Don't let these threads bother you - it's not worth it! The Catholic Church is wide and diverse, encompasing 22 different liturgies As a cradle catholic, I have only just discovered the Maronite Catholic liturgy. It is one of the oldest, dating back to when St. Peter brought the 'good news' to Antioch. It is the ONLY liturgy within the Catholic Church, that retains the language and words of our Lord at the Last Supper for the Consecration. It is in Aramaic! Communion is by intinction, on the tongue. The priest - ONLY the priest - dips the consecrated host into the Precious Blood, places the host on the communicant's tongue and says: "Receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins and eternal salvation".
You can learn more about the Catholic Rites at this link:
Thanks, they don't bother me too much. I went through a lot when I came back to the Church and my Faith is pretty unshakable. I used to do battle with charismatic/pentecostal Catholics who were following Protestant Pentecostal 'apostlic' leaders. I appreciate the concern though.
My old website. I used to work on it in my spare time - no more spare time so it is a little out of date.