Thanksgiving is past. Another false vision?
That was awful brief, very straightforward English.
The issue was not complicated at all.
I really don't understand your lack of understanding.
1) Before Thanksgiving, the person dreamed and felt there would be a soon attempt/plot against President Bush.
2) They told me this before Thanksgiving.
3) The attempt in Columbia occurred.
Which word do you not understand?
You've made it rather clear that you have no regard for the dreams and prophesies of people in the modern age. And that's fine. But others find these visions to be interesting if not compelling in anticipation of the Lord's second coming (Acts 2:16-21).
As for me, I choose to keep an open Spiritual ear. Much of what I hear is empty, as if a sympathetic contrivance. But sometimes - now and again - a dream or prophesy rings true in me. Usually they have to do with impressions of Jesus. Rarely do they have to do with future events.
I will share with you one of my own. We were in discussion here on the forum concerning the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice at Calvary. I was in deep worship and meditation and was overcome with an impression, something that I would have brought to canvas if I were an artist. It was a Light, His Light, at the moment He gave up the Spirit. The Light transcended everything and everywhere and every time. And there bubbles, innumerable tiny bubbles rising from the darkness and disappearing into the Light.
It was a "dream" or perhaps a "prophesy" or a "vision" - and it certainly was not Scriptural. But it was real and it is Truth, an image of our being drawn into Him because of what He has done.