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To: Quix; Alamo-Girl; auggy; backslacker; BriarBey; Ciexyz; DAVEY CROCKETT; diamond6; ...

combined prayer list and dreams/visions/end times ping list ping.

Michael is the grandson of Dimitru Duduman who had sooooo many end times prophetic dreams and visions about the USA.

I plan to post more of his visions after this one.--Quix

By Michael Boldea, Jr.

September, 2001

Grandson of the late Romanian evangelist, Dimitru Duduman

When will this happen? I asked.

When the Father wills it, he answered. His will be done.

OTHER VISIONS of Michael Boldea:

It was September 11th and the world was at peace. Less than 2 hours prior, I had hugged my wife & said goodbye to my father who had driven me to the airport. After a two-hour layover and a 3 hour delay in Zurich, I was finally on my way to Chicago.

Throughout this time, I was struggling with myself. I knew I was going on tour to share and fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters, but as yet I had no message. All I knew was that the urgency of God's words to my heart concerning me touring grew with more intensity until I finally agreed to go.

God had not spoken to me concerning what I would share in my time in America. I shared this with my mother before leaving, all she said was, "God will show you when it is time."

We were about 4 hours away from landing when the captain came on the overhead speaker & said we would have to be returning to Zurich. He mentioned something about a terrorist attack, a terrible accident, that American airspace had been shut down.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt sick. The only thought
that came to my mind was, God, has it already begun?

A stewardess passing through the aisles saw that I was pale, and she came and asked me if I wanted a sedative. I turned her down, closed my eyes, and began to pray, while some passengers became agitated, demanding information, trying to call from the air phones without success, and guessing at what happened.

Finally, I heard a voice, and I opened my eyes to see who was speaking to me. The man sitting to my right was engaged in conversation with another passenger sitting to his right, and I realized that it was not the voice of a man I was hearing.

I closed my eyes once more and began to pray. Then I heard the voice again. It said, "Now you know why you must go.
Be at peace, it is not yet the hour of judgment.


The season is at hand. I will guide and protect those that will draw to me. Be bold and speak the truth. Plead with them and urge them to repent for the night comes quickly. Speak the words that have been on your heart and on your lips since your youth. I will guide you now as I guided my servant before you.

As I write this, it is September 12, 2001. I am in a motel room in Zurich awaiting news on when we can resume our flight. I have seen glimpses of the devastation, but this is only the beginning. For 15 years I have prayed this time would not come. I hoped against hope that my Grandfather was just another Jonah, and that I would be mocked and laughed at for continuing to speak this message of repentance and judgment.

My family, and even Hand of Help, would have gladly endured
the ridicule if America would have repented & turned to God, and in turn, God would have held back His wrath.

Time is running out, dear ones. Repentance has been put off
far too long. Today is the day we must stand before God with repentance, not only on our lips, but also in our hearts.

You are all in my prayers. And as I travel I hope to
fellowship with many of you. Be at peace, dear souls.
God is still in control. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and will be forevermore. May His light shine upon you, and may His peace flood your hearts.

Michael Boldea, Jr, - Hand of Help Ministry

P.O. Box 571005 - Dallas, TX 75357

My Comments

I got 3 emails on Nov. 20th, 2001 saying TIME'S UP


All my life the LORD has confirmed to me 3 times when it is HIM. After nearly 60 years, I know when to LISTEN. Yes, I have seen many warnings that judgment is coming upon America, but 3 in one day, from 3 different sources, got my immediate attention!

These 2 from Jim Bramlett Nov. 20th

Below - "It's just about time"

As near as I can figure, this is my interpretation of the rest of 2001 from all the words from the LORD others have had.

Person 1: A man senses great disaster for Boston
Person 2: Danger for California and Seattle.
Person 3: God has shown me the Lord has extended His Grace
on the US for another 15 years.
Person 4: This word was 15 years ago, and time's up.

AA Allen's vision was one which was sent to me Nov. 20th.
It's very long, I put the link to it below.
It may come to pass in 2002 unless there is REPENTANCE,
not just prayers, at the Federal and State levels,
and in satanic laws passed in the last 10 years
by an evil Congress, which promote sin and violate GOD's word.

My sense is destruction will be sudden. America has been
repeatedly warned, yet denies and mocks all GOD's prophets.
My sense is destruction will all come at once. Nuclear, worse than we are told by controlled 'NEWS' propaganda. But also earthquakes, volcanoes, perhaps severe storms will all happen the same month, perhaps the same week.

Many POISONS were found in Afganistan, which may turn up here.

Email from Jim Bramlett

(Jim sends several RAPTURE SOON emails. He says May 9, 2002)

I just got a call from Dr. Neil Lipkin, in Indiana. Neil is a Messianic Jew, a long-time Bible student and teacher, totally committed to Messiah Yeshua, and a very sharp fellow. He believes the rapture is extremely near. He said he was sound asleep during the night, early in the wee hours of the morning November 20, 2001, when all of a sudden his wife, Cynthia, started shaking him strongly to wake up. He awoke, startled. Cynthia had already been up, working in the kitchen.

As he opened his eyes from the shaking, Neil noticed that
Cynthia was "really freaked out" She began to tell him what
had just happened to her. While she was in the kitchen,
she said, just out of nowhere she suddenly began to hear
voices. There were no humans around, so they could not have
been human voices. She could not understand what they were
saying. Neil tried to describe to me what the voices sounded like, as she described it to him, and all I can say is that they sounded like loud whispers where none of the words were discernible. Suddenly, out of those soft and muffled voices, Cynthia reported that she heard a male voice, very clearly and distinctly. The voice said,

The next major event on God's timetable is very near.

Jim Bramlett's website


Wake Up, America! as given to Dumitru Duduman, Romania

America will BURN, but What to DO is also here

TIME's UP: A.A. Allens Vision of Destruction
Vision of poisonous gas and nuclear attack against
The United States (circa 1950's)

I find those I consider prophets and apostles today to
disagree with Chad Taylor, but there are people saying
similar to what he says.

GOD has a wonderful plan for American Cities,
total opposite of judgment. Here's his reply to my email.

No matter how much judgement is stored up there is always
GRACE. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Remember Abraham's
prayers? MERCY! That should always be our stand.

Yes judgement will come and the warnings are there,
But like Abraham I will continue to cry out, LORD!
If there be ten righteous would you spare the city?"



1,586 posted on 03/16/2005 9:30:46 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

Thanks for the ping!

1,587 posted on 03/16/2005 9:50:40 PM PST by Alamo-Girl
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To: Quix; All

What Saith the Scripture?



by Dumitru Duduman


From the December 1999 Newsletter of "Hand of Help"

A Message from Michael Boldea

I know that many rumors have been circulated aver the past 3 years concerning my grandfather's last revelation. Although we've tried to keep them in the family until the appropriate time, many of you have written in and inquired concerning their content.

This is partly the reason why we didn't publicize that there were still revelations left. Many of you would have written in asking for hints, or clues, wanting to know before it was time. Even those closest to us, friends and family members have tried incessantly to find out the content. All will be made known in due time.

The vision that was published in this issue of the newsletter is the first of three revelations that we were given specific instruction not to release until their appointed time. Why? The Lord knows all things.

Two more remain, a dream, and a prophecy. These two will be released when their appointed time arrives. I pray you are blessed reading this vision as I was translating it, and hope that it speaks to your heart.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

Hand of Help, Inc.



A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman

- April 12, 1997 -

I was on a large plain, it seemed to go on forever. I couldn't see the edges, but I know I was somewhere very high. The clouds seemed so close to where I stood that if I could reach out, I could touch them. I began to look around insistently, but all I could see was this plain covered with beautiful grass that was all the same height. The sky was calm and beautiful and there was a feeling of peace in this place.

There were no buildings, no trees, no flowers, just the earth and the sky. As I continued to look around me, I saw a change in the sky. The clouds began to roll to the sides, and I saw a city come down from the clouds. It continued to descend until it reached the ground where I stood. I was amazed by what I saw, and I began to study it intently. I have traveled this world a lot, but I have never seen anything like I was seeing.

The entire structure was so beautiful that it took your breathe away. It was all white and it shone so brightly that one could barely look at it. It was so large that if I stood at one corner and looked to see the other end, I could not. As I was trying to find an entrance into this place, I studied the walls and couldn't make out what they were built from. It seemed that it was built as a whole, all from one giant mass. There was no bricks, there were no cracks in the walls, there was no mortar.

As I stood, to my left was a building that was very tall, and smaller buildings continued along the wall. It seemed like the entire city was under one roof. Although the buildings were different, they were connected between themselves.

As I continued to look, I saw the stairs that led to the entrance, and they shone brighter than anything I have ever seen. They were gigantic, as was the wall that surrounded the city. No one would ever be able to force their way into this place. I don't know what sort of material it was built from, but I got the impression that those inside, could see out. Wanting to find out what waited inside, I began to climb the stairs. I didn't get very far, because I heard a powerful voice which drowned out everything else.


Even if I wanted to continue walking I could not. It was as if I was paralyzed.

"Tell my people, that their worship toward Me must not be out of fear, but out of love. Of what use will it be to them if I would tell them when the final hour will strike?

What they must do is worship wholeheartedly. I have already sent them a guide. They have My Word. In my Word it has already been revealed that I will come as a thief in the night. Tell them that concern over tomorrow should not be found in them. They must be faithful, and fight the good fight. Love me as I have loved them, living in love.

Behold destruction is fast approaching, but I will not hesitate to protect for my chosen. Those that sow mercy, shall receive mercy from Me. Tell my people not to worry about the seasons, but to meditate on how they will stand before Me. Urge them to prepare for that day when I will show My power.


When I turned, I saw a small child that was trying to climb the stairs. He tried, but because he was so small he could not make it to the next step. His laughter however echoed throughout like a bell. Even thought he kept falling, he showed no sign of sadness, but just kept trying.

"Didn't I leave you with this parable as an example?"

Then everything disappeared.

--D. Duduman

"Two more remain, a dream, and a prophecy.

These two will be released when their appointed time arrives." --M. Boldea


From the June 2000 Newsletter of "Hand of Help"
concerning Duduman's second of three final messages

A Message from Michael Boldea

Encouragement to Greater Commitment

As the time continues to march on, and the days of darkness approach swiftly, the children of God are stirred to action. It is not a political action or a paramilitary action, but the action of the heart. God's warning to those who would hear His voice is ever present. He continues to speak not to the world, because the world does not know Him. He speaks, that we who are sealed with the Holy Spirit, who are saved by His shed blood, may know the times and seasons and live accordingly.

As someone who lives no more than 20 miles from the Russian border, I see things from a different perspective. The fact that bitterness and contempt, if not outright hatred, against America is once again uniting Russia, is evident in young and old alike. When a man has nothing more to lose he becomes most dangerous. Poverty and hunger have become so rampant that most are willing to embrace anyone that will point out the light at the end of the tunnel. They will follow anyone that can find a remedy, and will promise them past glories.

Perhaps these things are not as evident in America, at least not yet. But according to what God has spoken, even when they see all the signs they will be passive. We, as children of God, can no longer afford to be passive. We can no longer afford to say, "There's always tomorrow."

Today we must commit ourselves and our families to the cause of Christ. We must completely devote our lives to righteousness, only seeking those things which are of God. All the answers to every question we have had concerning past, present and future we will find in Him. All the things we are searching for we will find at the foot of the Cross. Live for Him, work diligently while it's still day, knowing that soon, dark days will come. May the grace of Christ inhabit your hearts, and may the blessings of God be poured over you and your's.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea, Jr.

Hand of Help, Inc.

emphasis by WStS [extra paragraphing by Qx]



A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman

- April 1997 -

I knelt beside my bed to pray, as I do every night before going to sleep. After finishing my prayer I opened my eyes, but I was no longer in my room. Instead I found myself in a forest. I looked around and to my right I saw a man, dressed in white, who pointed a finger and said,

"See and remember."

It took me a while to find what he was looking at. It was a small bear who seemed half dead lying on the ground. As I continued to watch this bear, it began to breathe deeper. With every passing minute it seemed to revive itself, and, as I watched, it continued to become angrier. It than began It then began to grow. Soon it was larger than the forest floor and as it grew larger it continued to become angrier. It than began to paw the ground, so that when its paw hit the ground, the earth would shudder. The bear continued to devastate all that was in its path until it came upon some men with sticks trying to fend it off. By this time the bear had become so large that it simply crushed the men underfoot and continued its rampage. I was stunned by what I saw and asked the man standing beside me,

"What does this mean?"

"At first , they thought the bear was dead," the man said. "As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it harmless. Suddenly it will grow strong once more with purpose and violence. God will blind the eyes of those who continue to trample on the sacrifice of Christ's blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it will be just as you saw."

The man said, "Tell my people that the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. If they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up and trampled under foot. Only in righteousness will they find safety."

Suddenly I was again by myself in my room, on my knees, with sweat covering my face.

Dumitru Duduman


From the December 2000 Newsletter of "Hand of Help"

A Message from Michael Boldea

Psalm 92:5-6 " O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep. A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this."

As I sit and write this to you today, there is still a great confusion that has covered America from all four corners. Grown men are in panic, the world is holding its breath eager to see the outcome of this turmoil, and thousands of hypothetical situations are being thrown around by everyone.

With all that has been going on the past few weeks, I am burdened to share my conviction with you. God is still in control. No matter how bleak the situation seems, no matter how improbable the outcome of all that is happening, be strong in the knowledge that God is still in control. As children of God, this is as far as we have to go before being flooded with peace from above. We know that the creator of all things, seen and unseen, is directing all things so we must leave the outcome in His hands.

There are greater things that should concern us in these days. There are issues that span far beyond this flesh into eternity. As we draw closer and closer to the end of yet another year, one thing is certain. With each passing day, we are one day closer to our Lord's return.

However, we are also one day closer to the approaching darkness. Let us all begin today in searching our hearts and seeking the face of God to see if perhaps there is still anything there that is hindering our relationship with Him.

Our relationship with our eternal Father must supercede all other things. We are His children, and as the time approaches He yearns to reveal more of Himself to each and everyone of us. My prayers are continually with you, as I hope yours are with me. May your hearts be filled with peace this Holiday Season knowing that whatever may come, our God is still in control.

Colossians 3:14-15, "And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."

Michael Boldea Jr.

Hand of Help, Inc.



A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman
- 1997 -

"I have spoke to you as a father speaks to his own children. I have shown you what will be that you may prepare your hearts and strengthen your spirits for the day of battle.

Dark days are soon coming upon the earth. Days of mourning and great sadness. I tarry for those who seek me with a pure heart. I give strength to those who seek me continually.

The lawless one has been prepared, and he is ready to reveal himself. He awaits his release. He will come with a lying tongue and deceiving words. I will protect My own, and I will deliver them even out of the clutches of the enemy.

Those that will be strong until the end, those that will be called to be living testimonies for my name's sake will receive the crown of life. Let righteousness be your banner, and My word be your guide. Be rooted in the truth. As the dawn comes to chase away the night, so will the darkness rule only for its allotted time. Be strong in the knowledge that I protect and watch over all who are Mine. Amen."

Dumitru Duduman

Through the Fire Without Burning, is the testimony of Brother Duduman. It is available from Hand of Help, located


The ministry's new location address is as follows:


1012 South 3rd. St.

Watertown, Wisconsin 53094

(920) 206-9910


1,588 posted on 03/16/2005 9:56:45 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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