This is a little off topic but you always know so much so I have a question for you.I have asked this question on a regular basis and never got a response,or if I did I didn't see it or worse.
Do you know if any Bishops tried using exorcists to try to remove the "demonic" presence from the abusive priests? I believe the Vatican's official exorcist,Fr. Amworth says that that demon is particulary difficult to remove,so I infer that it has been tried. If it has,(especially in the 50's and 60's)and if it was considered successful,wouldn't you like to know about it? I know I would,it would certainly add a new dimension to the discussions.
I would like for Fr. Amorth to say more on the matter so we can move beyond the "official story" regarding so-called 'sexual orientation'. I have heard of stories, sara, but only stories.
Most of the bishops do not believe in the devil (or are on his side--sorry, it's true). There may be a few but the US has fewer than 10 exorcists at last count. Most of the bishops put the false god of modern psychology before any thought of demonic temptation, let alone possession.
I know of one case in California where the bishop refuses to help a man with a very bad obsession despite the Catholic psychologist's outright pleas to the bishop for assistance.
What you said about the concept of exorcising the "demonic presence" from the abusive priests is quite interesting. Even more so is what Fr. Amorth said. Any more info in this?