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To: Quix

Qx: Appreciate your effort to provide this info.

And they overcame [the enemy] by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Rev. 12:11

1,546 posted on 01/24/2005 2:27:25 AM PST by JockoManning (
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To: JockoManning

Thanks much.

Have a blessed day and week.

1,547 posted on 01/24/2005 7:44:13 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning; All

Decided that one thing I might do while vegging out before going back to bed . . . was to update somewhat the better docs from BILL SOMER'S prophecy docs site.

The Wedge And Many X’s

Mike Tucker

The Wedge

01-14-05 As I was praying to the Lord about the state of this nation a vision came to me: I saw a mass of people. A great wedge was thrust up in the middle of them and divided them in two groups. Very many separated to the left, many separated to the right. As the wedge grew higher, I noticed some people were still clinging to the apex (the middle high point of the wedge). As the wedge grew higher those that clung to the middle could no longer hold on. Almost all that clung to the middle fell to the left. Only a couple fell to the right. The very last one fell to the right. Then the vision ended. At the end of the vision the Lord said, “I am driving the wedge”.

The left and the right in this vision is not a political position. It is a separating of His people from the world domain. The longer people cling to the middle, the more likely they will find themselves on the wrong side of God’s wedge. Those that separate to the left will perish.

Many X’s

01-18-05 As I was praying and fasting before the Lord to receive more revelation concerning a dream where ‘X’ marked the spot of danger (see below) a vision came to me:

I saw a simple contour map of the USA. There were scores of X’s marked on the map. Most were placed on the East and West coastline. Some X’s were overlapping in populated areas. Virtually none were in the heartland. Since I live in Texas I took great care to examine what areas had X’s. I saw Amarillo, Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston areas were marked.

X marks the spot (reposted)

01-09-05 This dream is one scene from a larger dream concerning cataclysmic events in the US: I dreamed I took a bite of meat and then saw the word ‘DangerX’. Then it morphed into the word ‘PoisenX’ and then it morphed again into the word ‘RadiationX’. I heard the words ‘X marks the spot’ but no location of ‘X’ was shown at that moment.

These X’s mark a variety of dangers that will befall different cities. The timing is in the hand of the Lord. His mercy and love is what stays these events as He allows precious time for the Body to wake up. That is, there is a time coming soon when those that sleep will perish and those that wake up shall live.

1,548 posted on 01/27/2005 10:29:37 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Trials Will Come And A King Will Emerge

Stephen Hanson

Jan. 22, 2005

[6] In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. [7] These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. [8] Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, [9] for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. I Peter 1:6

DA 11:36 "The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. [37] He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. [38] Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. [39] He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price.

“These are the days that are hastening forward to my soon return. You will be tested in ways that you know not. Many of you have gone through testings and trials, but there are still testings to be done. “

“I tell you, the time is coming when the United States will be besieged. Your boundaries will be crossed over. Your military will not stop this. But to those who wonder, “Will you be safe?” I tell you, I will protect my own. These days will be ushered in. My prophetic time table is hastening forward. “

(The Lord showed me a scene of a table. It was dark all around but then this table was pushed aside and another one emerged. On top of this table was a cloth that seemed to hide some of the objects that were on this table. One of these objects was a sword. It had many jewels and designs on it. Next to this was a crown. However, this crown was not the one that the Lord would wear, but it was another one that was for another “supposed king.”)

“I tell you, a king will arise out of the east. He will have no regard for the faith of his fathers. Many think that they already know who he is. I tell you that he has not been revealed yet. Those who lift up the sword will die by the sword. But my kingdom will be an everlasting one. “

Stephen Hanson

HCR 79 Box 3081

Cuba, NM 87013

1,549 posted on 01/27/2005 10:31:56 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Urgent Times

David and Kathie Walters

Urgent Times -Your Seed And Your Seeds' Seed
by David and Kathie Walters (Davidmwalters@mindspring,com)

Unexpected Vision

Years ago when we were busy pastoring a great church we visited Kansas City. While we were there David had a very strategic vision. Please read and please pass on to Pastors, children's pastors, youth pastors, parents.

David's vision 17 years ago was of today's terrorists.

During the night David had a very vivid vision. He saw young boys, 8,9,10 years of age and up. They appeared to be Middle Eastern Muslim young boys. They were being trained in warfare with weapons. Guns, grenades, explosives. They were intent and very serious sand dedicated. Then he saw American church children and youth- goofing around, watching videos, playing games.

The Lord spoke to David, "The enemy is training his army and my church is entertaining her children."

Well guess who those young Muslim boys were? They were TODAY'S TERRORISTS.

Everyone, Including The Children And Youth Must Have Their Own Personal Revival

More churches today are training the young people instead of entertaining them. But, still there are many churches where the kids and youth don't have encounters with God, where the young people are not moving in the power of the Spirit, have not had a close encounter of the heavenly kind for themselves.

Every child and teen must have their own personal revival. Head knowledge and being able to give the right answers to the questions is not going to cut it when the rubber hits the road so to speak.

This is what God sees when He sees your children and youth, They don't have a Junior Holy Spirit. He wants to use them and equip them and give them a powerful experience of Himself.

God Sees The Kids And Youth Just The Same As Anyone Else.

Joseph "dreamed a dream" as a teenager ( Gen 37:2-11 ) that overturned the status quo.

God called Samuel as a boy and spoke to him and gave him a judgment word for Eli ( 1 Sam.3:4-10)

Saul told David he was "but a youth" when he stepped up to fight Goliath ( 1 Sam. 17:33)

Jeremiah said he couldn't speak for he was "but a youth" ( Jer.1:6-8).

Mary was around 14 years old when she conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit ( Luke 1:26-31).

Paul told Timothy, "Let no one despise your youth" (1 Tim 4:12).

Children And Youth In History

Jonathon Edwards, the famous New England Preacher, entered Yale University at 13 years of age, and graduated a Valedictorian at seventeen.

Catherine Booth, co founder of the Salvation Army, was a devout Christian and by the age of twelve she had read the Bible through eight times. She also wrote articles for magazines as a child

Frances Ridley Havergail, famous poet and Hymn writer could quote the whole of the New Testament and the book of Psalms at the age of four and read it in the Greek at the age of eight. In a letter to her mother, Miss. Havergal, referring to her extraordinary musical and lyrical ability, which she called "Curious musical visions" once wrote, "I hear strange and very beautiful chords, generally full, slow and grand, succeeding each other in most interesting sequences. I do not invent them, I could not; they pass before my mind, and I only listen."

Some of the great works of Shelley, Byron, Keats, Chopin, and Mozart were composed when they were teenagers. Hitler and Mussolini built their power on young people.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the 18th century pastor was known as the "Prince of Preachers." He was studying theology when he was 11 years old. He started preaching at 15 years of age. Became a pastor at 17 years of age and ended up having the largest church in London, England, preaching to 10.000 people when he was 19 years of age. By the time he was 21 years of age he was the most famous preacher in all the land.

Joan of Arc, ( The maid) was called to lead the armies of France against the English at about 20-21 years old. She received revelation that she was to go to France, and heard the voice of the angels at thirteen years of age. When she was finally burned at the stake, the English were terrified because her heart refused to burn. An English Officer who detested her and vowed to personally carry a torch to light the pyre, saw a white dove descend and immediately repented.

David Glasgow Farragut born near Knoxville, Tennessee on July 6, 1801. The man who would eventually become the first Admiral of the United States Navy, went to sea at the age of eight and received his first Naval appointment as midshipman at large at the age of nine and a half. At age eleven he saw his first combat and commanded a vessel at age twelve!

John Quincy Adams was Ambassador to Katherine the Great of Russia when he was 14 years of age.

MANY POWERFUL INTERCESSORS HAVE BEEN RAISED UP in the last 10 years through out ministry and ministries like Esther Illinsky. Esther is raising up one million child intercessors all over the world.

Many children today are being used by God in very powerful ways. Some of the most powerful intercession meetings I have ever been in have been with children. During the Gulf war my secretary and I were praying with her two children and my own two girls.

Child's Open Vision During Desert Storm

The kids wanted to pray for the soldiers in the Desert. The anointing came on my daughter, Faith, and she knelt at the coffee table and started to draw. She drew an underground bunker ( before they made mention of those on the TV news). She drew what was in every room, she drew what was on the top to disguise it. She pointed to one room. "They have a missile launcher there but it doesn't quite work right and we need to pray it wont." They did have one of those remember? and it always slightly missed the mark.

Then she had an open vision. "I see an American plane and it has been hit, the pilot is bailing out but he is coming down in the desert and there are enemy troops nearby. We must pray for him for somewhere to hide."

The four children started praying in the spirit. Then Faith said, "It's OK, he found somewhere."

Then she saw another American plane looking for him and the kids stated praying again. "It's OK" she said, they heard his beeper." The plane dangerously short of fuel - had to fly back and get more fuel- then fly over a 4 lane highway full of Iraqi tanks, but they made it miraculously and picked up the downed pilot.

Faith (13) saw the whole thing in the Spirit. As she saw, she spoke it out and the kids prayed. She saw him rescued. The pilot's testimony was in Readers Digest June 1991

Please pass on and encourage people to go to David's website "Raising a generation of Anointed Children and Youth. David will come and impart a vision to your church or ministry and bring the young people into the anointing. David uses the children and youth in his miracle services - every week he sees deaf ears open, broken bones instantly healed, all kinds of sickness and disease instantly healed. He calls it, "The laying on of sticky fingers."

I believe this is a call of God right now- it is very urgent and important. Pray for your church to get a vision, to stop putting the kids in another room and giving them a coloring book and a video instead of the encounters of God.

Check out our Illustrated Bible study books for kids. Get a copy of "Kids in Combat" for your pastor and children's pastor. DON'T LEAVE THE CHILDREN OUT -God is placing some of these children in the front row of His army- I have seen it in the Spirit. Remember that children and youth do not have a junior Holy Spirit If you would like David to come,
you can call our office, his secretary is Sharon 478 757 8071
David's email is

1,550 posted on 01/27/2005 10:45:22 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Visions Of Devastation

Sue Love

“Then the Lord gave me a vision of his judgment on the earth. It was in the form of an earthquake in a land that was near a major water way, and what I saw was an explosion, fire falling, the earth opening up, people falling through the holes and getting buried alive, people crushed by rocks, men hanging from trees, and people being swept away to their deaths by rushing waters... Then, that night (November 26, 2004) at around 8:00 p.m. God gave me a vision of what he had previously shown me was going to happen, only this time it was as though it were really happening to my brother and all his family at that moment in time.”

“Then, on December 25 at approximately 8:00 p.m. our time or 8:00 a.m. on December 26th at the Epicenter, God did just what he showed me in that vision, only not in the USA to my family members, but in Asia and impacting 12 countries and killing at least 150,000 people so far.”

On Sunday, November 21st, after our Bible study that evening, a group of 14 of us from This Space Available Ministries marched around a set of buildings on Caldwell Street in downtown, Rock Hill, SC. God had led me to consider that set of buildings as our “Jericho,” and I believed that if we marched around the buildings for seven days, kind of like the Israelites marched around their Jericho, that God would give us the land for us to possess. We need a building for our church, and as we prayer walked around those buildings, we believed God was going to provide us with a building. We had been praying for a building for four years. We had begun this process on the previous Monday and it ended on Sunday with us marching around the buildings seven times. On the seventh time around we shouted and we believed God was going to bring the walls down (figuratively speaking), though we did not really understand what that meant at that time.

During the week that followed, God opened his word to me in a way that I had never seen before, even though I have been a student of the Bible for fifty years. He was showing me all kinds of prophecies concerning End Times, and he was using me, my family, and those around me to illustrate for me what was going to happen in those final days. I have studied End Times before, but little of the particulars of it ever really stuck with me other than a very basic understanding of the events. So, I had few preconceived ideas concerning the events, the timing, or how it was all going to happen. What God was showing me was that marching around our “Jericho” was much bigger than just our little TSA group getting in a building. What he began showing me was that his coming is near and that the way we are to conquer our Jericho and our Canaan is by telling people that they need to repent and believe the Good News because the kingdom of God is near and Jesus is coming soon, and by being “Jesus” to the world around us in feeding the poor, providing for the needy, ministering to the hurting, the lonely, the imprisoned, etc.

Then the Lord gave me a vision of his judgment on the earth. It was in the form of an earthquake in a land that was near a major water way, and what I saw was an explosion, fire falling, the earth opening up, people falling through the holes and getting buried alive, people crushed by rocks, men hanging from trees, and people being swept away to their deaths by rushing waters. I had sensed that God was saying to me that something was going to take place on Thanksgiving Day that would open the way for us to go in and take possession of the land, and when nothing happened that day, I prayed about it, asking him to show me what I had missed. He then gave me the verse about a prophet praying for the sun to stand still for a day in order to win a battle, and he indicated to me that he had given me an extra day. The next morning, my brother Noel called me at 9:00 a.m. and his message said, “Happy Thanksgiving.”

Then, that night at around 8:00 p.m. God gave me a vision of what he had previously shown me was going to happen, only this time it was as though it were really happening to my brother and all his family at that moment in time. The vision lasted around 40 minutes, I think. It was so real. I had never experienced anything like that before. I did not know if this had really taken place or if it was a vision of future events, but immediately after I had the vision, we celebrated our youngest son’s 24th birthday. We celebrated it two days after his birthday. Our daughter had put the candles on the cake, but she forgot two of the candles, so after he had blown out his candles on the cake, she lit those separately and he blew those out. I felt this was significant at the time and that it was connected with the vision, but I did not know how. I thought perhaps God was telling me that this vision was going to be fulfilled in two years on our son’s birthday, which will be the day after Thanksgiving in two years. And, I documented all of this in writing at the time in my journal and I shared all or parts of it with family members and with people in our Bible study group both verbally and in writing over the next several weeks.

Then, the Lord expanded the vision. He used the passage in Ezekiel 12, the book of Joshua and other OT passages in addition to the book of Revelation to give me a picture of what I believe he had in mind. He gave me a picture of him destroying a third of the earth and that he would leave survivors and that they would be exiles and that we would need to prepare cities of refuge for those exiles, one of which is to be in downtown Rock Hill, I believe. I felt he might be telling me that he wanted me to be a kind of Noah or a Joseph in preparing a storehouse of goods in preparation for when this destruction takes place so that the exiles have a place they can go and can have provisions for their needs. And, I believed I was also to be a type of Joshua in leading the children of God into the “Promised Land,” though my thinking of what that meant was and is still incomplete.

I believe the Lord gave me a picture of being stranded on an “island” and that once God had removed the competition, he was going to use me as a leader in his church to see many people come to know Jesus. He used the story of the disciples fishing and not catching any fish and then Jesus showing them where to throw their nets and then them catching more fish than their boats could hold. I also read a story in “Sacred Romance,” a book about our relationship with Jesus, that used the story of Forest Gump and Lt Dan on their shrimp boat and how they had not caught any fish and then a fierce storm came and wiped out all the competition and then they were able to catch lots of fish. I believed this was a picture of the beginning of the tribulation period after God pours out his judgment on the earth. I believe many people are going to repent of their sin and are going to turn to God during that time and that the “competition” that will be wiped out will be all those churches and religious leaders who are teaching a social gospel, so that the only gospel that will be preached at that time will be the gospel of repentance. And, I think this destruction is going to usher in the time of tribulation and the beginning of the rule of the Antichrist, though I don’t think he is revealed to everyone until 3.5 years later.

Following those ten days of God flooding me with these visions of End Times, God woke me up early one morning with an urgency to go and tell people that the kingdom of God is near, that they need to repent and believe the Good News, because Jesus is coming soon. The events surrounding that are documented in another writing, so I will not repeat them here other than to state that God had me, an out of shape 55 year old woman, walk for 12 hours telling people everywhere I went that Good News of Jesus’ second coming and of their need to repent. The 12 hour walk was grueling, and I faced a lot of ridicule and scorn along the way, and I have experienced the world hating me now in a way I had never known before, but all this was preparation for End Times.

My youngest son announced to us a couple of days later that he was getting married on December 23rd, which is my oldest brother’s birthday (the brother in the vision). I felt at the time that there was something significant to this, as well. And, so I documented it. God had given me several visions connecting my brother to my youngest son, too, which for now I am just tucking away in my heart until God helps me to understand what they mean.

Then, on December 25 at approximately 8:00 p.m. our time or 8:00 a.m. on December 26th at the Epicenter, God did just what he showed me in that vision, only not in the USA to my family members, but in Asia and impacting 12 countries and killing at least 150,000 people so far. December 25th is two days after my brother’s birthday, so perhaps in God connecting my son with my brother in the vision, God was telling me that the events in the vision were going to take place two days after my brother’s birthday. My brother’s name is Noel, which means Christmas. In my vision, I thought something was going to happen on November 25th (Thanksgiving Day), but in the vision God did what he had planned to do on November 26th at approximately 8:00 p.m. I find it interesting then that the earthquake in Asia took place on the 25th in our time zone and on the 26th at the Epicenter but the hour was the same, 8:00, just 12 hours apart. But, I also believe God was and is telling me “two years” for the USA during which time or before the time he pours out his judgment on us. He has given me that “two years” from many sources.

When I was led by God that day to go around the city and tell people that Jesus is coming soon, he told me to walk the length and the breadth of the land, but he did not provide a map and then he had me remove my glasses so that he would be my eyes, and later I traced on the map the path that he had me take and it was in the shape of an 8. Also, I read in an article that Jericho was in the shape of a pear, and the tracing on my map could also resemble a pear shape. I don’t know what significance there is to the route he had me take on my walk or even if there is any other than I did walk the length of the land of Rock Hill and all the way to the east and part way to the west of Rock Hill. One thing else that I read was that Jericho was the city of Palms, and SC is the Palmetto State.

I had read in my quiet time just a couple of weeks ago the story of Gideon’s call of God to save the Israelites from the hand of the Midianites. An angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.” Gideon’s response was that if the Lord was with them then why were all these bad things happening to them. He felt abandoned by God. The LORD answered back, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” Gideon still questioned God as to how God would do this through them since they were so small in number and he was not important. The LORD answered, “I will be with you and you will strike down all the Midianites together.” Then Gideon asked for a sign that it was really God talking to him, and God gave him a sign. I feel that God has now given me such a sign through the tragedy in Asia and through him showing me how this tragedy was a fulfillment or partial fulfillment of the vision that he gave to me. I, like Gideon, am not important and our numbers are even smaller than his, and in fact Gideon’s army was cut back in size by God after that to an even smaller number, because God wanted to show that it was him doing it – he wanted to get the glory. God has been doing that same kind of sifting process in TSA, in removing those who lack faith in what he has promised, so that those that are left are the ones he can use to take this land for Jesus. And, our numbers are so small and we are so insignificant, that it will be obvious that it is God doing it and not us.

I have been teaching a series on “Taking the Land,” based upon the events in the book of Joshua and paralleling them to the New Testament. Nonetheless, I did not realize until the evening of January 3, 2005, though, that it had been recorded in numerous documents that the fall of Jericho, the conquering of the Promised Land and Joshua leading the Israelites to the Promised Land were events foreshadowing End Times and God’s judgment on the earth and Jesus taking us to the Promised Land. I was reading up on Jericho, the conquest of Canaan, and was trying to find something to show me the time that took place between the fall of Jericho and the rest God gave them from war and their possessing and dividing up the land, but I could not find anything that gave me the time frame. My point was going to be to our young adults that even though we marched around our Jericho a month ago, that does not mean that God is going to immediately give us the land. The Israelites had to go in and take the land and they had to fight battles and it says in the Bible that it took a “long time.” I want them to understand that we have to show ourselves faithful to God in conquering the land for Jesus as God directs us prior to us getting to possess the land. But, in my preparation for this, God showed me so much more. God basically confirmed for me that what he had shown me a month ago was true and was from him and that our marching around our Jericho basically opened the way for his conquest, his judgment on the land, and that it will not end with Asia. Perhaps what took place in Asia is just a foreshadowing of what is going to take place in the USA in the near future, not a Tsunami, perhaps, but something of that magnitude or worse.

I believe God has shown me a lot that I don’t fully comprehend and that he is filling in the pieces to the puzzle a little bit at a time, but one thing I am most certain of is that he is coming soon, that we are entering the End Times, that his judgment is going to be poured out and is being poured out on the earth, that he is going to leave survivors and that there is going to be an exile and that we are to be getting people ready and getting supplies ready for a disaster in the USA far beyond anything we could possibly imagine. And, I believe that disaster is going to usher in the Tribulation period and the rise of the Antichrist to power. I don’t know with any certainty that this is going to happen in exactly two years, though I feel that is very possible, but I do know it is soon and we need to get the word out to as many as possible that they need to repent and believe the Good News. I remember watching a movie recently that was about the return of the Ice Age due to global warming. It had a lot of political statements in it, but one thing stood out to me. When the government finally accepted the prophecy concerning the destruction that was coming on the face of the earth and the reality that many lives would be lost, the advice that followed was “save as many as possible.” I think that is the advice God is giving us right now.

The Bible says we will not know the day or the hour of Christ’s return, but we will know when it is close at the door by the signs. Though God’s Word says that Jesus’ coming will be like a thief in the night for those who are not ready, it also says that it should not surprise us like a thief in the night, but that we should be expecting his return so much that we are looking to the sky expectantly. I believe the signs point to him coming soon! He wants us all to be ready and waiting for his return. Are you ready?

Sue Love

Director of Ministries

This Space Available Ministries

Rock Hill, SC 29732

1,551 posted on 01/27/2005 10:49:59 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Waves And Wind

Vicki Camp

The Lord has been reminding me this week of this 3 years past vision I received, and I've felt to re share this in the hope it will speak to some of you, also ..

Jesus calls to the people….. a vision portion received on 2-01-02

“…..He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow.” - Ps. 114:18b

Some pre: A few days previous to receiving this vision I had seen portions of an interesting educational show on TV, re: "waves" (as in ocean waves).. their origins and their power, etc. I seldom 'sit down’ to watch TV, but this one got my attentions and I sat to watch as they spoke about the small ocean waves originating in Antarctica (South. Pole).

In the Pacific Ocean, the little waves then become great rolling ocean swells as driven along and growing of the "wind". As they move out and north they finally hit the beaches of Hawaii, California, Alaska and elsewhere as the beautiful crashing white capped surfs. (Which surfers of the warmer climes truly love). The program also pointed out the destruction of the coastlands that can occur, because of these great waves, showing in example, a town in Scotland (Atlantic ocean) where the surf is literally washing away parts of a town which sits on an ocean bluff there.

As sometimes happens between The Lord and I, HE was really stirring much of this information in me over the next few days, and then Friday as I was praying and communing with HIM, I was given a vision.... this is one portion of it:

“The voice of The Lord is over the waters; The God of Glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters….” – Ps. 29:3

I was shown Jesus standing at the South Pole. He was larger than normal height. His arms were outstretched and He was turning slowly ... and with mouth open, Jesus' was calling to the North in all directions, as HE slowly turned, pausing with brief stops at different compass 'points' of direction..

Besides the awe of seeing Jesus, what really startled of this vision I was blessed to receive, was that I was shown and perceived the Voice/Sound coming from Jesus' Mouth as powerful musical sound waves, going out as wind over the ocean surface. (I apologize, but this is the best I can describe with written words, what I saw & heard).

It was a powerful calling to the nations/peoples..

And Jesus was singing this !!

The musical notes of Jesus' song were very limited in range (if this is the correct musical term to use) but absolutely beautiful and powerful and compelling. As an uninterrupted continuous long music note of Voice/Calling.. .with no words. Actually, I could liken it (somewhat only) to shofar's I have heard blown, but Jesus' voice was much lovelier and stronger. For as I was seeing this, I could also hear HIS song, but only dimly yet ....

Although I did not see this part fully in this vision - that is, the results; I'm quite sure from my "waves" and "wind" pondering with my Lord, that the oceans were being stirred indeed by Jesus' Voice, the sound flowed out in all directions; Great Holy Spirit Voice/Wind of Jesus' calling song as it was sent forth into the immediate air just above these waters...

I know that oceans or sea's can speak in biblical type, of the vast array of humanity, God's creation - human beings en' mass. As per the TV show, the ocean water waves of this vision would be picking up strength and growing/swelling from this 'Wind' of Jesus' calling, Voice, Song.

"The Lord your God in the midst, The mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." - Zeph. 3:17

I understand why this vision was Jesus standing at the South Pole in the one respect, in that this theme is what I had been pondering on with my Lord... but also, the placement of Antarctica would lend to Jesus' song building and pushing all waves to the north... or the 'sides of the north' ( Ps. 48:2)

I've now looked up just a few scriptures on waves, and they do not usually speak to nice calm events, but rather stirring and turmoil ...

I sense of this vision, that Jesus' song will touch us, His own.... and be carried on and out by us then.

"Sing to the Lord a new song, and his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it; you coastlands and you inhabitants of them!." - Isa. 42:10

"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with The Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to The Lord. Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ." ~ Eph. 5:18-2

I DO know one thing for sure after this vision/experience - HIS Voice and Calling going forth as song, and heard by me somewhat in this vision, is VERY LOVE and at the same time full of STRENGTH POWER, and .... His’ Song *will not* leave us sedentary!

" ...It shall be like the shaking of an olive tree, like the gleaning of grapes when the vintage is done. They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing; For the majesty of The Lord they shall cry aloud from the sea. Therefore glorify the Lord in the dawning light, The Name of the Lord God of Israel in the coastlands of the sea. From the ends of the earth we have heard songs;

"Glory to the righteous [One]!." " - Isa. 24:13b-16a

-v.c. ~ Bill and Vicki C.,

1,552 posted on 01/27/2005 10:53:04 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

What Do I See?

Rick Schmidt

1. God of Jacob arising: This is the ability of God to work divine destiny through men determined to work out their spiritual mandate by carnal efforts. Men are seeing things of greater value than themselves and choosing to wrestle with God for the true blessing. It is a confrontation with our base nature and exposure to the purest purposes of the Father in this hour.

2. Hour of the Joseph’s anointing: This is not necessarily market place ministers so much as survivors of betrayal, abandonment, and rejection. They are remembering their dream and are anointed to minister reconciliation versus retribution in the greatest hour of the corporate anointing coming forth. These are tested men & women whose dreams of God’s greater purpose and glory are coming to pass even as they steward among the spiritual, economic, and political pharaohs of this hour. These Joseph’s are seeing the coming famine (exposure of spiritual destitution) and arising as master builders to create the vessels (hearts of men) that will be able to retain the bread of life and pour it out when all men’s hearts are failing them for lack. This is the cross over-ministry from the singular man model of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to the corporate model of the 12 tribes possessing the land. Joseph was the bridge model then and now. Egypt is more than a type of the world. It is a type of the worldly church that embraces truth for benefit then turns to enslave the very anointed channels of blessing.

3. Revival without mixture: Rapidly emerging are hungry, thirsty people willing to give and pay all to retain His presence. We have been seven years since the foretaste of revival in the 90’s. That move largely exposed our feeble ability to retain and steward the Glory of God. For those who have waited in the desert for the next move, many things have been burned away. These will be the ones crying as it were, as a voice from the wilderness with the second great prophetic unction of Elijah. This is the announcement of the coming Lion of the Tribe of Judah. It will be an hour of great confrontation and supernatural demonstration of authority in a manner not unlike Elijah’s earthly ministry.

This will not be an easy revival. Only passionate pursuit with hungering and thirsting after righteousness will yield results. Essentially lukewarm will not work anymore whether one knows they are or not. God is lifting the veil to expose the worthless from the precious. He will require Silver and Gold refined in the fire in order to move on. Where as in days past men have chosen to limit the wine to preserve their self-serving wineskins, this is the hour when the old will burst, with the wine seemingly lost. Our perception of loss is only to reveal that it is to God’s glory that He is fashioning new vessels from mud made when the spilled wine dropped to the dust.

4. Apostolic reformation: Announced and authenticated by the prophets, this is to immediately precede and then administrate the saint’s movement. This will be the ultimate ministry to displace the present overall structure of the church and usher in the identity of the overcoming bride of Christ.

The greatest evidence of the coming reformation is the plethora of wanna- be, mixed –motive, self –appointed, and sometimes false apostles that we presently have on the horizon. God is establishing the co-dependent role of Apostles and Prophets to establish a more sure foundation for the church. Prophets will usher in the picture that God has for the fabric of the church. When the Apostles see it, they will arise in their function and produce the horizontal establishment of the vertical vision. Servant kings will choose to remain in relationship with and influenced by Godly prophets who assist them with not hiding from their own flesh. Even now, many are in the Cave of Adullam. The army of God’s nameless, faceless servants is about to break forth with incredible intensity and fervor. This will be nothing less than taking back the kingdom so that the Lord can come once again among his people to empower and authorize each and every one in the role and position granted to them by the victory on Calvary’s cross. This is the royal priesthood of the believers.

5. Judgment and repentance about America’s stewardship. The critical message from 91101 is that the hand of the Lord was removed to allow such an event. Fulfilling our role to the nations will stave off the judgment coming to our shores and produce the eternal rewards destined for our country. We are the greatest nation and great givers by comparison to other nations. But, in comparison to our own greatness, call, and destiny, our efforts are paltry and need improvement. We will either choose quickly to discount the value of our abundance to ourselves, or we will loose it all together or worse, continue to loose it more and more to aliens in our land.

For comments and feedback please write

1,553 posted on 01/27/2005 10:55:36 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Word Of The Lord 2005

Miles Ford

And the hand of the Lord shall do mighty things as I walk through the land in this season. For the work is great and that which I will establish, I will quickly establish. For I have sent forth angels even sent from my presence that all my counsel and my purpose may be set in place.

And I shall develop and I shall build and I shall train my army and I shall set forth men and women, both, that shall not look to the left nor the right, but they shall be focused on the task at hand.

For my work and the work of the kingdom which must be accomplished shall be accomplished. I will let all men know and see that the very hand of the Lord is moving in this season.

That which the enemy has robbed, that which the enemy has stolen I shall restore in this month of January says the Lord. For I will not leave my sons or my daughters without a witness.

Their light shall shine forth in this day and there shall be a mighty cleansing and my compassion shall go forth in the land and many shall turn to me and I will work a work of the heart says the Lord. I shall change the hearts of men. And they shall turn towards me by the multitudes says the Lord.

For I am raising up even out of the camp of the Lord, those that will march forward and do battle in my name. And they shall not be ashamed says God. But I will establish their goings and I will go before them and I will make the crooked places straight for them and I shall make rough places smooth and the high places shall be brought low and the valleys shall be exalted in this season says the Lord.

Look up, look up my sons, look up my daughters. For I will do great things and I come quickly and you shall see many signs and wonders, for I come quickly.

I shall bring my people into a new place. Even a place, that they have not been before and they shall worship me from that place. For as I have spoken so shall I bring it to pass and the Words from my mouth shall not be hindered.

I will place in the hand of my key ones even the plan which comes from heaven. And I shall release strategies, in this month and plans that will cause there to be a great shaking and a great awakening amongst my people.

So I say my sons and my daughters. Go forth, conquer, build, develop, work. There shall be many that shall come forth in this month of January, to be released.

I say unto my children release them and move forward. For all I have planned for you and all that I have ordained for you, eyes have not discovered.

I will reveal my secrets unto my servants the prophets. And I will raise up a prophetic voice and I will raise up a prophetic flow, even a prophetic move that shall not be hindered and can not be stopped.

And I will bless and pour out blessings and I will change the raiment, and those who have come out shall move into position and they shall go in to possess the land that I have ordained.

And so I say unto you, look up, look up, for the life that I release in this month of January comes from above. Look up for the life which I impart is imparted from your God.

In this month I shall erase your debt and many shall have their debt paid, for I will provide abundance and I will provide an overflow and as you shall seek me I shall prosper you says the Spirit of God and I will reveal to you secrets even the secrets to my wealth says the Lord.

And there shall arise challenges from the west and out of the west shall come clamor and out of the west shall come a boisterous voice against the children of God but I shall cause it to be silenced and I shall galvanize my people even in that region and they shall stand united and they shall stand as one says the Spirit of God.

For as the stream begins to flow and is dried by the heat of the sun so shall I dry up the flow of all of those that shall stand against my people. And I walk in their midst to establish them in that hour and my hand will reach forth, and I will rearrange political leadership and I will change even the complexion of cities in that region says the Lord.

For I have set forth my hand and I will visit that land even the land of New Mexico, California and Nevada in the days ahead says the Lord. And I will cause there to be a stirring and a moving upon my people like they have not seen and there shall be a buzz concerning the things of God. There shall be an excitement as they prepare themselves for the harvest that I will release.

And so yes there will be challenges coming from the west but I say unto you, hold fast, stand your ground for the harvest of the Lord shall come quickly and shall be sure.

For in this month I shall release a new anointing upon many and crowns shall be released over them. There shall be a set of parameters that I will establish with my people and the voice of my leaders and those that I have raised up shall cry forth and one shall cry in one place and in another place another shall cry and his words shall be exactly as the words cried by the one.

Copyright @ 2005 all rights reserved.

1,554 posted on 01/27/2005 10:57:41 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Wounded Or Corrected?

Sandy Warner

Jan 17, 2005

There are times when you bare your soul before men that you receive backlash. Accusation, misunderstanding and judgment leaves you feeling naked and shot. Worse yet, in your wounded state, it leaves you feeling like a bad person. This erodes and seeps down into your soul to further your decay of failure into self rejection. Precious One, listen to ME. This is not My good gift.

Yes, I feed tenderhearted correction into your life as you need it. Yes, I use circumstances to form you into My image. And, yes, I bring everything into your life and turn it for good. But do not think that I AM judging you, stripping you naked and shooting you over your failures. I AM not rejecting you, dear one, and neither do I ever point a finger to condemn you. I weep with you as you mourn over your mistakes, I weep even before you know you make them.

My beloved child, would I severely discipline a child who earnestly wants to please Me and seek My way? I AM only stern to the rebellious who defiantly turn from My loving and gracious heart. I AM full of compassion over you who fall and tremble at My Word. And how it moves My heart to wild rejoicing as I see you willing to stand up and try again! How proud of you I AM, dear one, to see you keep on keeping on. Now, let My love wash and cover you. You are not naked, you are clothed in My forgiving and pure white garment of righteousness.

NIV Romans 10:4

Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.

Words to Ponder are summaries of prophetic revelation,

punched with the word of wisdom and written under inspiration.

Sandy Warner : ~ Website:

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What Goes Around Comes Around

Sandy Warner

Jan 19, 2005

Plant a seed and reap a harvest. Always know that My mercy covers you when you continually humble yourself and seek Me concerning your failures of flesh. If My people were to truly reap the crop of what their flesh has planted, no one would be able to endure it, let alone you.

So trust Me, dear heart. I may grant you a small portion of reaping in order to help you break free from a continual fleshly pattern that has been stuck in the rut. Sometimes this has to be a learning process through experience. You may know the right way, but until you live it, you remain blind and only fool yourself. There are times when I allow you to stay blind and walk through a painful experience, just for that climaxing moment of revelation. It is that moment when suddenly you see the way you were treated are the seeds you, yourself. have planted in your flesh. When the blinders are taken from your eyes and the moment of revelation impacts you, it is in that place of learning that you will be able to stay committed to resist your flesh and make a different decision to stay out of the rut.

Gal 6:7-10 NKJV

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Words to Ponder are summaries of prophetic revelation,

punched with the word of wisdom and written under inspiration.

Sandy Warner : ~ Website:

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Teach Me To Pray

Sandy Warner

Jan 23, 2005

Oh Lord, when I give You little time,

Tell me, how can I expect Your prime?

Yet waiting to listen from afar,

Faithful as always, yes, there You are.

My life blurs before me in a hurry.

How can I pray when I am unworthy?

That is just the point that You try to say.

It's not what I deserve, it's what I pray.

You long to give me the desires of my heart.

Yet wounded from delay I'm unable to start.

I've learned to cope with a limp in my walk.

I've learned to withhold my heart from deep talk.

Teach me to pray and to become really real.

You said to believe and I'd have what I will.

So please still remind me always to ask.

As I learn to lean and take off my mask.

You said to confess to one another,

Our weakness, our need, to our brother.

The prayers of the righteous do avail much.

Teach me to receive their gracious touch.

Draw to the surface what needs to discuss.

Lance all the wounds and draw out the puss.

It hurts, this I know, to be real and raw

But that is grace, the other side of law.

Oh to be free to tell it like it is!

This is not a test, this is not a quiz.

It's just simple sharing what I need most,

And then You dispatch Your glorious host.

Either from my requests or from my brother.

You hear it all as we tell one another.

Thank You, dear Lord, as You teach me to pray.

As I lean and unveil my heart this day.

James 5:16 TLB

Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results.

Poetry2Ponder are poems birthed out of intimacy with the Holy Spirit

through yearnings of intercession. They are posted once a week.

Sandy Warner : ~ Website:

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1,555 posted on 01/27/2005 11:00:21 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Explosive Change

Susan Cummings

Tonight, the Lord began to speak to me in my dreams. I began to have a series of dreams and within them, He showed me two scenes. In each scene, there was a scenario, a choice, and an explosion. By the time the second explosion came, I was jerked awake, as I realized that I wasn’t just dreaming, but the Lord was speaking.

I then heard the Lord loudly speak these words:

Explosive Change

There will now be instant, irreversible, absolute change

Even good intentions must give way to Me

No more standing in self made plans

All things will now fall away as I pass over the lands

All human reasoning’s

All self motivated plans

All need oriented solutions

All flesh inspired visions

All will now bow to Me

For I AM now passing over thee

What will you give unto Me?

What offering will I see laid before Me?

What treasures have you laid up for Me?

All will come under My scrutiny

All that remains will be what is Holy unto Me

For the cries upon the earth now so great

I have come down among men to see all that awaits

As the Earth now shakes under My Weight


The days of men are marked and set

And My Word has birthed and now begets

From the Beginning I AM have created

My Living Force issuing forth as I stated

Laying out the expanse of Time

Building a home for this creation of Mine

Walking amongst men down through the Ages

Laying down My Life for the fallen races

Preparing the way for My Explosive Changes

Balancing the scales and paying each man his due wages

For the weight of sin will no longer have dominion over men

Who have cried out to Me from their chains and dens

And who wholly embraced My Fiery Judgments in their flesh

Now will see My Grace as I lift up, and break forth

The rest will see what their works are worth

As this new hour has fully birthed

And I inhabit the realm of Time

To bring fully forth the devils demise

All has been spoken

All will be finished

The Righteous will stand

The wicked will perish

As the final seals are opened

And the waiting seven thunders now explode

All will release the final hidden decrees

Culminating the Beginning upon the lands and the seas

Every eye will see

And every man will choose and bend their knees

As the Truth unfolds and I AM now seen

For even Time gives way to Eternity

What will you do as I explode on the scene?

-Susan Cummings


5:05 am


-This word began to be written down at 5:05 am and ended at 5:50 am

- Double 5’s= Double Grace for those who seek the Father’s Face

There were 2 scenes

There were 2 choices

There were 2 explosions

When I was finished writing this last thought, my daughter’s buzzer sounded its morning alarm.

It’s wake up time… more ways than one.

For all men, there are choices, only two.


1,556 posted on 01/27/2005 11:05:02 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Holy Rich and Pure Love

Mary Clark

December 27, 2004

The Father wants to draw us closer – closer than we have ever thought of being. He is now wooing us gently, but soon He will be wooing us hurriedly. Time is wasting. Time is of the essence. Rejoice! Be glad! Sing praises to His name, for He is taking us to a new place in Him.

Hold steadfast to this truth: The Beloved is singing songs of deliverance over us. He is singing them for a reason. He wants to deliver us out of the enemy’s hand, and into His most pronounced grace. Get ready! Adjust your seatbelt, for once He speaks the words, we will be out of here and into a place of His love divine. Get ready! He is about to bestow His goodness on us, lavishing us with His rich glory. Think of butter – rich and smooth – as it seeks a lower level. That is what you must think of in order to get a picture of the Beloved’s plan of rich endowment that He is sending forth.

Oh! Look and see the wonders of the living God as they manifest in your life. Look, beloved! Behold the Lamb in all of His finery as He comes, exhibiting to one and all the goodness that He has in His heart. He is a good God, through and through. He is a wonderful God. Acknowledge Him. Acknowledge the living God! Acknowledge Him now! He is doing a fine work of producing within every willing heart a wonderful sense of well-being. Rediscover your youth. Rediscover how it feels to abide in your mother’s womb, safe and secure.

Our Beloved speaks:

“I am taking you to a place sweet with My presence. I am locking you in a place close to My heart, and, beloved, once you realize the fullness of these most profound words you will never go back to the world’s ways. Oh, no! You will never go back to the ways of the world. You will be locked soundly in my embrace, producing within and without a steadfast love for every season – every season will bear My imprint – My imprint of love, as it manifests in your life – holy, rich and pure!!!”

Fair Warning

Mary Clark

December 26, 2004

In a vision, I saw a man hunkered down beside two large, gray boulders. He was wearing a green kerchief tied close to his skull, and he had a spear poised in his hand. Why did You show this to me, Lord? Who is this man?

This man was one who delights in exploiting My children. He is always looking to see when the time is “right” to throw his spear. Let Me tell you something more about him:

He is moving into your territory. He is eager to cause an upheaval. He is eager to see some of My children falter. But those who are looking to Me, and relying on My goodness to them, will dodge his spears. They will not walk in the path to which he is luring them – a path that would put you in harm’s way.

I want you to know something, beloved: He has disguised himself with the knowledge of My word. He quotes My word as if it is a part of him. But listen closely. He speaks only words that will build himself up. He never points to the Almighty God. He speaks only words that build him up in the eyes of “his public.”

Now, I tell you – I tell you truly, you will recognize him by the slant of his words. You will recognize him by the words that he speaks that declare “his greatness.” He will shine light on himself, trying to get My children to veer off My selected path for them. He will take delight in his luring. He will take delight in stabbing you with his spear, so don’t succumb to his enticing words. Stay focused on your God. Stay focused on My truth, for it will shine through as the light of day, and you will declare that you have never heard anything finer than the words of the living God.

The enemy is out to dupe you. He is out to stab you with his spears – his lies. Don’t listen. He is distorting My truth. He is giving it his own slant. He is also taking the knowledge of My truth and spreading it with a good dose of fear. He always delights in putting fear in the hearts of those who serve Me. Pay him no mind. Give him no attention. Turn from him and draw close to Me. In time, you will notice something important. You will notice that your Almighty God has seen fit to upset the enemy’s plans and has turned the tables on him. You will notice that the Almighty God is esteeming those who have chosen to walk after Him, declaring His truth with a vengeance.

I am the One True God. I hold secure the destiny of those who delight in Me. The enemy would like to pick you off, one by one. He would like to see you falter and fall away from My design for you. Pay him no attention. Don’t listen to his slant on things. It is sadly distorted. Stay in My word. Rely on My words of truth and follow after My heart. That, beloved, is where the benefits of service to Me pay off in full. That is where I want you – safe and secure.

So take delight in knowing that the Almighty God has spoken His words in your ears in order to warn you of the devil’s devices. Rely on Me for total deliverance as you keep your eyes fixed on Me. Rely on the rich quality of My words to scoop you up and place you in the wonder that I have for you.

I am moving those who will follow after My heart out of harm’s way. The enemy is trying to use scare tactics on you. Pay him no attention. Keep focused on your Beloved, and you will know true freedom and success in your walk.

If you look to him, giving him as much as a glance, he will try to nab you. He will try to pin you with his spear. Be on the alert. Stay focused. I am giving you fair warning: STAY FOCUSED! STAY FOCUSED ON THE BELOVED!!!

The Lord’s Specialty

Mary Clark

My children are coming into a new era, and that is for sure! I want you to know that I am not only fortifying you within, I am fortifying you without. Just what does this mean? I will tell you: I am conditioning you with My loving presence in a way that you have never before known. I am giving you My protection in a way that you will not see, but you will feel deep within. I am saturating you with all that I am. I am giving you a liberal dose of My loving presence coupled with My strengthening protection. What more could you want? What more could you ask for? I will tell you: You could ask for a signal as to when this is going to be done. You could ask Me to make Myself known to you in a way that will trigger that something within, enabling you to rise up to any occasion with the knowledge of who you are in Me. Well, beloved, you may ask for that, too. How about it? Would that be something that you would care to obtain from your loving Father? It is? Well then, you shall have it also.

And let Me tell you this too, child of the living God. The day is coming when you will see new things, hear secrets of old, and rise to a level of new understanding of who you are and where the living God is taking you. “Oh, my,” you say. “Father, that is far than we could even think to ask!” Beloved, beloved, so much is on the way for you, My beloved church, that you would tremble if I told you everything.

So much! So get your heart ready to receive, and know, dear beloved child, that your God is about to perform His specialty, and it is on the house. Any who would like to receive may receive. Any who would like to be in on this happy occasion are welcome to attend. Any who want to thank Me now should know that I am receiving praise at this moment. So get ready NOW to shout praises to the great King for all that He is bringing forth, and know deep within your heart that He is fortifying you with more of Him. And beloved, that is certainly a tall order – a very TALL order that I plan to fill!!!

Mary Clark

"Listening Ears"

The Bread of Life

Mary Clark

I want My children to know something of vast importance. I am the Bread of life. I am calling all who will come to partake of My goodness. I want no one left out. I want all filled to capacity with My goodness.

The day is coming when those who walk in the knowledge of Who I am will stand in a new arena. They will be excited about this arena. They will be so delighted with this arena that they will feel as though their hearts will burst. I want to fill you with Myself, beloved – revitalize you. I want you to know Me personally. I want us to commune one-on-one. I want you in right relationship with Me to a greater degree than you have never realized.

I am eager for all to come and partake of the Bread of life. I want to fill you with more of Myself. I want you knowing My goodness from a personal perspective. I want nothing about Me to seem foreign to you. I want us united with one purpose. I want you to set your goal to follow after Me and see the exuberant quality of life that it will afford you.

Come! Feed on the Bread of life, and know His goodness. Know the wonder that lies in that goodness. Know that certain revitalization of heart for which you yearn. For just as surely as I have called you into a new place of rich discovery, I have provided for your well-being. Nothing will stop the flow of My goodness in your direction. Nothing will EVER stop the wonder in arriving to this new place – this new in-filling – that I have for all who will partake.

I am the Bread of life. True life is found in knowing and being one with Me. Communing with Me one-on-one will be a delight to every heart. So come, beloved. Partake. Enjoy all that I am offering, and know deep within that you have been selected to walk in a certain knowledge of the wonder – the great, great wonder– that is to be had – in following after the Beloved, being a partaker of His goodness, and walking in the certain knowledge that this special unity in Me can bring to your willing and exuberant heart!!!

Mary Clark

1,557 posted on 01/27/2005 11:09:10 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning

Know How To Judge Properly

Stephen Hanson

Jan. 14, 2005

(While using Old Test. examples below, please understand that the criteria for judging a prophet or words, is found in Dt. 18 and in other Old Test. scriptures. We now judge these things according to New Test. standards as found in various places within the epistles. These scriptures are not exhaustive, but serve as a point of reference.)

ISA 38:1 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover."

ISA 38:2 Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, [3] "Remember, O LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes." And Hezekiah wept bitterly.

ISA 38:4 Then the word of the LORD came to Isaiah: [5] "Go and tell Hezekiah, `This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life. [6] And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city.

DT 18:17 The LORD said to me: "What they say is good. [18] I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. [19] If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. [20] But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death." (Old Test. criteria)

1TH 5:19 Do not put out the Spirit's fire; [20] do not treat prophecies with contempt. [21] Test everything. Hold on to the good. [22] Avoid every kind of evil. (New Test. criteria)

"I tell you that there are many questions in the prophetic. There are many who adhere to Old Testament principles when judging New Testament prophecies. I tell you that there are many who follow a man rather than my spirit. Some judge the person rather than the message. I have shown you plainly in scripture that prophecy can be conditional. As examples, look to Nathan the prophet, Isaiah, and Jonah. Examine these things through scripture and then you will know how to judge properly. No one is perfect, but only myself, and yet you expect my servants to be without flaw. Beware of these things for they will pierce your hearts. Do not continue to be babes in your thinking. I will bring all things to light and those things that have been hidden in darkness will come forth. "

Stephen Hanson

HCR 79 Box 3081

Cuba, NM 87013

A Wise Person Prepares For Winter

Stephen Hanson

A Wise Person Prepares For Winter-"Be Ready For That Hour Of Trial"

[10] Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.

Rev. 3:10

[23] Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. [24] And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

2 Tim. 2:23

[6] In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. [7] These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

I Peter 1:5

"The mountains will quake and the rivers will run dry. There is a time coming when those who are here on the earth will be having a time of great testing and tribulation. You do not know the day or the hour. You do not know the dates. It is not important to know but it is important to know that you will be taken care of. It is important to know that in the coming years you must prepare for that time. It is true that I will save my church from the great trial that is coming upon the earth. It is still important to note however, that you will not be delivered "out" of it, but that you will be delivered "through" it. "

"What do you think that the purpose is of going through the trials that you have been going through now? I tell you surely, that they have come partly to prepare you for that time. You have gone through all types of trials and testings at this time. Some of it has been to perfect your faith. Some of it has been to purge the dross from you. Most of it has been for these things. But I want you to be ready for that hour and that time. A wise person prepares for Winter. A wise person prepares for difficult times. But I'm also not asking you to have fear in your hearts about these things. Consider the churches that were mentioned in Revelation. Remember that some were not ready and they could not endure. To them that could endure, they were kept safe from that time of trial. That is all that I need to say at this moment. I do not want my church to be splitting hairs about theological issues. Some say that I AM coming for my church at this time, while others say, "No, it will be later." Just be ready and know that much of this now is in preparation for that time. "

"To those who are like the church of Philadelphia, endure as a faithful soldier. Be ready, in season and out of season. Know that these trials are preparing you for that time. Know that I will not take you "out" of that time, but "through it." Be ready, I say, and do not fear. And do not get caught-up in senseless arguments about when these things will happen. But also do not delude yourselves about thinking that you will be taken out of everything that is coming upon this earth. "

Stephen Hanson

1,558 posted on 01/27/2005 11:12:19 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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