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To: Quix; All

This has been around a while, as I recall. I think it has merit to prayerfully consider. I believe it to be essentially correct. From:

The Man of Little Stature


What the Spirit has laid on my heart is to relate to you a vision and revelation given to a brother in Christ in the late 1970's, who will remained unnamed; but he ministers in Europe and some of the former Soviet bloc nations. It is one of the most sobering and soul searching revelations I have ever heard, outside of those that you will read in the written scriptures. I believe that this revelation is very relevant to those who will be prepared and participate in the great end-time ministry yet to unfold. Please read prayerfully.

This is the vision/revelation. I was in the midst of a great meeting hall (a church), and the walls and ceilings were covered with jewels and ornaments, and the windows were made of colored glass (a typical cathedral or church). The hall was full of people, some rich, some poor, some sick and crippled, mute and blind; but all had chains on and were hand-cuffed, and no one was free, (a picture of todays church, their in church but their not free). In front of the meeting hall was a large platform, with a pulpit on one side and a large cage on the other, with a huge green serpent in it; and hanging over where the speaker would stand, was a great sword suspended by two strings horizontally; and on the platform were several ministers, 8 or 10, clothed in clerical robes, sitting one behind the other, one seated just a little above the other.

The assembly looked upon these men and they looked upon the church. There was silence for a while, until a thundering voice sounded from the pulpit, as if it came directly from God, saying, Who will declare the whole counsel of God? And the first clergyman arose with a Bible in his hand, and when he did, the old green serpent uncoiled and stretched out hissing against the man with sparkling eyes and protruding fangs; and the man of God, falsely so-called, sank back into his seat and placed his Bible under the chair. And when the serpent stretched up his head and touched the sword, he said to that man, Anyone who obeys the voice of God, I will kill with this sword. And for a little while, there was silence again. And then the Voice sounded from the pulpit again, Who will declare the whole counsel of God? And then the second man in clerical robes arose as if he would step forward, and again the serpent uncoiled against him, and he tumbled back with fear and sat down and placed his Bible under his chair (hiding the Word). The serpent again touched the sword, and with the same remark said, I will kill you, if you obey the voice of God.

And for the third time the Voice from the pulpit thundered, and a third man arose and sat down like the two before him. And again and again the Voice sounded until each of the clergyman had had an opportunity to resist the serpent, but fear overcame them all, like the first three had been overcome. And the serpent smiled with his evil smile. And then the Voice sounded again from the pulpit saying, Oh if there were a man, Oh if there were a man; Oh if there were a man who would declare the whole counsel of God, that these chained men might be set free! is there not one man? Then a man of little stature (meaning he was nothing in the sight of the world), ascended the platform and stood under the sword, and he lifted up his eyes toward heaven and said, Into Thy hands O God, I committ my spirit. Then he opened the Bible and read. He didn't add anything to It, and he didn't take anything from It; he read the Word, and spoke as a man having authority. And when he had finished, the old serpent stretched up to the edge of the sword and cut off one of the strings holding the sword in place, and the sword swung down and missed him and passed over his head; because he was a man of "little stature"; and the weight of the sword made the other string to break, and the sword swung back and pierced the hearts of those clergymen who were lined up and nailed them to the wall. And a great scream of despair sounded from the pulpit; but an even greater cry of joy sounded from the assembly, for every man's chains were loosed and they were set free! (By the word they were set free).

When this vision had vanished, I saw another vision of the Savior in a cloud, just above my head. He spoke saying, Hear my son the meaning of these things. The meeting hall which you saw is the secularized church, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. They are all covered with the jewels of the joys of this world, and there is no end to their silver and gold. The people which you saw, are those for whom I died, but My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; they have eyes, but they do not see; they have ears, but they cannot hear. They are truely in bondage and must be set free!

The platform in which you saw, on which the clergymen were sitting; the platform is the preconceived ideas, having their origins from the pit of hell. The pulpit is the throne of God; and the serpent, old Lucufer himself. The sword which you saw, is the Word of God; and the strings on which it was hanging, mean the power of the Word to give life or the power of the Word to take life. Life was given to the man of little stature and life taken from the clergymen that did not preach My Word! The clergymen that you saw, are men (& women) from every church who pretend to know Me, but they teach My people things which are not written in the Book of life; and their pride and their presumption, and their wordly spirit force them to obey Satan, who is a liar and the father of lies; and each of the clergymen try and exceed the other in elegance, in extensive writings, argumentation and the like; but they only consider the" letter" of the Word, and leave out the "spirit" of the Word. And the day will come and now is at hand, when they shall all perish, just like these.

After having considered this horrible scene, the Lord spoke again with these words, Do you remember My words in the prophecy of Jeremiah chapter 23, as well as My words in the prophecy of Ezekiel chapter 34? Jesus said, Read it. And I opened my Bible and read, Woe unto the shepherds that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture, saith the LORD. (Jer.23:1) In the prophets I have see a horrible thing, they committ adultery and they walk in falsehood: (a perversion of the Word of God), and strenghthen the hands of evil doers. (Jer.23:14).

Jesus said, At the end of days you shall understand this. Woe to the shepherds that feed themselves, should not the shepherds feed the flock! (Ezek.34:2). The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed the sick, you've not bound up that which was broken, and neither have you sought that which was lost; but with harshness and with rigor have you ruled over them. (Ezek.34:4). I will destroy the fat and the strong shepherds; and I will feed them with judgement. (Ezek34:16). Then He said to me, That these false shepherds shall in no wise escape when the sword falls upon them. But My sheep must be warned, they must be set free! And again He said, Do you remember My words in the prophecy of Jeremiah in the latter part of chapter 25? Read it! And I read these words, And the slain if the LORD shall be in that day from one end of the earth, even to the other end of the earth: (Jer.25:33). Howl ye shepherds, for the day of your slaughter is come! (Jer.25:34).

Then He said to me, These days shall come quickly, the shepherds shall howl, yea, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth; but when the sword has fallen it will be to late forever. The man whom you saw who was of little stature, is every man and woman who will humble himself or herself, and be obedient even to the death of the cross, putting his or hers trust in God, and going forward declaring the whole counsel of God! Oh, if I could find such a man, can you tell Me where there is one? With such a man I could shake heaven and earth, saith the LORD.

864 posted on 12/03/2004 12:35:15 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix


Do Not Forsake the Covering of My Blood

Last night as I joined with our small home group for prayer, the Lord stirred, and this word came forth. Though it is a difficult word, it came with a bubbling sweetness, quite unlike the usual feeling of prophetic words regarding judgement.

I saw a huge wave, rising up and getting ready to break upon the whole earth. Then these words came: "My children, judgement is about to break upon the entire earth."

Then, I saw the children of Israel huddled in their houses in Egypt, and the sign of blood on the lintels.

"Only those who do not forsake the covering of My blood will be protected during this judgement. Do not forsake it! Let nothing tempt you out from under the covering I have provided for you--for every one who comes out from under My covering will be broken in judgement."

It seemed the word was finished, so we began to fellowship in worship songs again. Suddenly the prophetic word was stirred within me again, and this came forth: "Just as I brought the children of Israel out of bondage immediately following my judgement upon the Egyptians, so too will I bring those who remain under my covering out of bondage after the judgement of these days is completed."

I feel that this is an important word to the church. We are looking for revival--but this is NOT a time for revival, but is rather a time for judgement. Stay in the secret place, you and your family, with Jesus, until the judgement has passed. THEN the Lord will lead us forth out of Egypt, by His own word. Do not be hasty to believe every 'word,' but test them carefully against the scriptures. Many, many false words are going out in these times. Trust only the anointing within to teach you unleavened truth. Cling to Jesus--not to a fellowship, not to a doctrine, not to a movement, not to a leader, not to your own understanding. Cling, I say, to Jesus!

865 posted on 12/03/2004 2:25:55 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

imho, This one has a certain ring of God's character as I know Him, in it. Worth some prayerful consideration, anyway. From:

Oppressors, Stand Back!

(Text as received from an Internet mailing list, May, 1997)

Prophetic Word Given to Jane Williams March 19, 1997
"Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury - a violent whirlwind! It will fall violently on the head of the wicked. The anger of the Lord will not turn back until He has executed and performed the thoughts of his heart. In the latter days you will understand it perfectly."
Jer. 23:19, 20; 2 Kings 9,10

I want to tell you about the things I have already set in motion. For great is My wrath upon the enemies of God. Great is the vengeance now enroute. For the anger of the Lord has been aroused and I will not be deterred until I have overcome the enemies of God.

Do you want Ammon destroyed first or the Philistines? Witchcraft or drunkenness? Do you want Edom or Egypt? Sexual perversity or depression?

Oh, I am coming to crack the heads of those who have ruled long in cruelty.

For many of My people have been oppressed for years. Some longer than the Israelites' Egyptian captivity. For generation upon generation has been held under the thumb of wickedness and strife. People group after people group enslaved to certain demonic hosts. There has been no peace, but I say I am coming to restore the house of God, to enable unity so that the people of God may come together in harmony and love. For I would have a picture of My will be seen on the earth before the end comes. I would have every eye see what was meant to be. Oh, there will not be an absence of sin or exact replica of Eden, but in some places it will appear close to that and all across the earth there will be a greater freedom to live as I intended from the start.

Oh, oppressors stand back! Flee if you can for I intend to crush you, to weaken you and hold you at bay. There will be only one rule in days ahead and that will be Mine and the people of God. Oh, enemies of God, your prosperity is short-lived now, for I am coming to push you back into small corners and dark pockets on the face of the earth. You will be greatly restrained for a season to allow My church to prosper and grow, to allow the knowledge of the Lord to fill the earth. For I would have every eye see and ear hear the glories of the Most High - the truth about the Almighty God.

He is a God who sees and hears all and whose strength reigns supreme. There is no power greater. No force able to overcome Him. There is no enemy sufficient to overcome Him unless He permits a season of such.

Come to the window and stand on tiptoe. You are about to see the vengeance of God as never before. For in the last days, many things long spoken of, even glimpsed in the past, will be seen quite clearly and made widely known. You are preparing to see the glory of God fill the earth in a way you could never have even comprehended. This is much bigger than you initially thought and will have no quick end. There will be nation after nation fall under My influence and group after group accept My Son in these days of expansion and growth.

These are days for the people of God to prosper. There will be much to learn through this and I would have you know that the lessons will be many.

For just as the days leading up to revival have been preparatory for living in revival, so will the revival days prepare you for what is then to come.

The glorious days of expansion and prosperity will prepare you for our eternal rule together in heaven. I will teach you much about living as kings and rulers for I would perfect you even in this. I would have you know that even in such times, I am your only source. That is easy for you to say now, but it will fall easily from your lips in future days as well. For I am a patient God, a faithful Teacher who will help you take your place as the Bride and co-heir of Christ.

866 posted on 12/03/2004 2:29:22 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix; DAVEY CROCKETT; Alamo-Girl; MamaDearest; Velveeta

This, too, has a ring of God's values and priorities too it--and thereby at least some of His character. From:

Don't You Think I Can Keep You?

(Text as received from an Internet mailing list, May, 1997)

Don't you think I can keep you? You are kept by faith in Me and My Word.

Be not afraid, but let your mind be set on things above where Christ is seated. I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly realm. You can't receive as you walk in fear, have not I told it to you, not to be afraid, for I am your God, I am your Lord, I am your all in all. I am with you in the dark hours as well as in the light. It is my presence that brings light and my name is my presence.

You have the promises that I have given you. Quit sliding back, brace up yourself and come to me. Don't be anxious about what people will say. Leave Babylon and all that it represents. Be reconciled back to your God. He is your maker your creator your very breath depends on Him. For He is the giver of life. Life and death are in His hands. So be not like the unwise, but become as a child and learn from me. As you wear my yoke you will find that I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.

My very own, will love me more and more. They will not be content with just a little knowledge, but they will want more and more and I will not withhold myself from them. I never have withheld. As a father his child, so do I have mercy on those who fear me, as far as the east is from the west so far I have removed the sins of those who fear me. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so is my love and my mercy towards those who love and fear my holy name.

Good morning Father, good morning Jesus, good morning Holy Spirit. This is a special morning which hasn't been touched yet. I give you all of my heart, soul and body. So you can live your life within me. You are the only one who can live perfectly. Hallelujah!! Thank you for your mind, Hallelujah! I am transformed by the renewing of my mind thank you for renewing it for me. Thank you for your thoughts and your attitudes. Thank you, that by your great power and supreme strength you have won the victory. Great is your name and greatly are to you to be praised. You alone deserve the Glory.

Look beyond the natural and see with the eyes of faith, and behold the beauty of the Lord. Don't be proud in your achievements, but humbly accept all that I put in your path. Know that the time is short and things are going to happen fast. Judgment is speeding, escape the wrath that is coming. If you are in any kind of sin, break with it before it is too late. For know that the Lord God is the merciful.

But there is coming a time that all will stay as they are. If you don't get out of the sin that besets you, know that you will be harden into it, where there is no escape and it will be out in the open. You know that the sin is covered, but it won't be long.

Don't trust in the fact because you are being blessed that everything is all right with the Lord God. Run, run, avoid all paths that lead to sin, run away from it. Don't depend on your own strength. For you will certainly fall. Know that if there is bitter, envy in you there will be every kind of evil work.

Don't gloat over someone else's downfall, know that you must stay humble and pray for such a one. Be on your face before the Living God and be still and know that He is God! Know that there is a purification going on and be careful that you don't get caught in the sin of pride.

Don't trust in yesterday's victory for it could be your defeat today. There must always be a renewal of your faith. Every day and a new trust and reliance on the Lord God Almighty. Don't trust in the good works, righteous deeds you have done yesterday, but know the mercy of the Lord are new and fresh every day.

Know that if you don't keep a watchful eye and pray you could fall into temptation. Know that the Lord always says, watch and pray for you don't know what the day will bring, don't depend on the righteousness you had yesterday. Depend completely on what Jesus Christ has done at Calvary, everything He has done. it is for a victorious living.

Don't depend upon how much you have read and prayed in the past, know that it must be an every day experience of prayer and eating of the Word. Don't neglect this part of your life. You are no match for the evil one. The evil one never goes to sleep and know there will always be battles. But how are you clothe for battle?

Are you clothe with the Light of Jesus Christ? Or are you cloth with your own knowledge? The only knowledge that you need to know about self is that it is an enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Cross. It is an usurper of authority, and know self always works with the greatest enemy of all, that age old serpent, the dragon, satan the deceiver. You only grow in the knowledge of the Holy One, Jesus Christ, and we are told to put on the Lord Jesus Christ the armor of Light.

The more Revelation [heart knowledge] you have of Jesus Christ, the stronger the armor becomes. Revelation must come from the Spirit of the Living Christ. The more that the Spirit of Christ rules the brighter the armor. He is the very armor of the Lord God Almighty, He is the Light, and He is the Word of God. Hallelujah!

867 posted on 12/03/2004 2:34:04 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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