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Religious pluralism should be outlawed (ZOT!!! Viking Kittens are of the devil!)
5/14/04 | orange11

Posted on 05/14/2004 10:56:58 AM PDT by orange11

Why Pluarlism should be outlawed

By Pastor Noah Horsely

The following is based on a sermon preached at Finger lakes Christian church in Bristol Tennessee:

Religious freedom is letting man choose his own way to go to hell…

Samuel Rutherford


Today it is considered to be utterly politically correct, in fact it is considered the most unpopular form of “hate speech” to even claim that people of other faiths should not have the right to worship their idols and practice their heathen philosophy within our borders. Whenever gentlemen such as myself, Robert T Lee, Pat Robertson, Jim Nichols, RJ Rushdoony, Joe Morecraft, Kim Gosset or other preachers stand up and proclaim such an un PC message, it creates quite a stir and a rage similar to that expressed in Psalm 2 and Revelation 11. You are branded a bigot, a hatemonger, a nazi, a fascist and a religious fanatic. I personally have felt such a sting myself when witnessing against the unbelievers amongst us who have polluted our nation and defiled our land with their cultures, their gods and their soul damning superstitions.

These individuals are elevated in our society while Bible believing Christians are ridiculed and condemned for preaching the gospel. We are told that we need to sit down and be “tolerant and open minded.” We should just sit back and let the heathen lead our loved ones astray into damnation. We told that because of the first amendment, the constitution, the UN charter and the Humanist manifesto ETC. that it is illegal to deny people the right to worship their gods. Militant leftists such as the ACLU, the Anti Defamation league and People for the American way keep us down with their angry fists, shouting and condemning at anyone who preaches the gospel.

Friend, let me tell you right now! The constitution, the UN Charter and all these other man made documents have no bearing over the inspired word of God. He has clearly told us in The Ten commandments that we are not to have any other gods before him, we are not to make graven images, in fact in Exodus 23:13, we are forbidden to even utter their names! “Neither let it be heard out of thy mouth!” The Word of God is clear that Pluralism and pagan tolerance is an abomination and God hates it! There should be no pluralism or tolerance in America. Matter of fact there shouldn’t be any on the face of the Earth! No man has any right to worship any god except Jesus Christ! The God of The BIBLE! Nor do they have a right to profess any faith other than the Christian faith!

No my friends, it is wrong for us to even mention such an abomination that we should allow something as hideous and evil as pluralism. Read the Bible and you will see this for certain.

What the Bible says

Those who promote false religion are worse than murderers! They are murdering souls that Christ died for!

Charles Finney

When examining this issue we need to use our spiritual senses instead of our temporal senses. Man is carnal and therefore cannot create perfect law. The Bible however is a perfect law. And is more than adequate than any other man made doctrine. God is a jealous god we need realize and that he wants the world’s attention. We are all his people made in his image and therefore we are required to give in gratitude worship and thanksgiving to him and him alone.

We need to also realize the true nature of non Christian worship and why we are not to have anything to do with these false gods IE: Venus, Zeus, Diana, Ashteroth, Baal, Jupiter, Allah, Buddha, Krishna Ad Nausea. They are in fact Satan and demons wearing colorful masks and veils of this supposedly benevolent and gentle spirits, gods and goddesses. They are trying to deceive us from worshiping the true god and worshiping the devil instead.

Sadly there are over five billion people who have been put into this situation and under the diluted view that they are worshiping what they believe to be the true path. They think that they have the light but friends, it isn’t light, it’s false light, it’s dung, it’s rubbish, its deception! Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. These people by diluting themselves into worshiping these demonic idols are damning their souls and the souls of their children and those who they spread their doctrines to into hellfire! Worse! They spread this like a disease to other people snatching them from salvation! YES! IT IS A DISEASE MY FRIENDS! FALSE RELIGION IS A HORRIFIC DISEASE OF THE MIND AND SOUL THAT IS KILLING FIVE BILLION PEOPLE!

You might say, well brother Noah aren’t we getting a little extreme here? You mean Islam, Buddhism, Wicca and Atheism as well as other non Christian faiths are diseases? Yes my friends, they are and it pains me that we will have no tolerance for diseases of the body such as ebola, west nile, chagris, AIDS, and cancer but we tolerate diseases of the soul such as Buddhism, paganism, Islam and Atheism. We DEMAND THAT IT BE TOLERATED! Lets not forget the same for so called Christians, these days, all of the denominations of Christianity, Presbyterianism, Catholicism, Anglicanism, Methodism ETC are also diseases. Their founders such as Wesley, Knox and Calvin Would not recognize them! Most of their followers are just as corrupt! My Friends it is a cruel double standard we practice and it is causing great suffering amongst our brothers and sisters. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)

God himself is aware of this and has called for the death penalty against those who worship other gods. In Exodus 22:20, God calls for those who sacrifice to other gods to be destroyed. In chapter 23:24 God commands us to destroy their property and their idols. In verse 32 he commands us to stay away from unbelievers lest they poison us with their demonic philosophies or make us like them! In Deuteronomy 7 God tells Israel to slay the Canaanites for worshiping other gods. 2 Chronicles 15:13 states that those who do not seek the god of the Bible are to be put to death. My Friends do you see any tolerance or co existence anywhere in those verses? Can you point to one verse in the Bible where Christians and non Christians should live together in harmony and where we should be tolerant and open minded? I think not. We need to be more like the people of this book. God is unchanging and his word is unchanging!

Non Biblical arguments

Unbelief always breeds revolution

Joe Morecraft III

I guess I should include non biblical arguments for those heathens among you or so called Christians who think and focus on the temporal and natural rather than the spiritual and the things that pertain to God. The church is so diluted with heathen philosophy and rationalism and logic. Friends, none of that will do you any good. The human mind is warped, corrupted and worthless. We should have faith in God rather than logic and reason. I reiterate. Christian! You are not to question or doubt you are to have unbending faith in the truth of Jesus Christ that he has died and has returned from the dead. You are not required to debate or lecture some unbeliever who wants evidence. They already have evidence because God’s holy spirit is knocking at their hearts. They are deliberately rejecting God’s spirit and continue to be hardened and stiff necked. Jesus once said, an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. Matthew 12:39. Lets focus in on the Bible rather than thinking of the temporal world around us. Yet none the less we can see for a fact the bitter fruit of false religion and pluralism without using the Bible.

We can see Satan for the liar and destroyer he is by examining his religions and the people who serve him. If you’re a Christian who believes there’s nothing wrong with tolerating heathenism, let me ask you a few questions…

1. Why are all Non Christian countries and countries run by false Christians poor, dirty, miserable places where the people die from disease and starvation while Christian nations prosper?

2. Why are non believers so uneducated, superstitious and just dumb? Why are Christians and Christian countries much more educated?

3. If pluralism provides political stability then why are countries with religious diversity such as Yugoslavia, India and so on always at odds with each other? Why are they murdering Christians in Sudan, Muslims in India, and Buddhists in Tibet? Cant we Co exist!?

4. Why are non Christians always living in defeat, anguish, trodden underfoot and always depressed and anxious?

5. Why is Europe, once the bedrock for western civilization the mightiest empires that ever existed and the place where all of our sciences originated now in such bad shape? Why is the United States following suit?

To Answer the first question, take a look at any heathen country such as India, Laos, China, the Middle East, sub Saharan Africa, the south Pacific, Haiti and anywhere where there are large concentrations of unbelievers. Just look at the squalor their in! These countries for thousands of years have remained in the dark ages and are places where there is extreme poverty, civil war and where had it not been for the influx of western Judeo Christian values they would still be in medieval times. (Most still are!) The two best example of this are India and Saudi Arabia.

India has abundant natural resources of minerals, oil and has a growing technology base mainly in computers yet it is among the poorest countries in the world! Trucks come to pick up bodies of those who died of starvation and disease overnight. The country is one of the most religiously diverse yet there is constant war against Muslims and Hindus who kill each other. Only 3 percent of the country is Christian while it is majority Hindu. The Hindu religion that we see glorified as a group of wise gurus with turbans who are in a way know it alls. They pray to a million gods, they have a caste system where people who are born into one class must remain there among them, dalits who are among the lowest of the low! It is forbidden to kill mice that run around eating their farm harvests and spread disease, they reguard the cow as sacred so much so they’ll wear it’s droppings as a hat! The Brahmin are higher but mostly live outside the country in the first world. So if this is such a wise and wonderful religion, why is it so poor and oppressive as opposed to when it was under the beneficial rule of Christian colonialists from Britain?

Saudi Arabia and the Middle east were nothing more than some sleepy desert region that only got along through bloody imperial conquest of North Africa, Spain and parts of Asia. Although we keep hearing about the supposed “Islamic golden era” which was not truly Islamic but the result of apostasy from Islam. When they became more Muslim again and went from drifting from Muslim values into being more devout, most of the area was a squalor up until they discovered oil. They still are! Tell me. Why is it that with billions in oil revenue they are still in the third world? Why are they not rich and wealthy like the oil tycoons of Western nations are? The reason is simple. Because they rejected Jesus, they are cursed with perpetual poverty. Pat Robertson details much of this in his book the Ten Offenses, a book that I highly recommend. Robertson points out correctly that All prosperity and riches come exclusively from the Christian worldview. I said to the LORD, "You are my Master! All the good things I have are from you." Psalm 16:2. God looks out for his people but the heathen are excluded.

Ever noticed how uneducated the unbelievers are, it’s a fact that all of the sciences and technology we have is of the Christian faith. The other nations invented and never produced anything except for China and all they ever produced was gunpowder! We have medicines, cars, trains, planes and other Christian inventions. The heathen has to buy it from us just to get around if they can afford it! Christianity is also responsible for spreading literacy and building universities and schools! You’ll never find any of that from any of the other nations that reject Christ!

Non Christians are constantly depressed and down trodden. Lets face it! It took only a thousand Christian colonialists to conquer pagan nations in South America, Africa and Australia and even after becoming independent they are still weak! The ones that continue to reject Christ are even weaker! Look at non Christians today. I remember reading from a Christian Apologist who was sharing a seat on an airplane with a new age scholar. The man who was into new age was always depressed and admitted that he could not find peace! Non Christians are always being defeated and trodden underfoot! The Native Americans were conquered and still live in poverty and subjugation in their reservations. Muslims are being rounded up and persecuted in Europe and America after they attacked us, one third of humanity was ruled by Britain, but you couldn’t keep down the followers of the true faith of Jesus Christ.

We should look at other countries that have suffered such as France. After the Revolution there when they rejected their Christianity, there was bloodshed confusion and anarchy. It also lead to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the subsequent wars that lasted for decades murdering millions! The Philippines are also rebellious. They have Muslims running around murdering Christians in that country and were responsible for killing Martin Burnham! In America we had the civil war! More people died in that war than all the wars America would ever fight all because of the south’s rejection of Christianity in favor of enslaving and killing their fellow man for money! Now much of the south is still poor, God’s just punishment for it’s history of slavery and racism. Fortunately there is a still a strong remnant in that country and it is one of the most devout places in America. I have had the privilege of preaching in the south and I am myself a southerner. Russia is one other example, they rejected Christianity in favor of Communism and Atheism. Since then they have very few Christians and that whole country is in ruin! I could go on listing the countries that tolerated unbelief that were utterly destroyed.

when Christianity, the true religion is persecuted, Christianity thrives, when false religion is persecuted, false religion dies!


That’s right folks. I’m sorry we don’t persecute people enough here in America who deliberately reject God and reject the Bible and live an ungodly life especially with those Jihadis we allowed in here. In my opinion we are showing to much restraint after 9/11 and I pray that if we are attacked again we will wake up and rid ourselves of these pagans and compel them to bend their knee to confess Christ as lord. How dare these Marxist pagans demand we show restraint and tolerate them after what they did to three thousand Americans and now four civilian contractors!

Pluralism is Un-American

Yes indeed it is un-American. It is considered American but it shouldn’t be, George Washington stated that no man should be called a Patriot who subverts religion and morality. I’m sorry he wasn’t specific enough and did not state clearly, Christian religion and Christian morality. You might say but Brother Noah, that’s down right un-American of you yourself. How can you call yourself a patriot and oppose religious freedom, an important bedrock of our great nation?

Please hear me out! I love my country dearly and I am thankful for what the founding fathers did by setting us free from a totalitarian government where there was no separation between church and state. Unfortunately they went a little to far I’m Afraid. If they had seen what those wretched heathen would do two centuries later in Manhattan, if they could see the religious anarchy, the atheism, the secularism and the blasphemy, they would change their minds. I used to be like that and some of you listening to me are probably just like that too. Yet we are all sinners who just fell short of God’s glory none the less so who could blame us for being tolerant? I say we should repent of this nonsense of pluralism and idolatry and be rid of it from our nation. It is un-American, Marxist and Communist! Let’s become a true Christian nation free from idols where our children can be set free and where we will see them in heaven because they are able to live a godly lifestyle free from infidel thoughts and heathen culture.


So let us recap the lessons learned…

1. Is pluralism or so called religious freedom good for nations?

Answer: NO! They damn souls and defile the land where idolatry and paganism is practiced! Every place where pagan worship has been tolerated has faced disease and starvation as well as natural disasters.

2. Are Christians to tolerate unbelief? NO! They are not! There is not one verse in the bible that calls for us to be tolerant. It is in fact the opposite!

3. What are the consequences of “religious freedom” Answer: Rebellion, rejection of Christianity and long lasting chaos, anarchy and heresy.

4. Is pluralism American? No! It is a vile communist Marxist heathen ideology that weakens Christians and hinders the spread of the gospel!

5. What about rationalism and reason? Man is carnal and sinful therefore cannot fully reason or ration. We need to focus on God and the spiritual instead of the natural and temporal. Let’s have faith and not be concerned with supposed flaws with our religion. As CH Spurgeon once said, “I can think of better problems than that!” I can too but I still have faith!

The Solution

Christians need to get political and demand an end to this jib jab mush called pluralism. We need to elect strong Christian candidates who are intolerant of unbelief and who will amend the constitution stating that all Americans are to worship the one true God and that all other beliefs are illegal. If not that we should at least encourage state legislators to enact their own amendments and to have godly Christian lawyers defend them from liberal Bolshevik groups such as the ACLU and human rights watch ETC. The seperation between church in state has been twisted and construed ferociously by the liberals and the snakes in our country. We are not to have a merge between church and state but we cannot separate Christian God and state! We need to bring prayer, the Bible and the ten commandments back into our schools, our communities and our politics!

We as Christians must also demand of unbelievers living here that they leave their religion behind and come to the religion of Christianity. I don’t condone using discrimination or intimidation but neither do I condemn it. Especially with those Muslims! They in my opinion are too much of a danger! We should starve them out and make their lives miserable till they either repent or leave this country! After all! they are already starving millions of Christians in Sudan and Saudi Arabia and other places! Still, we should refrain from using violence and murder lest we end up angering God like we did before with the lynching that took place in early America. We should instead make them feel ashamed and miserable for their sins and unbelief.

I remember I was on the other day and there was this lady, who in some of her articles said the same thing. I forget her name, one of the people at a church I was preaching in told me about her, she preached that we should just conquer and convert all these sick Muslims and that we should profile them and keep them off the airlines. I don’t who she is but thank God for her! I remember this one woman I read named Debbie Schlussel who suggested the same thing. I don’t remember if it’s the same woman or not but who cares. They are both right and we should implement their policies right away.

If God is in fact separated from the government, then we can never possibly have a godly government. There's no way for America to be good if she's not godly.

Joyce Meyer

Immigration laws which as we know are already out of control need to be enforced as well. We should limit people coming into this country and allow only godly Christians in. The people coming into this nation must agree to worship Jehovah God alone while they are within our borders and that they are to leave their heathen ways behind. Finally, Americans should repent of their years of tolerance and pluralism and for forsaking their puritan heritage. Christians of all denominations must unite together and beg God for their forgiveness and to heal our broken land from the defilement of idols.

Closing prayer

Heavenly father we come before you to repent of the sin of pluralism and tolerance that we have committed. We have defiled our land with unbelief and idolatry, we have tolerated heresy and blasphemy and many other unmentionable and intolerable sins. We have paid a dear price for it as we have seen three years earlier on one faithful day in September. Father we pray for the courage to stand up and make America a Christian nation once more. We ask that you would convict us and make us go up and be a terror to the unbeliever and to the works of evil. We pray that you will protect our leaders and that you will give them wisdom and guidance in outlawing these evil “freedoms” that have given the devil evil grounds and we further pray that those who are trapped as his servants are set free and brought to a relation with Christ. We pray this through your son lord Jesus Christ Amen!

KEYWORDS: bible; christianity; kittenchow; satan; turnpagepaper; turnpaper; vkpac; zot
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To: orange11
mohamed marmaduke tolerance

Who's that, the mutt owned by Louis Farrakhan?

61 posted on 05/14/2004 11:17:46 AM PDT by Numbers Guy
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To: orange11; All
Since you're a troll, I won't bother adressing YOU, but the article you posted. It's quite simple, really...

This country was established with a set of rules and laws we call the Constitution. It contains, as well as a Bill Of Rights, other laws and procedures for running the Federal Government. Some of these detail the means required to alter or change it in a legal manner.

All Americans, due to their citizenship, agree to live under that document, and to accept the fact that in the excercise of their own Rights, they may not deny those Rights to others who peacefully excercise their own.

If someone does not like that, like the so-called "clergyman" referenced, he is free to do two things...attempt to persuade others to repeal or change the laws, or leave.

Since you're not going to get anywhere close to a majority to agree to the nonsense posted in the article even on FR, I recomment that the jackleg in the article pack his bags. If you, Orange, REALLY believe this crap, go with him.

62 posted on 05/14/2004 11:17:59 AM PDT by Long Cut ("Fightin's commenced, Ike, now get to fightin' or get outta the way!"...Wyatt Earp, in Tombstone)
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To: TheBigB
who will amend the constitution stating that all Americans are to worship the one true God and that all other beliefs are illegal.

Yikes! It's shikelgrueber!! [sic] ZEIG...HEIL!! ZEIG...HEIL!!

63 posted on 05/14/2004 11:18:07 AM PDT by Indie (We don't need no steenkin' experts!)
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To: orange11

64 posted on 05/14/2004 11:18:10 AM PDT by EggsAckley (........"LIBERATE YOUR INNER BONOBO".........)
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To: Phantom Lord
Here look at this!

France’s Headscarf Problem: How should a western democracy accommodate Islam? City Journal ^ | 23 April 2003 | Theodore Dalrymple Posted on 06/09/2003 7:40:32 PM PDT by Korth The French Minister of the Interior, Nicolas Sarkozy, is the first man for a long time to hold that post who has shown the courage and determination to confront France’s growing social problems. He has put policemen back on the beat; he is testing drivers of crashed cars for the presence of cannabis in their urine. But he made a rod with which to beat his own back in creating the Union of French Islamic Organizations as an intermediary between French Muslims and the French government. He hoped that moderates would control the new group, but instead it has given extremists a platform from which to voice their demands. Last weekend, he brought down the extremists’ ire by re-opening the question of the wearing of the headscarf by Muslim girls and women in a speech to the new Islamic union. The fundamentalists booed Sarkozy, though a smattering of the women in the audience applauded when he remarked that the law required that photographs for the compulsory identity card should be taken bareheaded: that is to say, without a headscarf. He was implicitly asserting the supremacy of the law of the state over any religious custom. The Conseil d’Etat had not long before ruled that the wearing of headscarves by Muslim girls at school was legal (it had previously been banned), provided that it gave rise to no conflict. This, of course, was asking for the circle to be squared: and conflict over headscarves duly started up again in several schools almost at once. But, in a spirit completely contrary to the Conseil d’Etat’s ruling, Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin announced his intention of prohibiting by law the wearing of the headscarf in the exercise of any public function. He did so in name of the difference between the public and the private sphere, and of the secularism of the state. The wearing of the headscarf has clearly become a matter of the deepest symbolic significance in France, a matter over which it is not impossible to see hundreds or even thousands eventually being killed. What might appear to an outsider as a trivial disagreement is actually one of great philosophical importance—a fact that both parties to the disagreement instinctively understand. Some of the women who attended the meeting of the Union of French Islamic Organizations (not, presumably, those who applauded Sarkozy) have sent a letter to the prime minister, saying that they are both fully Islamic and fully French citizens, and that they will take their case to the European Court of Human Rights, if he persists in his planned legislation. In other words, they intend to hoist western society by its own petard. The Agence France Presse reports that scarf partisans are duplicitously using a double tactic and a double language to impose their views on Muslim women—their ultimate goal being the destruction of the liberal-democratic state itself. On the one hand, they appeal in public to the doctrine of universal human rights, which are observed only in states such as France; on the other, in private, they use the traditional male dominance of their culture—including the threat of violence—to impose their views on others in the name of Holy Writ. After all, in some giant housing projects surrounding Paris and other French cities, young Muslim women who dress in western clothing are deemed to be fair game, inviting—indeed, asking for—rape by gangs of Muslim youths. In such circumstances, it is impossible to know whether the adoption of Islamic dress by women in western society is ever truly voluntary, and so long as such behavior persists, the presumption must be against it being so. In short, Islamic extremists use secularism to impose theocracy: a tactic that calls to mind that of the communists of old, who appealed to freedom of speech with the long-term aim of extinguishing it altogether. The parallel is all the more exact, because just as Moscow financed the communists, the Saudis finance many of the Muslim extremists. France’s headscarf problem illustrates the limited ability of abstract principle to decide practical political questions. There are good abstract arguments, appealing to human rights on both sides, for allowing and disallowing the wearing of the headscarf. But the question can only be decided sensibly based on the study of social realities. In Britain, for example, there was (for a very short time) a problem about Sikh men who wanted to join the public service and yet continue to wear their turbans. Officials solved the problem very quickly: they designed turbans that fitted in—very smartly, in the event—with various uniforms and modes of dress. No one felt, or feels, intimidated or threatened in the slightest by this concession to a religious custom. The same cannot be said of the appearance on our streets of Muslim women so completely covered that even their eyes are hardly visible through the slit in their headdress. The reason for the difference in reaction rests not on abstract principle but on concrete social context. The women who appear in such costume are often subject to forced marriage, and no one can tell whether they wear Islamic costume from choice or through brute intimidation. Moreover, they are members of a religion with a strong aggressive, proselytizing, and imperialistic streak—a religion that ultimately recognizes nothing but itself, not even the secular state, as a source of authority. There is clearly an urgency to the settlement of the scarf question in France: and let us hope for France’s sake that Sarkozy, Raffarin, and Luc Ferry (the Minister of Education) are familiar with those wise lines of Kipling: And we’ve proved it again and again, That if once you have paid the Dane-geld You never get rid of the Dane. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; Politics/Elections; Click to Add Topic KEYWORDS: CULTURE; EUROPE; FRANCE; FREEDOM; FRENCHMUSLIMS; HEADSCARF; IMMIGRATION; ISLAM; LIBERTY; MUSLIMS; Click to Add Keyword -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Report Abuse | Bookmark ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 posted on 06/09/2003 7:40:33 PM PDT by Korth [ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth saying that they are both fully Islamic and fully French citizens, and that they will take their case to the European Court of Human Rights, if he persists in his planned legislation. I thought this was French issue, why involve the European court? Why have a European court at all? Islam and France deserve eachother. 2 posted on 06/09/2003 7:44:14 PM PDT by cardinal4 (The Senate Armed Services Comm; the Chinese pipeline into US secrets) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth How should a Western democracy accommodate Islam? Is this a trick question? It shouldn't! 3 posted on 06/09/2003 7:56:41 PM PDT by lib-r-teri-ann [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: lib-r-teri-ann Geez, lets go to and be GUESTS of another country but make that country bend to our will. How rude... say the least. Either they want to be french (lack or capitalization deliberate), English, American... whatever - then hop in the pot and melt into the society. Don't dare try to impose your will on your hosts. Sort of like having to teach children here in the U.S. in their ancestral language. Learn ENGLICH or go home, and home is not here if you don't want to be a part of OUR society. 4 posted on 06/09/2003 8:23:37 PM PDT by JSteff (What part of "shall not be infringed" don't they understand?) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth How should a western democracy accommodate Islam? Not at all. Face it, everywhere there is terrorism and problems, there is extreme Islam. I say zero tolerance, or tough love if you prefer. 5 posted on 06/09/2003 8:25:05 PM PDT by ETERNAL WARMING [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: lib-r-teri-ann It should accomodate Islam by giving one-way passage to all muslims back to Islamic paradise country of their choice. 6 posted on 06/09/2003 8:25:20 PM PDT by Princeliberty [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth "Moreover, they are members of a religion with a strong aggressive, proselytizing and imperialitic streak-a religion that ultimately recognizes nothing but itself, not even the secular state, as a source of authority." I have seldom seen Islam described so accurately. And that description details the problem with trying to deal with Muslims. Their "prophet" forgot to tell them to "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars." Until they learn that true and timeless rule, they will never be anything but a death cult, IMO. I feel that a time is coming when they should be informed that the other two-thirds of the world's population will no longer stand by and watch them slaughter everyone who doesn't agree with them. 7 posted on 06/09/2003 8:36:43 PM PDT by wife-mom [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth When our female soldiers are stationed in islamic countries, they have to abide by the islamic code of dress rules when off base. The same thing should apply when islamics live in a European country; the country shouldn't have to oblige the culture of the islamics. Why are the strict islamics living in Europe anyway? They should be home abiding by their own culture. 8 posted on 06/09/2003 9:10:17 PM PDT by lilylangtree [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth; Travis McGee In short, Islamic extremists use secularism to impose theocracy: a tactic that calls to mind that of the communists of old, who appealed to freedom of speech with the long-term aim of extinguishing it altogether. The parallel is all the more exact, because just as Moscow financed the communists, the Saudis finance many of the Muslim extremists. And the ACLU is right there to help them. The ACLU has long had an incestuous relationship with communism. 9 posted on 06/09/2003 9:15:31 PM PDT by maica (Don't believe everything you read in the papers- Jayson Blair) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth Aha. People laughed at the Florida case about the Islamic convert woman pushing to have her license photo in veil. That was only one of a whole raft of test-cases to come intending to warp the Western legal ideals toward Sharia rule. Or I may be interpreting the Koran wrong. 10 posted on 06/09/2003 9:17:17 PM PDT by NewRomeTacitus (Mixing Islam with Freedom can result in serious side effects. Consult your Imam.) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: lib-r-teri-ann How should a Western democracy accommodate Islam? Is this a trick question? The same way Islam accomodates Western democracy. It doesn't, the two are completely incompatible. 11 posted on 06/09/2003 9:19:07 PM PDT by FITZ [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth How should a Western democracy accommodate Islam? Seems to me to be kind of backwards. The Western countries should be asking the Islamistic people how they plan to adapt to western culture. 12 posted on 06/09/2003 9:23:08 PM PDT by CommandoFrank (Peer into the depths of hell and there is the face of Islam!) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: maica The coming French Civil War (within 20 years) is going to make Bosnia look like a picnic. 13 posted on 06/09/2003 9:23:31 PM PDT by Travis McGee (----- -----) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 9 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Travis McGee True respect for Muslims would mean that you believe that they actually do follow the Koran and that they believe it when the Koran tells them they are not to live among the infidels unless they intend to conquer them quite soon. Believing that Muslims don't really believe that the entire world must submit to Islam means you don't take their beliefs seriously. 14 posted on 06/09/2003 9:28:54 PM PDT by FITZ [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 13 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: CommandoFrank Good grief. We can't even get the Mexicans to start speaking English. There are attorneys everywhere looking to use any golliwog who turns up for profit at the expense of our sovereignty. The Arabic (Islamic) cultures are the most resistant to assimulation. I think Ted Nugent may fear running for Michigan governorship because of the enclave residing in Dearborn. Arnold may get "too busy" because California is already overrun with illegal Mexicans. Why should the Wahabbists hesitate to dominate with these examples of American fortitude standing against Islamic rule? 15 posted on 06/09/2003 9:36:18 PM PDT by NewRomeTacitus (Mixing Islam with Freedom can result in serious side effects. Consult your Imam.) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 12 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: NewRomeTacitus You're right... It's sad and scary. 16 posted on 06/09/2003 9:43:50 PM PDT by CommandoFrank (Peer into the depths of hell and there is the face of Islam!) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 15 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: NewRomeTacitus Mexicans (Mex-Americans) would vote for Schwatrznegger for governor. 17 posted on 06/09/2003 9:45:53 PM PDT by dennisw [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 15 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: cardinal4 France’s Headscarf Problem: How should a western democracy accommodate Islam? Force them to convert to Judaism, Christianity, or Bhuddism or deport them. Why make life difficult for yourself? 18 posted on 06/09/2003 9:56:43 PM PDT by LoneRangerMassachusetts [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Travis McGee The coming French Civil War (within 20 years) is going to make Bosnia look like a picnic. I think you wait too long. I give it a few years. These things have a habit of boiling over unexpectedly. Maybe the socilialists will tolerate the destruction of Paris, but I doubt the rural parts of hte country will put up with this crap. Wait until the economics makes the Muslims start to move to the countryside after they can no longer get a free lunch in the city. 19 posted on 06/09/2003 10:04:22 PM PDT by LoneRangerMassachusetts [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 13 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment #20 Removed by Moderator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth "How should a western democracy accommodate Islam" ...?? Hmmmm? How about exactly the same way Islamic countries treat people from a western democracy. Islamic countries demand that you dress like them - if they are going to choose to live in a western democracy - then they should be required to dress like the western democracy. 21 posted on 06/09/2003 10:51:37 PM PDT by CyberAnt ( America - You Are The Greatest!!) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: LoneRangerMassachusetts You could be right. I think five to 15 years is reasonable. 22 posted on 06/10/2003 12:15:41 AM PDT by Travis McGee (----- -----) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 19 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: FITZ I take their belief VERY seriously, just as I take a foaming at the mouth rabid pitbull very seriously. And the same remedy will work for both. 23 posted on 06/10/2003 12:21:42 AM PDT by Travis McGee (----- -----) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 14 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Korth Seems to me if you cannot hold to the most important perrogative of a Democracy - ie 'openess'/Freedom -then you are not a participant or a contributor. . . .personally think that that those who cannot adapt to an open society; stay home and change the political climate in their own 'closed' culture. AKA. . .'when in Rome'. . . 24 posted on 06/10/2003 4:24:49 AM PDT by cricket [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. [ Browse | Search | Topics | Post Article | My Comments ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FreeRepublic, LLC, PO BOX 9771, FRESNO, CA 93794 is powered by software copyright 2000-2003 Robinson-DeFehr Consulting, LLC.

65 posted on 05/14/2004 11:18:21 AM PDT by orange11
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To: orange11

In this post you specifically called for Muslims to be forced to give up their religion!

66 posted on 05/14/2004 11:19:02 AM PDT by orange11
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To: orange11; Admin Moderator

PLEEEEAAAASSSSSE can we keep it for a bit?

It's Friday afternoon and we've all been ever so good!

67 posted on 05/14/2004 11:19:23 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno World!")
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To: TheBigB

Whats next? All Christians that don't agree with his brand of (probably) fundamentalist Christianity are banned? Catholics had best watch out!

68 posted on 05/14/2004 11:19:47 AM PDT by jude24 (sola gratia)
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To: orange11

69 posted on 05/14/2004 11:19:49 AM PDT by EggsAckley (........"LIBERATE YOUR INNER BONOBO".........)
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To: EggsAckley

I don't need this you heathens! I will pray for your salvation!

70 posted on 05/14/2004 11:20:26 AM PDT by orange11
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To: orange11
Formating is your friend. Try it sometime.


Again, you have on multiple posts spoke of things I have posted. Back up your claims!

I do not appreciate being the subject of slander and lies.

71 posted on 05/14/2004 11:20:50 AM PDT by Phantom Lord (Distributor of Pain, Your Loss Becomes My Gain)
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To: orange11

Could you try formatting that re-post? Or aren't your meds working correctly yet?

72 posted on 05/14/2004 11:21:23 AM PDT by Numbers Guy
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To: orange11

Some valid points.

HOWEVER, GOD HIMSELF set up authentic free will choice.

He will not change that until He is ready to.

Certainly, after Christ returns, satan is bound for 1,000 years.

There will be only one faith but it won't really be faith at that time--because ALL WILL KNOW THE TRUTH. And there won't be 1,001 shades of truth. There won't be any need for a law, per se, about the truth BECAUSE ALL WILL KNOW IT. It would be insane to risk missing out on God's blessings by deliberately buying into something one knew to be a hideous sh*ty counterfeit, lie.

I can understand stridancy to a point.

And, plenty of PC laws ought to be overturned. Our forefathers died for FREEDOM OF Christianity, not FREEDOM FROM it.

But for the present, there must still be a huge context of authentic free will. God is calling to Himself, training, testing and refining in the refiner's fires

a leader cadre suitable to rule and reign with Christ throughout eternity and evidently over countless universes/galaxies.

Free will to choose love or nonlove is crucial in that process.

73 posted on 05/14/2004 11:21:29 AM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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To: orange11

Share it, brother! Paragraphs are a tool of Satan!

74 posted on 05/14/2004 11:21:40 AM PDT by dighton
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To: EggsAckley

This is funnier than an Abbott & Costello film...what a noodle. :)

75 posted on 05/14/2004 11:21:49 AM PDT by TheBigB ("My glasses! I can't see a thing without my glasses!" ~ Velma Dinkly)
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To: Phantom Lord
I didn't say you did,

The real culprits were TLBshow, F-117-a destro, marmema and a few others who posted similar remarks. I support them though so don't get me wrong!

76 posted on 05/14/2004 11:22:00 AM PDT by orange11
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To: orange11; trussell; 4mycountry; Zavien Doombringer; jriemer; Constitution Day; Poohbah; TheBigB; ...
You Have My Attention...

Let's just look at this.

I've read your post, thoroughly, and I conclude:

- I am not concerned about bringing the Word of God/YHVH/Vishnu/Amon-Ra to any and all corners of the earth - I am only interested in securing the rights of Americans to venerate them HERE, on OUR shores, without zealots commandeering aircraft full of women and children, and plunging them into our cities;

- I despise the perverse use of the Almighty's name to justify the extermination of whole peoples, whether it be Muslim zealots beheading the innocents, Hindi zealots with strangling cords, or Xian zealots screaming in the hollers for blood;

I and my brethren under arms must be prepared and willing to do sick and horrific things upon those who woul djust as eagerly do sick and horrific things to our children - the difference being, THEY would do these things in God's name.

With all this being said, why should I look upon you with anything but the same surgical coldness that I would look down the gunsight at the enemies of freedom? Begone from here, ye cursed...

77 posted on 05/14/2004 11:22:02 AM PDT by Old Sarge
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To: orange11
Bwahahahahahhahaha!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!

78 posted on 05/14/2004 11:22:03 AM PDT by EggsAckley (........"LIBERATE YOUR INNER BONOBO".........)
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To: orange11

I have read your posts in the past and I find your support of NAMBLA to be disgusting, along with your comments about the attractiveness of little boys. Not to mention your accounts of activities with them.

79 posted on 05/14/2004 11:22:13 AM PDT by Phantom Lord (Distributor of Pain, Your Loss Becomes My Gain)
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To: dighton

dighton wrote:

You're a troll, and you're no damn good at it.

I think this week we are getting more QUANTITY, rather than Quality.

80 posted on 05/14/2004 11:22:17 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno World!")
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