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Those Dallas Zionist Conspirators ^ | Amy Welborn

Posted on 12/09/2004 6:23:37 PM PST by Akron Al

Those Dallas Zionist Conspirators

At the DMN blog, Rod Dreher reports on Michael Jones' Culture Wars explanation of the DMN series on fugitive priests:

I've just read a delightful article from the current issue of Culture Wars, a Catholic magazine run by far-right conspiracy cranks. The long essay, which -- alas for you! -- is not available online, rips Your Humble Servant and this newspaper over its series on fugitive priests. Do you want to know who's really behind these stories, according to Culture Wars (whose lousy website is here)?

Wait for it...

Ding, ding, ding! That's right, the Jews, colluding with Protestants (the Dallas Theological Seminary kind) in what CW terms a "Zionist-Dispensationalist axis of evil."

"[C]an we say that The Dallas Morning News fits into [a] pattern of Protestant elites warring on the Church with their Jewish allies? The answer, once again, is yes, we can."

Oopsie! Guess the author is unaware that our publisher and his family are bigtime Catholics, and have been active in the local Church for generations. But why should facts get in the way of a good anti-Semitic conspiracy rant?

The article concludes that the DMN exposed the roles certain Latin American prelates have played in helping accused pederast priests escape justice in the US because -- are you following me? -- the newspaper is terrified of Catholic immigration from Latin America -- and so are our supposed allies at the Anti Defamation League. The piece also says that Jews seeking to have property taken from their families by Nazis and Baathists restored to them are part of a "global shakedown."

Elsewhere, the writer of this piece expresses shock that the Culture Wars publisher, E. Michael Jones, is considered by other conservative Catholics to be an anti-Semite.

Posted by Amy Welborn | Permalink


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I wonder if, while he was at it, the CW articled claimed that the Trilateral Commission, the Rockerfeller Foundation, the Ripon Society, Abraham Maslow, the Texas KKK and Lady Bird Johnson are all a part of this grand scheme.

Posted by: Patrick Rothwell at December 8, 2004 08:47 PM

Hey, that's nothing. If Rod had been reading Jones's increasingly weird mag, he'd realize that pedophile priests are themselves the products of a Jewish conspiracy via domination of Hollywood and the porn industry. And don't you dare call the mag "anti-Semitic"! It is anti-Judaic. Or anti-forces-of-organized-naturalism. Or anti-Jewish-utopian-Messiahnism. Or something like that.

P.S. As Jones has demonstrated, an earlier Jewish-Mainline Protestant conspiracy destroyed Catholic urban ghettos so that ethnic Catholics wouldn't take over America. So a new Jewish-Dispenationalist Protestant conspiracy to stop America from being taken over by Hispanic Catholics makes perfect sense.

Posted by: Celine at December 8, 2004 08:47 PM

Don't forget the black helicopters. They must factor in here somehow...

Posted by: Cheryl at December 8, 2004 09:33 PM

Good grief, I will never understand anti-semitism as long as I live.

It's too bad, 'cuz Culture Wars used to be an interesting read before Jones figured out the Key to solving the age-old question, "Who's to blame?"

I don't think Culture Wars will care when they find out that the DMN is published by a Catholic. Hey, Catholics can be tools of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy too: don't you remember, the entire clerical abuse scandal was created out of thin air when Catholic William F. Buckley sicced his Catholic acolyte Rod Dreher on the bishops, acting on orders from the Zionist cabal that controls the White House, in an effort to undermine the Church's opposition to their campaign to oust the Iraqi threat to Israel's domination of the middle east oil resources, which is central to their plan to establish the New World Order?

I think that's how the story went.

Posted by: tt at December 8, 2004 09:42 PM

There's more interesting stuff about Thomas J. Herron, the author of the article (and apparently a frequenter of this blog -- shalom, Tommy!).

Here's a link from the Culture Wars site quoting Herron blurbing a Jones book, saying that the review appeared in a publication called The Barnes Review. TBR was founded by the far-right, Jew-hating kook Willis Carto, of Spotlight newspaper fame. Turns out TBR has a preoccupation with "revisionist history" -- that is, Holocaust denial -- and edifying essays like "Adolf Hitler: An Overlooked Candidate for the Nobel Prize."

They're also really into space aliens and stuff.

Posted by: Rod Dreher at December 8, 2004 10:12 PM

Zionists, space aliens, "and stuff"?

I shudder to think what could be added to that.

Posted by: Kevin Miller at December 8, 2004 11:53 PM

Well, everyone has missed the obvious--Rod's also communist. When you descramble his name it says: "RED DR HERO". And doesn't he have red hair?


Posted by: David at December 9, 2004 08:22 AM

A red beard, actually. A beard -- like LENIN'S!

And my father is a Freemason.

Draw your own conclusions. But remember: we are watching you.

Posted by: Rod Dreher at December 9, 2004 08:43 AM

Well, if they can give a nobel prize to the likes of Arafat . . . .

Posted by: c matt at December 9, 2004 09:42 AM

Dear Rod:

If you're going to quote me, quote me correctly. I never mentioned that the current management of the DMW were Dispensationalist what I said in CW was the following (and you can find it in "The Amazing Scofield and His Book" by Joseph Canfield).

"As Canfield states Dallas in the decades after the Civil War was still a very Southern town that didn’t welcome a Congregationalist Church, which they viewed as a group of pre-war anti-slavery agitators. However the new pastor played up his Confederate connections and soon the elite of Dallas was attending his church. Among these, in an amazing coincidence, were early owners of the Dallas Morning News. Later after achieving fame for the publication of his Scofield Reference Bible, which was really an edition of the King James Bible with a series of footnotes expounding dispensational theology while ignoring those verses that contradicted it, the self-made “Doctor” Scofield would help to found two bible institutes which became Dallas Theological Seminary and Philadelphia College of the Bible which helped to propagate his message. It isn’t that Scofield was completely consistent on the failure of the church, in spite of Christ’s promise that the gates of hell would not prevail against it; he did try to spread Protestant missionaries in Central America."

But as you've said that you come from a Dispensationalist background you probably knew this already. Do you think the pedophile scandal proves the failure of the Church? All the best.


Posted by: Tom Herron at December 9, 2004 10:24 AM

But as you've said that you come from a Dispensationalist background you probably knew this already. Do you think the pedophile scandal proves the failure of the Church? All the best.

My "dispensationalist" background consists of having read and believed "The Late Great Planet Earth" when I was 13. I didn't know who Scofield was until coming across his name a few years ago, researching an article.

Your article is quite revealing of your mindset, Tom. You cite Irish press coverage of the scandal in that country, then say: It does appear that the Protestant establishment across the Atlantic in Boston learned from ther cousing in Dublin that the pedophilia scandal was a great way to continue their battle with the Catholic Church. It would almost appear that the Boston Globe, the voice of the Yankee elite, in its successful campaign to bring down Cardinal Law, used The Irish Times as a textbook case for how a campaign of this sort should be run. In both cases the results for the Church were the same: fewer Catholics attending Mass and fewer following Church guidance..., etc. As if the entire squalid mess in Boston were entirely trumped up by the Church's enemies.

You go on to talk about the "amazing coincidence" that 19th-century owners of the Dallas Morning News were "pious Texas Congregationalists," who were in your telling enamored of dispensationalism. You also write: Are we saying that there's some connection between the ADL's efforts to lobby the Vatican and the attacks on Cardinals Rivera and Rodriguez in the pages of the Dallas Morning News? Well, when you look at the background Cardinal Rodriguez blurted out the truth two years ago, and as I said in a recent review in Culture Wars, there is a Zionist-Dispensationalist axis of evil.

What "truth" did Cardinal Rodriguez blurt out? Here is his quote:

"It certainly makes me think that in a moment in which all the attention of the mass media was focused on the Middle East, all the many injustices done against the Palestinian people, the print media and the TV in the United States became obsessed with sexual scandals that happened 40 years ago, 30 years ago. Why? I think it's also for these motives: What is the church that has received Arafat the most times and has most often confirmed the necessity of the creation of a Palestinian state? What is the church that does not accept that Jerusalem should be the indivisible capital of the State of Israel, but that it should be the capital of the three great monotheistic religions?"

You, Tom, go on to speculate in this article that the Jews and the dispensationalist-driven news media are trying to weaken the Church by reporting on the scandal so as -- well, let's just quote you:

Apparently, what generates fear at the DMN is the fact that there is stills ome degree of traditional Catholic culture remaining at the popular level in Latin America and that these beliefs are being brought north in the mass migration. And comments by educated Latin Catholics like Cardinal Rodriguez and Bishop San Casimiro reflect it. At the headquarters of the Anti-Defamation League this has set off alarm bells.

You also write in this piece:

Maybe rich and influential Jews like Abe Foxman and his gentile friends know this and want to head off the possibility of a Third World pope rallying all the oppressed peoples of the earth against this New World Order and have decided to launch a preemptive strike.

Maybe. Or maybe you're just a Jew-hating nutcase.

Tell us, Tom: do you think the Holocaust happened? What do you think of the admiration for Hitler published by your friends at The Barnes Review? Do you share that sentiment? If not, why do you allow your name to be associated with that magazine?

Posted by: Rod Dreher at December 9, 2004 11:13 AM

Do you think the pedophile scandal proves the failure of the Church?

It proves the personal and professional failure of Churchmen, and the Catholic institution to govern itself. It says nothing about Catholic doctrine, only condemns the failure of those responsible for shepherding the Church according to its precepts to live up to that doctrine.

Posted by: Rod Dreher at December 9, 2004 11:19 AM

I, too, have read the article in question. I was flattered to be briefly mentioned in the course of Herron's attack on the Great Satan Dreher. Herron casts doubts on my educational qualifications. For the record, since Herron is among us, I do indeed have a Master of Arts in history, majoring in medieval, from the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), followed later by further graduate study in medieval history at Indiana University.
Curiously, writing hundreds of articles for the Catholic press over more than 20 years somehow doesn't qulaify me as a Catholic journalist in Herron's eyes. He's too fascinated by my overlapping involvement in the science fiction world.
And finally, for the record, I'm not a convert.

Posted by: Sandra Miesel at December 9, 2004 11:28 AM

Some facts that would tend to make a Catholic think some kind of conspiracy against the Church was taking place...

1. The Pope claims the news media has overblown the scandal.

2. Everyone from the top of the hierarchy down knew it was going on for quite a while and did nothing to stop it.

3. It does appear as if the dismantling of the Church has been orchestrated, since along with the scandal we have many other ills that are being ignored by those with the power to govern.

4. As anyone who does a little digging soon learns, when it comes to ecumenism/interreligious dialogue, what is taking place in the Church today is contrary to past papal encyclicals.

5. Seminary life has been undermined with the resultant lack of ordinations, leading to a formation of lay-run parishes. The laity are poorly catechised and not in a position to lead. Feminist nuns stand poised to step into the role of "priest" in these lay-run parishes. Feminist nuns tend to espouse magical religious practices such as Wicca.

6. Renovation and new construction of Catholic churches reinvents the symbolism in ways that do not reflect Catholic theology.

7. Several new ecclesial movements are coming under fire in some dioceses and being accused of teaching theology that is not Catholic. Books written about these movements by former insiders paint a picture of personality-centered cults.

Posted by: Carrie at December 9, 2004 11:55 AM

Regarding ecumenical and interreligious dialogue: It's called "development of doctrine."

Posted by: Kevin Miller at December 9, 2004 12:13 PM

Don't forget the Bilderbergers!!!!! No, seriously, folks, it unfortunately seems to be the case that many traditionalists (many, I said, not all, so don't flame me) seem to eventually get into anti-Semitism and Holocaust revisionism. I wonder why this is. And somewhere I saw a hilarious send up website of anti-semitic conspiracy mongering called "the Zionist Conspiracy, such plots, you'll plotz!!!" I can't remember the URL but maybe google would be forthcoming. It's a scream!!!

Posted by: Marty at December 9, 2004 12:27 PM


I read and write for a number of different magazines, before I answer your question about the Barnes Review, of which I've published in it twice not on the Holocaust, I'll ask you a question. BTW it covers a lot of topics, but I've never seen one about UFOs in it.

I was a "National Review" reader for twenty-three years, since high school, until William F. Buckley issued his atrocious piece of character assassination against Pat Buchanan and Joe Sobran (the only consistently good writer they ever had) "In Search of Anti-Semitism" in December 1991. Do you reject that? I realize it's before your time but you worked there, have these men, both very good Catholics, been slandered by the editor/publisher of NR?

By the way, item 10 of the belief statement of the Dispensationalist school in my back yard, Philadelphia Biblical University states this "We believe that God in the Scriptures has progressively revealed Himself through successive ages, during each of which man has been tested in respect of obedience to some specific revelation of the will of God; and we believe further that this dispensational viewpoint provides the key to correct interpretation of the plan and purpose of God in the world, past, present and future, as it relates to the Church, to Israel and to the nations. We believe in the actual offering of a kingdom to Israel by Christ at His first coming, and His postponement thereof as a result of their rejection. We believe that Israel, as well as the Church and nations, is included in the future aspects of God's program." Maybe you can fill in what the Dispensationalist school in your backyard holds, Rob. The question for you is how many covenants or dispensations does God have going at present?

Posted by: Tom Herron at December 9, 2004 12:29 PM

Tom, you're right: I could not find a UFO article on the website. But I did find that among the meager offerings of the Barnes Review "bookstore" was this:

Were the Gods Astronauts? By Erich Von Däniken. In his new book The Gods Were Astronauts: Evidence of the True Identities of the Ancient 'Gods', the controversial author investigates a mystery that has fascinated humankind for millennia: Who were the "gods" described in so many ancient stories from cultures around the globe? Fascinating evidence presented from many different sources.

There is also an archived article on "Archeoastronomy and the Ancient Egyptians," and the title of another one, non-archived, about the "Nazca lines," which as I seem to recall from my adolescent reading, are thought by some to be evidence of alien intelligence visiting the earth.

Tom: Maybe you can fill in what the Dispensationalist school in your backyard holds, Rob. The question for you is how many covenants or dispensations does God have going at present?

It's Rod, Tim. Why should I care what the dispensationalists in Dallas think, aside from journalistic curiosity? I'm not a dispensationalist. What does that have to do with anything, aside from helping you try to change the subject from your views on the Jews?

But I now wish to correct myself. The Barnes Review does not seem to be preoccupied with UFOs. It does, however, have a peculiar interest in Holocaust denial and alleged Jewish conspiracies. And Tom is not being forthcoming about his views on the Holocaust. Did it happen, Tom? Were there six million? Has history given Hitler a bum rap?

Posted by: Rod Dreher at December 9, 2004 01:01 PM

So Rod's a commie and a tool of the dispensationalists?

Who woulda thunk it?

Posted by: David at December 9, 2004 01:06 PM

This is disheartening. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that anti-Semitism is appearing again and even gaining ground in some quarters, with Christians in general and Catholics in particular being under pretty fierce attack by the secular culture. For a few years back in the '80s I subscribed to E. Michael Jones' magazine Fidelity, but it seemed to get crankier and flakier as time went on.

I thought maybe the Hitler-Peace Prize thing might be at least marginally tongue-in-cheek but as far as I can tell it is deadly serious. WWII was started when Poland attacked Germany, it seems.

In my experience it's hopeless, hopeless, hopeless to argue with a conspiracy theorist. Please indulge my posting here some applicable remarks from my web site regarding the conspiracy-theory view of the Iraq war; the first question is from a hypothetical opponent:


How can you dismiss Fahrenheit 911 without having seen it?

I haven’t read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, either. Sometimes reputation is enough.

I once had a very educational conversation with a Seventh Day Adventist fanatic who believed that the Catholic Church is a satanic conspiracy controlled by the Anti-Christ himself, the Pope. It was educational for me, not for him; as far as I could tell he was entirely unchanged. What I learned was the power of maneuvering someone into trying to prove a negative. I cannot prove that the Pope is not the Anti-Christ, George Bush cannot prove that he did not go to war for Halliburton, and Michael Moore cannot prove that his baseball cap is not the receiver through which he obtains his orders from the Daleks.

One can construct from facts a web of false inferences which do not admit of disproof. Here’s how:

First you select any actions on the part of your subject which reflect badly on him. Discard all other facts which cannot be made to serve this purpose. Interpret the ones you keep in the worst possible light, and reject out of hand all possible alternative interpretations. Freely dispense with the distinction between correlation and causation. Insert as many unfalsifiable assertions as needed (the motives of your subject and any other participants are always a nice blank slate for this, as you can impute any content you want to another’s unknown thoughts).

If assertions are too risky, innuendo will usually serve the purpose. Finally—and this may be the most important part—stick with monomaniacal perseverance to your core conviction that your subject is evil through and through; this will protect you from dropping your guard against other views.

Posted by: Maclin Horton at December 9, 2004 02:07 PM

TOPICS: General Discusssion
KEYWORDS: dreher; emichaeljones

1 posted on 12/09/2004 6:23:37 PM PST by Akron Al
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To: Akron Al
Okay. So now it's the ADL who want to keep the Mexicans out of the United States and Buchanan and Sobran who want them in?

Those "palaeos" are fruitcakes!

2 posted on 12/09/2004 8:42:53 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (If Chanukkah celelbrates "religious freedom," why did Mattityahu cut the man's head off???)
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