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This is a very enlightening article - well footnoted and documented - which attests to the truth of Martin's priestly status, and dismisses many of the false claims which were made against him. It also show the assertions about the "superforce" in the Church were all too true, and became front page headline items after his untimely demise.
1 posted on 10/29/2004 3:05:41 PM PDT by thor76
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To: thor76; Canticle_of_Deborah; Land of the Irish; Mark in the Old South; Rosary; Selous; ELS; ...


2 posted on 10/29/2004 3:09:07 PM PDT by thor76 (Vade retro, Draco! Crux sacra sit mihi lux! St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!)
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To: thor76
Excellent read, thor, excellent!

Martin's stated reason for leaving the Jesuits and the institutional Church was that he felt that Roman Catholicism was changing too fast and the institution he had grown up with was becoming an alien form of religion for him.

True, without question. And imagine being away for a couple of decades and coming back, and witnessing the alien. Dumbfounded, dumbstruck. I shouldn't be shocked anymore, but sometimes I still am.

Sacrilegious actions and rites were not only performed on Christ’s Altars, but had the connivance or at least the tacit permission of certain Cardinals, archbishops, and bishops . . .

Indisputable. The plague could have never spread without said connivance, never.

What Martin termed the Superforce is a real power in the World. Considering that Cardinal Law protected Father Paul Shanley for many years - even after Law knew Shanley was as vile as to take a child out of his religious knowledge class [CCD] and molest him in a Church confessional - Martin was correct...If molesting a child in a confessional does not constitute an act of Satanic worship than nothing does.

Cardinal Law should be breaking rocks in the hot sun. I see him, very much, as an evil man.

There is even proof of overt Satanic Ritual Abuse [SRA] among the hierarchy of the Boston Archdiocese. Monsignor Frederick Ryan – the Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese and close advisor to Cardinal Law - plied a teenage boy with alcohol, had him tattooed with a cartoon devil and sexually abused him in Rhode Island two decades ago. This was not the act of some isolated and demented priest – it was the work of a major figure in the Boston Chancery. In this instance the Mark of Satan was pressed into the boy’s flesh by the perverted Devil Worshiper Msgr. Frederick Ryan. [Source: Boston Herald June 25, 2002 Ex-Bruin deposed in church abuse case by Robin Washington

That is nearly impossible to absorb. What Saint was it that argued that homosexuality was a graver sin than most? It is, was and always shall be a profoundly spiritually debilitating disease. And I think it, as well as other perversions are directly from Satan.

A taste for your own sex, for little boys and young men is one of the worst crosses I can imagine. I don't believe the first urge is willed, but once given in to becomes not only willed, but obsessively willed. God grant those who are tempted, the immediate strength to resist.

Think about this piece, then contemplate that Cleveland Diocese logo. Dear God, please send us someone who can and will extirpate these demons from our midst. Because the heirarchy and the laity don't seem to have the energy or the power to do it.

4 posted on 10/29/2004 4:01:41 PM PDT by AlbionGirl
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To: NYer; Salvation


6 posted on 10/29/2004 5:07:38 PM PDT by Jaded ((Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. - Mark Twain))
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To: thor76

There's no doubt that Fr. Martin is one of the champions of the traditionalist cause, and I'm not trying to cloud his memory, but didn't his troubles with the Church start and end over a love affair with a married woman?

His bio sounds like the hero of one of his books, "Windswept House", who as a Priest was working undercover in the Balkans.

If anybody is interested "Windswept House" and "Vatican" are excellent books covering the inside workings of Rome.

7 posted on 10/29/2004 6:24:13 PM PDT by Arguss (Take the narrow road)
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To: thor76

Its too bad he was not elected Pope.

8 posted on 10/29/2004 6:50:25 PM PDT by P-Marlowe
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To: thor76

M.Martin was truly an unusual and powerful person. How many orthodox Catholic priests have ever been a featured guest on the Art Bell radio show?

10 posted on 10/30/2004 6:17:13 AM PDT by fishtank
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To: thor76
From the linked article:

Martin watched the rise of Wojtyla in the Church with great hope. However, as the Superforce began to dominate the Vatican hierarchy and eventually the Petrine Office itself, Martin became more and more disenchanted with the Holy Father. In this regard Martin began to move toward a position called sedevacantism - the belief that the Throne of Saint Peter is empty because of doctrinal heresy.

And also:

Towards the end of his life Martin began to associate more and more with sedevacantist Churches like that run by Bishop Robert McKenna in the Tri-State area.

The last straw for Martin as far as the current Church of Rome goes came with his final visit to the Holy See after the publication of Windswept House when Vatican officials - including the Pope - scoffed at his last ditch effort to get the Institutional Church to redress the errors into which it had fallen. Upon his return to the United States Father Malachi Martin had adopted a full sedevacantist stance.

That's a shame. However, it's something which those who may be drawn to Martin through his books and writings, should be aware of.

I'd tread extremely warily where Martin is concerned and take his writings with a grain of salt.

17 posted on 10/30/2004 7:30:35 PM PDT by marshmallow
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To: thor76
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 14:18:05 -0500

From: "Allen W Thrasher"

Subject: [Cet] General Opinions on Malachi Martin?

Chris Zehnder said:

"One thing I think that makes it suspect. Though the incidents Kaiser alleges happened over 30 years ago, he didn't publish his book until a year or two after Malachi Martin died."

That's a significant point. However, I can think of some good and virtuous or at least not unvirtuous reasons for the delay:

1. He would be afraid of turning up in Martin's next novel as an identifiable character looking very bad.

2. He might be less interested in revenge, in hurting Martin in his feelings, his human relations, his career, and his good name, than in just getting his story on record, for whatever reasons a person writes an autobiography, and therefore delayed writing until it wouldn't hurt Martin except in the last of the above.

3. The autobiography may have been more topical and publishable because of the current clerical sexual scandals; he might not have been able to get it published earlier.

4. Martin's death may have made it easier for him to look at the past with some small degree of serenity and to write about it. If Kaiser was searching for revenge, that implies he thought Martin had hurt him in a grave matter. Taking his wife is one of the more obvious ways one man can so wound another. Otherwise one must think that the real offense was something quite different and Kaiser invented the adultery. But I don't think a man will make up accusations of adultery except to help himself out in a divorce case, but Kaiser's divorce was more than 30 years ago. I think even now adultery is in a way regarded as more humiliating to a cuckolded husband than a cuckolded wife; it produces a suspicion in both the man and others that there was something defective in him as a man, whereas in a wronged wife it is more likely to be attributed to the innate wickedness of the male, whatever private self-doubts the woman may feel. So to reveal one's wife's adultery is especially humiliating for a _man_, which makes it less likely for him to make it up.

I have been told that the Martin-Mrs. Kaiser affair was generally known in the circles that covered Vatican II, and turns up barely disguised in Michael Novak's novel "Naked I Leave," which I have not been able to examine, and a Ralph McInerny's "Connolly's Life."

If Kaiser is right, and Martin was defrocked, he continually misled others for many years that he still had his priestly faculties, with a special status direct from the Pope. If he has been lying about this,it reflects on his credibility on other things, whether or not he repented of his alleged sexual misdeeds.

I will grant that Kaiser says that Martin was "a kept man" of the lady in whose house he lived the last period of his life. He doesn't say how he knew this, which makes me suspect he just took the worst interpretation of the menage, out of resentment.

To his credit, I have heard from reliable sources that Martin gave a lot of his royalties away.

In peace,

Allen Thrasher

Allen W. Thrasher, Ph.D.

Senior Reference Librarian

Southern Asia Section

Asian Division

Library of Congress

Jefferson Building 150

101 Independence Ave., S.E.

Washington, DC 20540-4810

tel. 202-707-3732

fax 202-707-1724

19 posted on 10/31/2004 4:11:09 AM PST by bornacatholic
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To: thor76

Malachi Martin


[Note: Although Mr. Martin died in 1999 the following comments are still useful, given the continuing interest in his writings and positions.]

We get many questions about Malachi Martin, his books and his credentials. Not all of them can be answered due to an absence of information. The following is what is known.

Malachi Martin states, and the Holy See will confirm if asked, that "In 1965, Mr. Martin received a dispensation from all privileges and obligations deriving from his vows as a Jesuit and from priestly ordination." [Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, 25 June 1997, Prot. N. 04300/65].

Concerning the allegations about churchmen found in Windswept House under the guise of fiction, they would certainly be sad if true, and other sources have suggested the basic factualness of some of the accounts. However, even if they were based on fact the Church is in no more danger of being overcome by the gates of hell today than it was during any of the other crises of history. Jesus had his Judas and history shows that His Mystical Body has had its share, as well. To deny the past and present Judases within the Church would be wrong. However, to act as if it made any difference to our obligations of obedience would be to take scandal (called passive scandal) from those who are giving scandal. Jesus warns us about those who would give scandal to his little ones (Mt. 18:6) and thereby sought by that warning to provide an antidote for passive scandal, as well. In his Summa Theologiae St. Thomas Aquinas tells us,

Passive scandal implies that the mind of the person who takes scandal is unsettled in its adherence to good. Now no man can be unsettled, who adheres firmly to something immovable. The elders, i.e. the perfect, adhere to God alone, Whose goodness is unchangeable, for though they adhere to their superiors, they do so only in so far as these adhere to Christ, according to 1 Cor. 4:16: "Be ye followers of me, as I also am of Christ." Wherefore, however much others may appear to them to conduct themselves ill in word or deed, they themselves do not stray from their righteousness, according to Ps. 124:1: "They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Sion: he shall not be moved for ever that dwelleth in Jerusalem." Therefore scandal is not found in those who adhere to God perfectly by love, according to Ps. 118:165: "Much peace have they that love Thy law, and to them there is no stumbling-block [scandalum]." [ST II-II question 43, article 5, answer]

Perfect men sometimes fall into venial sins through the weakness of the flesh; but they are not scandalized (taking scandal in its true sense), by the words or deeds of others, although there can be an approach to scandal in them, according to Ps. 72:2: "My feet were almost moved." [ibid., response to objection 3]

So even if the crimes alleged in Windswept House actually occurred they do no more than confirm what the Catholic striving to be perfect should already know, human beings, even priests and bishops, are potentially capable of the most heinous acts of insubordination to God. This knowledge, as we conclude from St. Thomas' teaching, must not change our own unswerving fidelity to ecclesiastical authority in matters that fall under the competence of that authority.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answered by Colin B. Donovan, STL

20 posted on 10/31/2004 4:25:25 AM PST by bornacatholic
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To: thor76

Many extremists like Malachi Martin because he tends to confirm their wrong idea the Catholic Church has virtually ceased to exist and/or has been co-opted by Satanists in Rome.

21 posted on 10/31/2004 4:28:35 AM PST by bornacatholic
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To: thor76

Fr. Malachi Martin & "perfect possesion"
QUESTION from Blake on June 2, 2004 Dear Brother John-Paul,

I had a question and comment about your reply to "Jim" from his May 26, 2004 question entitled, "exorcise perfectly possessed?"

It seems to me that Malachi Martin's assertion of a "perfect possession" is not heresy but doctrinally sound. Take for instance Our Lord's teaching about those who are guilty of the sin against the Holy Spirit. Christ said, if I remember correctly, that this sin will not be forgiven. I was always taught that this is due not to some inability of God to extend forgiveness and mercy but to a person completely cutting themselves off from the working of the Holy Spirit. This person is no longer able to receive God's mercy due to the working of his or her own free will and decision and even God will not violate someone's own free will. Of course, I am assuming that such a person has the capacity to freely choose.

So, is it not possible for a person to so give themselves over to a demon or demons that they cannot be exorcised due to the person's own actions and free will?

This kind of person might live in accord with a demon and function fine in the world and all the time be headed for ruin. This person could also be content in their life choice and have no desire to change it. I believe that is what Malachi is saying about "perfect possession." Not that demons have free reign over the earth. A demon only has the power that God allows it to have and it seems you were implying that a perfectly possessed person was not complicit enough in their own possession to where they could be "perfectly possessed" in the first place. Malachi never said, that I can remember, that God cannot do whatever he wants to do. If God wanted to intervene in some special way, He has the power to do as he wills. To me, there are those persons who have by their own choice completely turned away from God and if they died at this moment in such a state would be damned, of course depending on the individual circumstance. Only God can judge. But, still the same, the church does teach us that those dying in a state of mortal sin will be lost. And hence, Christ's command to "pray always." I've never heard of a case where God forces a person to do right. Correct me if I have misinterpreted what you said.

I listened to many radio interviews with Fr. Martin before he died and heard him address this subject many times. I also read a couple of his books and listened to some of his tapes. If he is spreading heresy and discord in the church, let me know where. But, he has, to my knowledge never misled me in my faith in the church or the Holy Father. This is not to say that I agree with him on everything.

Could you please address my comments and questions and if you have time, say if you actually use Malachi's book (Hostage To The Devil??) as a doorstop. Maybe you were just kidding. I was not sure.

Thank you for your time. I truly enjoy your website. It is full of great material and wisdom.



ANSWER by Staff on June 2, 2004 Dear Blake:

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is about a person refusing to accept God's saving grace even unto death.

Martin uses the term "perfect possession" and says that the person cannot be exorcized. This is nonsense as is most of Martin's assertions.

It is possible for a person not to be freed from demons because they choose not to be, but this is a point of the person's free will, not the possession itself.

There is no such thing as a possession that is invulnerable to God. The only thing that can stop God is one's own free will. God has chosen never to intrude upon one's free will.

In cases of full possession, if a demon is preventing the person of the use of his free will, this would not stop God from granting that person freedom. Then AFTER the exorcism, the person can always invite the demons back.

Yes, I use Martian's book as a doorstop. That is all that it is worth.

If you have listened to many of Martin's interviews and have not noticed his trying to stir up discord, then, with all due respect, you have not listened very well.

This is understandable, however, since Martin was a slick salesman that would make a used car salesman proud. For example, in order to give the appearance that he is not against Pope John Paul II he, in one interview, he mentioned how the Church is being led into hell, or something to that effect, then 40 minutes later he mentioned Pope John Paul II as the leader of bringing the Church astray. The 40 minutes separation of these comments allows the listener to not catch that he is saying the Pope is leading the Church to hell. Classic technique.

Martin was an ultra-traditionalist kook and like all ultra-traditionalist thought that his opinion outranked the Pope's. This is the definition of a liberal. Both those whom we generally call "liberals" and those whom we call "ultra-traditionalists" are actually both liberals; they are nothing more than two sides of the same coin -- lacking faith and replacing that faith with their own brand of orthodoxy and constantly sewing discord, especially through conspiracy theories bare of any actual proof.

I have more than 25 interviews of Martin on tape. I was going to use them to expose this man and his tactics to sell books. As a former publisher, editor, and public relations person I know the tricks of the trade. Martin used about every one of the standard tricks to sell books.

I have no respect for the man or his memory and was not going to waste my time doing the report on him after he died. His groupies, however, are still going strong and so I may go ahead with the report to prove the assertions I am making; and I can prove them.

When I can get that done with the time I have I do not know. In the meantime I recommend avoiding this man for anything serious. His novels might be good but remember that they are only novels.

That reminds me. Art Bell once asked Martin why he didn't write a non-fiction book to expose all these corruptions that he claims are in the Vatican. His response are comical. He said that he wrote novels as "Fact-ion" -- a combination of fact and fiction. The reason for this was to protect the people involved (why do this, if they are corrupt then needed exposed) and to protect the public. He thinks the public could not take it if they were to know the truth. Give me a break!

Art Bell asked about how much of the novels are truth. Martin replied 80%. I thought he did not want to alarm the public. Instead he tells the public that 80% of his novel is truth, but does not say which portions are true and which are not, leaving the public to wildly speculate causing confusion and discord.

However, the real reason for writing FACT-ion is an old book selling trick. It peaks the imagination of the public to figure out which is which tantalizing the public's hunger for conspiracies, and most importantly, as a FACT-ion book he does not have to provide footnotes or one shred of evidence. Such an approach is the stuff of the "National Enquirer".

I feel sorry for the man. He was very confused at best. I pray for his soul.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

22 posted on 10/31/2004 4:34:32 AM PST by bornacatholic
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To: thor76
the extremists have picked an odd character on whom to hang their hopes...

He abandons his vows, likely committed adultry ,tells us the Pope is leading us to Hell and frequently appeared on the Art Bell show..

Yep, quite a hero

24 posted on 10/31/2004 5:08:35 AM PST by bornacatholic
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To: thor76
Martin's stated reason for leaving the Jesuits and the institutional Church was that he felt that Roman Catholicism was changing too fast and the institution he had grown up with was becoming an alien form of religion for him.

My wife has really changed since we first married. I think I'll invoke the Malachi clause and abandon my marital vows.

25 posted on 10/31/2004 6:29:14 AM PST by bornacatholic
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To: thor76
Martin was an ultra-traditionalist kook and like all ultra-traditionalist thought that his opinion outranked the Pope's. This is the definition of a liberal. Both those whom we generally call "liberals" and those whom we call "ultra-traditionalists" are actually both liberals; they are nothing more than two sides of the same coin -- lacking faith and replacing that faith with their own brand of orthodoxy and constantly sewing discord, especially through conspiracy theories bare of any actual proof

*Bro. Ignatius Mary nails it.

26 posted on 10/31/2004 6:32:22 AM PST by bornacatholic
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To: thor76

GREAT post, thor.
I have several of his books.

33 posted on 10/31/2004 12:08:14 PM PST by onyx (John "F" Kerry deserves to be the final casualty of the Vietnam War - Re-elect Bush/Cheney)
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To: thor76
I believe Kathleen Keating was close to Fr. Martin- She has not appeared on Coast to Coast AM for some time- she is one of those Catholic Endtimes-Antichrist talking heads and she is quite on the kooky side but in one of her weekly updates I found this:

"In answer to whether or not the satanic rituals in my book are fiction or based on truth, sadly, they are true and the rituals continue in churches all over the world, including St. Peter's in Rome. A former cardinal of Chicago, now deceased, was supposedly a main participant in these despicable black masses. I don't have any current information about the Holy Name Cathedral. I do doubt, however, if the deceased cardinal's coven has disbanded entirely. The odds are against it. There is an American cardinal alive today who does actively conduct black masses and seeks newborn infants for human sacrifice.

Before I ever started writing and talking about this cardinal, I did a lot of research about the man, the people connected with him and the murders that take place during the black masses. I have spoken to law enforcement personnel in the cardinal's diocese who are familiar with the cardinal and his dark goals. It was confirmed that law enforcement is aware of the cardinal and his sadistic penchant for newborns. You have to remember that the cardinal doesn't comb the streets in his clericals looking for suitable victims. He does, however, have people working with him who are assigned the monstrous task. Fortunately, his people are not always successful in obtaining a child.

Certainly, there are holy bishops and archbishops in this country like Archbishop Chaput in the Denver diocese.

We should pray for the protection of holy bishops and priests who are fighting the dark side. "

40 posted on 10/31/2004 1:40:37 PM PST by Fast Ed97
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To: thor76
I believe Kathleen Keating was close to Fr. Martin- She has not appeared on Coast to Coast AM for some time- she is one of those Catholic Endtimes-Antichrist talking heads and she is quite on the kooky side but in one of her weekly updates I found this:

"In answer to whether or not the satanic rituals in my book are fiction or based on truth, sadly, they are true and the rituals continue in churches all over the world, including St. Peter's in Rome. A former cardinal of Chicago, now deceased, was supposedly a main participant in these despicable black masses. I don't have any current information about the Holy Name Cathedral. I do doubt, however, if the deceased cardinal's coven has disbanded entirely. The odds are against it. There is an American cardinal alive today who does actively conduct black masses and seeks newborn infants for human sacrifice.

Before I ever started writing and talking about this cardinal, I did a lot of research about the man, the people connected with him and the murders that take place during the black masses. I have spoken to law enforcement personnel in the cardinal's diocese who are familiar with the cardinal and his dark goals. It was confirmed that law enforcement is aware of the cardinal and his sadistic penchant for newborns. You have to remember that the cardinal doesn't comb the streets in his clericals looking for suitable victims. He does, however, have people working with him who are assigned the monstrous task. Fortunately, his people are not always successful in obtaining a child.

Certainly, there are holy bishops and archbishops in this country like Archbishop Chaput in the Denver diocese.

We should pray for the protection of holy bishops and priests who are fighting the dark side. "

41 posted on 10/31/2004 1:41:23 PM PST by Fast Ed97
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To: thor76
Windswept House
64 posted on 10/31/2004 6:29:06 PM PST by stagnes
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To: thor76
Anyone ever hear Father Martin on Art Bell several years ago when he was talking about perfect possession. Art Bell asked if Clinton was perfectly possessed and Father Martin wouldn't give an answer.

I always that that was a yes. Could explan a lot about Bill Clinton.

70 posted on 10/31/2004 9:33:24 PM PST by Vicki (Truth and Reality)
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To: thor76

I am currently reading The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church by Malachi Martin and quite frankly he strikes me as a sensationalist. His style is captivating but he tells details that he could not possibly know about. He speculates and poses his speculation as truth and one is left wondering if there were ever ANY good Popes.

85 posted on 11/05/2004 7:21:01 AM PST by TradicalRC (Character only matters when its a democrat.)
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