" Liturgical abuses are a form of Liberal Catholicism, the great enemy of the Church today. It is a reincarnation of Modernism. St. Pius X spoke of "the perfidious plot of liberal Catholics." Of liberal Catholics today, Mother Angelica said recently: "Everything God doesn't want is on their agenda." In the moral order, liberal Catholics call for freedom from sexual restraint, the right to premarital sex, contraception, divorce, homosexual practice, even abortion. In the liturgical order, it takes the form of freedom from rubrical law.
Liturgical abuses, like all liberal Catholicism, are a rejection of divinely constituted authority. As Cardinal Newman said, authority is the very essence of our revealed religion, coming through Christ to St. Peter and his successors to us. Liturgy is so bound up with authority and the apostolic hierarchy established by Christ that without it "there would be no public worship as Catholicism understands the liturgy." (Fr. John Hardon, S.J., "The Catholic Catechism," Doubleday and Co., p. 450)."
Amen! Good post, Land of the Irish, thanks!
It's all pixie dust, designed to take your money, and screw your children.
That really is all it is about.