My grandson picked it. So what?
You know that you are ignoring the fact that even the ancient Greek philosopher knew about macro evolution and posited forms of the theory. These theories were rejected by the early Church fathers based on there own observation skills and understanding of nature
And so you think no one else has learned anything new in the last 20 centuries? Just what kind of papyrus scroll are you typing your post on then?
and on divine revelation which you hold in contempt.
Really? Where did I say that? Since you are so poor at it, I suggest you refrain from further assumptions about other poster's beliefs and motives.
So there really is nothing new under the sun as the bible says.
Right. Just like the ancient Greeks, we talk on cell phones, watch television, use computers, cook with radar waves, navigate using artificial satellites, and conceive children in petri dishes.
Although science progresses in terms of technology, the principles of it often do not. There are immutable facts of nature like the law of entropy.
There is no "law of entropy"; however, there are several Laws of Thermodynamics which is what I think you meant. Not that they apply to anything you've said though.
Yes I did mean Laws of Thermodynamics. What I meant when I said, "Nothing new under the sun" I meant no new philosophical ideas and nothing new in regards to human nature. Sin has always been a part of the human race and so has pride. It is obvious that we have new technology. I am not an Amish but a Catholic. What is your religious faith?
If you let your Grandson pick a demonic name like 666 to identify yourself as a poster you should not get upset when people think you maybe attached to some pretty strange philosophies. If you are a Christian then you must not take it very seriously to call your name a.) either Bal which sounds like the pagan god Baal as in Canaanite Baal worship or Balrog as in the JRR Tolkein trilogy and then the b.)666 is Book of Revelation's name for the mark of the Beast or the antichrist who is the agent of the devil.
Your grandson must listen to heavy metal music or enjoy getting a rise out of people. Do you believe that there is a Satan and that he is evil and that people should not follow him but God and his goodness??