To: missyme
Maybe the inquisition wasn't such a bad idea?
To: badpacifist
Why is this even an issue between believers? I mean it does say, does it now "a man shall not have sexual relations with another man" End of freaking story! Would anyone bless a church leader that prostitutes for a living? A mean come on. There is no argument.
I think what is happening is a reaction against one extreme stance of isolation. Mennonites and Quakers that separate themselves from society. Many have gone to the other extreme believing we must find common ground with un-believers. Fine. Common ground is talking about fishing, playing soccer - not waffling on key moral truths. My wife had an experience on a Christian board of a woman asking what to do about her grandmother who visits their home with her lesbian lover. She was concerned about her children. You wouldn't believe all these Christians preaching tolerance. Bull! First off, it's the woman's home. The secularists have taken every other inch of this planet from us. You'd think we can have some say in our own house. Secondly, we are not to condone sin. Not when someone is actively sinning right in front of our eyes. Most important of all, I will never have my children witness to such deviant activity. And I will damn well teach them that what the world teaches as wisdom is foolishness, as toleration is really tyranny.
To: badpacifist
One thing I would make clear, is we are talking about Church leadership. Of course we want anyone coming into the Church to attend. We are all sinners. The issue is who is leading the congregation. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson