, including George W. Bush, who was never seriously challenged by another GOP candidate, and Democrats Representative Richard Gephardt, Senators Joseph Lieberman and even Hilary Clinton, who when Moshe did the research was rumored to be a potential candidate. A number of ELSs for these, plus a number of other interesting ELSs that seem to represent the United States, were found in a matrix centered in the book of Numbers. He also looked for names of some other candidates that were not found.

Moshe titled his article "The Art and Science of Doing the Codes." The science aspect of code research involves finding the codes and evaluating their significance, while the art side of the process in our opinion deals with translating the codes from Hebrew into English. This is where objectivity often wanes and the viewpoint of the researcher gets involved in the messages in English that are extracted from the Hebrew ELSs. In Moshe’s opinion there is much more to it than just the translation. He hopes to illustrate it in the future.

In our opinion, Moshe's science was correct, but the interpretations in this article tend to come from a politically liberal point of view. As part of the editing process, we suggested alternate, conservative translations that can also be drawn from the same Hebrew letters. Moshe agreed with some and not others, and that it would be easier for the reader to understand these differences in viewpoint if they were presented together in his article.

So the translations throughout the article are color-coded. Those that Moshe suggests are in black. BCD's translations that Moshe agrees are good, and comments on Moshe's findings, are in blue. BCD's translations that Moshe does not agree with, but that we believed worth presenting, are in orange. ELSs found with BC2000 are noted. All others are CodeFinder ELSs.

U.S. Presidential Election Cluster
By Moshe Aharon Shak
Copyright © November 2003 by Moshe Aharon (Morris) Shak

The art and science of doing the codes—Part 1

The table below on the USA elections was researched in October 2003 and "completed" in November 2003. Some of the contents and other related work were revealed to the producers of the History Channel before the taping of their last production on Bible codes.

Most people are looking for an answer of which party will win the election. Since there are only two parties, a correct answer by the codes would not be too impressive. What the matrix below has to offer is much more than just a glimpse at the election. I believe that this matrix will provide an insight to Bible codes. It would have been impossible to achieve that on the History Channel with the limited time allowed per person per topic.

There is much interesting detail here.

The subject: ELECTIONS The year: 2004 The date: 2 November Number of president to be elected: 44 The country: "land of innocent freedom; A land that is quiet and beautiful to G-d; and a brave heart; I have an eagle; an eagle came." The parties: The elephant and the donkey. Candidates: Some of the key players from both parties are Bush, Lieberman, Gephardt, even Hilary Clinton, who was discussed as either a presidential or a vice-presidential candidate. The name John is not shown with Kerry below, but it is prominent if we look at his name and Hebrew initial as Y for Yochanan, the Hebrew name that was anglicized to John.

The John Kerry Connection

Another Angle on Kerry

* Lamech in Hebrew slang refers to someone who is "not quite capable." Lamech was the son of Methuselah, who at age 969 was the oldest man who ever lived years. Lamech was also the father of Noah, and lived to the age of 777. Why his name is used to refer to someone who is "not quite capable" is unclear.

** Both of these ELSs pass through the Ezekiel 40 cluster, a very interesting cluster [A 'GROWING WAR' CLUSTER click here] that is connected to future events involving the third temple that Bible prophecy experts expect to be built in Jerusalem.

A George Bush ELS

BCD found the ELS below very near Moshe's Numbers cluster described above. It touches down in chapter 22:35, 2,254 letters away from the closest letter in Moshe's matrix, and contains George Bush's full name.

[to be continued in part 2]


460 posted on 12/15/2004 9:59:40 AM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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