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To: RaceBannon

Jews, Gentiles, Samaritans

To better understand the fact that the GOSPEL is made known to ALL NATIONS, we need to define the following three terms:

1) JEWS--those people who are children (or descendants) of Jacob. In Genesis 32:28 Jacob’s name was changed to ______________ and this is why the JEWS are also called __________________ (Romans 9:4.). What is another term used to describe these people (2 Corinthians 11:22)? ____________________ Read Philippians 3:4-5. Was the Apostle Paul a Jew (an Israelite)? ___________


The Lord Jesus, the SAVIOUR of the world, was born a JEW (Matthew 2:2) because His mother Mary was a descend ant of David (the genealogy of Mary is found in Luke 3:23-3d), and David was a descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is the reason for the Lord’s words in John 4:22: "SALVATION is of the _________"; because the SAVIOUR, the Lord Jesus, was Himself a JEW.

The Messianic Line

2) GENTILES--those people who are not Jews. In other words, Gentiles are those people who do not trace their descent (family line) back to Jacob. In the New Testament there are two Greek words which are often translated by the term "GENTILES." These two words will now be discussed:

A) The first of these is a Greek word which means "NATIONS." When this word is translated "GENTILES" it means those people who do not belong to the nation Israel (they are not JEWS), but they belong to the other NATIONS.

In Acts 9:15 Paul was told to bear the name of Christ "before the_________________ (nations), and kings, and the ______________ ____ ______________ (JEWS)." In Acts 13:46, Paul and Barnabas said, "It was necessary: that the word of God should first have been spoken to YOU (to the JEWS--see verse 45) . . . . lo, we turn to the _______________ (those who are not Jews, the other NATIONS)." Read Acts 18:5-6 and Acts 28:28-29. These verses show us that when the JEWS (the nation Israel) rejected the Word of God, Paul sent the message of salvation to the - (to the other NATIONS and to people who were not JEWS).

B) The second of these is a Greek word which means "GREEKS," and was used to refer to those people who spoke the Greek language and followed Greek customs and the Greek way of life. In the. days of the New Testament almost all of the Roman Empire was made up of Greek-speaking people, and therefore almost all of the people in the Roman Empire (see a map of the Roman empire) could be called "GREEKS." In the New Testament this word is often used with the word "JEWS"

In Acts 20:21 Paul testified both to the _____________ and also to the__________.

In Romans 1:16 we learn that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the. first, and also to the ___________________

In 1 Corinthians 1:23 we find that the CRUCIFIED CHRIST was a stumbling block to the ___________ and foolishness to the ___________________.

Therefore in these verses the term "GREEKS" means all the people in the Roman empire who were not Jews, and this is the reason the word is often translated "GENTILES."

In 1 Corinthians 10:32 we see that mankind (that includes EVERYONE) is divided into THREE groups:

GRPUP 1 = _________ (descendants of Jacob, Israelites)
GRPUP 2 = _________ (this is the word which means "GREEKS"--all those who are not Jews).
GRPUP 3 = _________ _____ ______ (made up of both JEWS. and GENTTLES Who are SAVED and members of God’s called-out assembly)

Before you were saved what GROUP did you belong to? GROUP NUMBER ____ Now that you are SAVED (if you really are SAVED) what GROUP do you belong to? GROUP NUMBER ____ Do you find these same 3 groups in 1 Corinthians 1:23-24? ________ In which verse do you find GROUP 1 and GROUP 2? Verse ____ In which verse do you find GROUP 3? Verse ____ (Remember, the CHURCH is God’s CALLED-OUT ASSEMBLY!)

So we have seen that the two words which are translated "GENTILES" (A. "NATIONS" and B. "GREEKS") both mean almost the same thing. They are words which describe PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT JEWS. Who were God’s chosen people (Isaiah 44:1 and Deuteronomy 7:6-8)? ___________________ Because the GENTILES were not JEWS they were not God’s chosen people, and therefore their SPIRITUAL is described in the following verses, The SPIRITUAL CONDITION of the GENTILES:

EPHESIANS 2:11-12. The Gentiles were without _________... having no __________, and without _________ in the world.

EPHESIANS 4:17-19. The Gentiles had their understanding __________________ and they did not have the LIFE OF ____________ (They were spiritually DEAD--Ephesians 2:1,5!).

1 THESSALONIANS 4:5. The Gentiles do not __________ God (compare John 17:3).

Thus we see how IMPORTANT it is for members of GROUP 2 to become members of GROUP 3! According to Ephesians 2:1,5,11 the Ephesians people were once members of GROUP ________, but at the time when Paul wrote to them they were members of GROUP _____ (compare Ephesians 1:22-23 with 5:30,32).

3) SAMARITANS--those people who were half-JEW and half-GENTILE ! How did such a "MIXED" people come. about?

History of the Samaritans

A) During the days of the Kings of Israel, the city of SAMARIA was the capitol of the Northern Kingdom or the kingdom of the 10 tribes of. Israel (Note: Jerusalem was the capitol of the Southern Kingdom or the kingdom of Judah).

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B) In 722 B.C. God judged the Northern Kingdom of Israel by allowing the Assyrian army to defeat the city of SAMARIA and to carry away the people as CAPTIVES (2 Kings 17:5-6). Why did God allow this terrible judgment to fall upon them (see 2 Kings 17:7-18)?

C) Not all of the people of Samaria were taken away by the captivity. The Assyrians probably carried away most of the chief men--men of wealth and importance--but some of the poor and common people were allowed to remain in the land.

D) These Jews who were allowed to remain in the region of SAMARIA soon INTERMARRIED with GENTILES (heathen people), and this MIXED RACE became known as the _______________ (John 4:9).

NOTE: Should God’s people marry the ungodly? Was Ezra pleased when he heard that the people of Israel had taken wives from the Gentile nations (Ezra 9:1-4)? __________ What was the great DANGER involved in MIXED MARRIAGES (Deuteronomy 7:3-4)? In Nehemiah 13:27 the act of marrying Gentile women is called "THIS GREAT __________." What great man in the Bible fell prey to this awful sin (Nehemiah 13:26)? _________________ Today the same DANGER exists among those who are member’s of God’s church. Would it be right for a believer to "YOKE-UP" in marriage with an unbeliever (2 Corinthians 6:14)? ___________


(EPH. 5:31)

1 Corinthians 7:39 teaches us that the believer is free to be MARRIED, only IN THE _________________ (must be married to a BELIEVER IN CHRIST,). Suppose the young man in the picture were to say this: "I’m going to marry this girl even though she is not a Christian because I really love her and I’m sure that after we are married she will receive the Lord and become a Christian too." What is the danger in this way of thinking? What will probably happen after they are married (compare Deut. 7:3-4)?

In the days of Christ did the Jews have friendly relations with the Samaritans (John 4:9)? _______ We also discover that the Samaritans had their own RELIGIOUS SYSTEM (John 4:20), but Jesus said that they did not even ___________ what they were worshipping (John 4:22)! Do you think there are IGNORANT WORSHIPPERS even today? ________ Does the Lord want us to be IGNORANT WORSHIPPERS (John 4:24)?


1. _____ People who are not Jews A. GENTILES
2. _____ The Descendants of Jacob B. GREEKS
3. _____ The Greek-speaking people of the Roman Empire C. NATIONS , GREEKS
4. _____ Jacob’s God-given name D. ISRAELITES, JEWS
5. _____ SAVED Jews and Gentiles E. ISRALE
6. _____ MIXED Jews and Gentiles F. CHURCH OF GOD
7. _____ Capitol of the Northern G. SAMARITANS
8. _____ Capitol of the Southern H. SAMARIA
9. _____ Two words that are often I. JERUSALEM
10._____ Believers joined together with unbelievers J. UMEQUAL YOKE


3 posted on 03/20/2004 5:24:10 PM PST by RaceBannon (John Kerry is Vietnam's Benedict Arnold: Former War Hero turned Traitor)
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To: RaceBannon



Jesus Christ is building His Church (Matthew 16:18) and the devil is seeking to tear it down and destroy it (compare 2 Peter 5:8--"the devil as a roaring ____________, walketh about, seeking whom he may __________________"). Those who are members of Christ’s Church need to be ALERT and WIDE AWAKE. As Christian soldiers we need to understand the enemy so that we can win the battles.

Read Acts 20:28-31. Why was Paul in tears (verse 31)? Why did Paul need to warn these believers? Was Paul concerned about the flock (the church)? There are two ways that sheep can be killed. If the Shepherd does not feed the sheep they will die of starvation (verse 28). If the Shepherd does not protect the sheep from the W________________ (verse 29) then they will be slaughtered. The Church must be ALERT and WIDE AWAKE!

In this chapter of notes we want to study 10 ENEMIES that the Church faces today. There are more than 10, but these enemies that we will be looking at are certainly some of the most dangerous ones.


Peter spoke of’ the danger of false teaching: "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be ______________________________ among _______" (2 Peter 2:1). A false teacher is a person who teaches what is false. A true teacher is one tho speaks "the ____________ in love" (Ephesians 4:15), but there are some teachers who are SPEAKING _________ (1 Timothy 4:2 and see verse 1).

Most people are very careful about what they feed their bodies. Great harm can come to a person who eats or drinks the wrong thing. Would you drink a glass of gasoline? ________ Would you eat a box of RAT POISON? _______ Some time ago some wicked person put poison in some pills that people later bought at the store. Some people swallowed these pills, not knowing that they had been laced with poison. Some died because of this. The man who did this was a KILLER!

Did you know that there are people today going around and poisoning men’s souls? Just as the body needs to be fed with healthy food, so the soul needs to be fed with healthy teaching. The Bible calls healthy teaching SOUND DOCTRINE (see Titus 2:1). A good Pastor and a good teacher will teed believers with HEALTHY TEACHING (good, wholesome food from the Word of God). A false teacher will feed people with FALSE TEACHING (poison).

Where and how do false teachers do their work? Some speak on the radio. Some write articles in magazines or in books. Some false teachers stand behind pulpits and teach people in churches. Some false teachers go from house to house and from door to door trying to talk to people and spread their lies. Some false teachers are sincere and they really think that they are helping people, but they are sincerely wrong. They are deceived (2 Tim. 3:13). Doctors once believed that sick people could be helped by putting leeches (blood suckers) on them. This was done to George Washington and it probably helped to shorten his life. These doctors were sincere but they were sincerely wrong.

Here are some examples of false teaching which you can discuss in class:


Can you think of other examples of false teaching?

Believers need to be ALERT! What should we do when we hear something taught (even by our own Pastor and S.S. Teachers and parents)? The answer is found in Acts 17:11--" in that they received the with all readiness of mind, and ______________ the Scriptures _______________, (to see) whether those things were so." When you are taught something you should go to the Bible and see for yourself whether or not this is really what the Bible teaches. A fair question that can always be asked is this: "WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT IN THE BIBLE?" If you are taught that a person is saved by believing in Jesus Christ, then you can search the Scriptures to see if this is really true. Is it true or false (Acts 16:30-31; John 3:16)? _______________

Danger: Do not be poisoned by false teaching!


Believers are not of the ____________________ (John 17:16) because they belong to the Saviour's kingdom. Unsaved people are OF THE WORLD because they belong to Satan's system. The devil wants to draw believers away from the Saviour and close to the world.

Consider Romans 12:2. Jesus wants to TRANSFORM US (change us by working in our hearts) but, Satan wants to CONFORM US (squeeze us into the world’s mold). For example, think about the kind of language that many of your classmates may use at school or on the playground. They may use bad language and swear and make fun of others and tell dirty jokes. As a believer and as a member of the Church, you do not want to CONFORM your language to theirs by allowing the same kind of filth to come out of your mouth. Instead you want the Saviour to TRANSFORM your language so that you can enjoy the healthy use of your mind. They will also be able to see that the language that a Christian uses is good and wholesome and different.

The worldly person is the person who ignores God and who leaves God out of his thinking. He does not consider God in his thoughts and in his plans and in his actions. He lives as if there were no God in heaven. The average person does not give God very much thought during the day! The Christian believer must be different! God is the very center of His life and he must include God in all of his thinking and plans and actions. When we live this way we are being a good witness because we are forcing others to realize that there is a God in heaven.

What does God think about WORLDLINESS (1 John 2:15-17 and James 4:4)? The more the Church becomes like the world :the more it will lose its WITNESS and its POWER. Unsaved people will say, "Why do I need to become a Christian? The Christians that r know are no different than my other friends. They act like non-Christians, they talk like non-Christians, they think like non-Christians and I can’t tell much of a difference. If Christians are no different than non-Christians, then why should I become a Christian?" Or another unsaved person might say, "I see nothing wrong with being a Christian because all of my Christian friends live the same way I do. I can be a Christian and still live and Speak and think the same way I always have." Does this person really understand what it means to be a Christian?

Danger and duty: Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by Christ into the kind of person He wants you to be.


Legalism is a special kind of false teaching. In Acts 15:1 we see that legalism crept into the early church: "And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren and said, Except ye be ____________ ______________ after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be ________________." When you think of the word "LEGALISM" you should think of the word "LAW." These people were saying that a person cannot be saved without keeping the law (being circumcised). Is this really true? To be saved, does a person need to be circumcised? According to Acts 16:30-31, what is the one and only thing that a person must do to be saved? _________________________

LEGALISM is dangerous because it gets a person to look away from what Jesus Christ has done on the cross. The person starts looking at what he can do. Legalism says that man must DO SOMETHING to get God's blessing and god's salvation. The Bible says that Christ has already done it all (John 19:30)! It is not what I don that counts, it is what Christ has done! Legalism says, "WHAT CHRIST DID ON THE CROSS IS NOT ENOUGH. THERE ARE CEETAIN THINGS WHICH I MUST DO ALSO." The believer says, "JESUS DIED FOR ME! WHAT HE DID IS ENOUGH. IT IS NOT MY ANYTHING THAT SAVES ME, IT IS’GOD’S EVERYTHING!"

There are people today who say, "You cannot be saved unless you are baptized in water." Is this legalism? Why? There are people who say, "You cannot be saved unless you live ,a gobd life and try to keep the 10 Commandments." Is this. trusting what Christ has done or is this man trusting what ‘he can do? ____________________________

No one has ever been saved by keeping the law, but multitudes have been saved by trusting Jesus Christ and Him alone. Danger: Do not let anyone get you to take your eyes off Jesus Christ and what He did for you on the cross.


Formalism is something that has outward form but no inward content. Formalism is like having a peanut shell without any peanut inside it. It looks like a peanut. It feels like a peanut, BUT SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT IS MISSING. What good is a peanut without a nut inside? The peanut which has a shell but no nut may fool people but it will never satisfy people. The same would be true of a banana peel without the banana. It may look like a banana but it is lacking the most important thing of all: the real and good part of the banana that you can eat!

There are people who are like the peanut shell and like the banana peel: "Having a ______________ of godliness, but denying the _______________ thereof" (2 Timothy 3:5). These people have an outward form that looks good and even fools many people, but they are missing the most important thing: the INNER LIFE AND POWER AND CONIENT.

Think about what Paul said in Romans 2:28-29. It is possible to be a JEW OUTWARDLY, but if this person is not a Jew INWARDLY, then he is not really a TRUE JEW! The same is true for a Christian. It is possible to be a Christian OUTWARDLY--to go to church, to carry a Bible, to bow the head in prayer, to open the hymnbook and sing and to go through all the outward motions. This person could be just like the peanut shell--it looks good but there is no nut on the inside. Do you think that God wants more than just a "Christian shell"? If people could "open you up" and look on the inside, what would they see? Would they find a TRUE CHRISTIAN on the inside also? Would they find a heart that love’s the Saviour? Would they find that when you sing you sing from the heart and when you pray you pray from the heart (with meaning and reality)? It is not the shell that is important but the INSIDE! God is concerned about the HEART.

Read the last part of Mark 7:6. Did these people honor God OUTWARDLY? Did they give God "lip servtce"? _________ Did these people honor God INWARDLY? ________ Did they have a heart for God? ________


Emotionalism is when people are led by their FEELINGS and EMOTIONS (glad, sad, mad) instead of being led by GOD’S WORD.

Most people are led and controlled by their feelings and emotions. When asked, "Why did you do that?" the common answer is, "Because I felt like it!" Feelings do not do very well in the driver’s seat. Feelings come and feelings go. Feelings change and fluctuate. Feelings are not the true problem. The real problem is what causes the feelings. Usually the real problem has to do with the way a person lives. Bad feelings are usually the result of bad living or bad thinking. When the oil light flashes in your car it is telling you that there is a problem under the hood. Our feelings are like this flashing light.

Martin Luther once said this: "For feelings come and feelings go, and feelings are deceiving: My warrant is the Word of God, naught else is worth believing." God’s unchanging Word must lead us and guide us. How I feel is not important. The important thing is this: WHAT HAS GOD SAID?

There are many Churches today that are swept up in enotionalism. If you were to walk into one of these churches you would see some very strange things: arms waving in the air, people making strange sounds which do not make any sense, different people speaking at the same time, and all kinds of movement and excitement. But in the middle of all this movement and excitement the Bible stays closed. The people do not stay guiet and still long enough for the Lord to speak. to their hearts through His Word (compare 1 Kings 19:11-12).

Danger: Are you letting your feelings control you or are you letting God’s Word control you? Do you do what you feel like doing or are you guided by what God has told you to do in His Word?


Suppose your Mom gives you $5.00 and tells you to buy some groceries for her at the store. On the way to the store you see an ice cream store, so you turn in there an buy ice cream for yourself and for your friends. This is DIVERSION! You were diverted (turned aside) from doing what you were told to do and you failed to accomplish your mission.

In Mark 16:15 Jesus Christ gave the Church an assignment: "Go ye into all the _______________ and __________________ the _____________ (good news) to every creature." Many churches have turned aside from doing this and they have done other things instead. Instead of preaching the good news about Christ and His salvation they have concentrated on other things such as feeding the hungry, giving clothes to the poor, providing for those who are sick, helping those who are in need, etc. These are good things to do, but this is not the MAIN THING that Christ told the Church to do. Food, clothes and good health are fine, but will these things get a person to heaven? ________ Consider two examples:

  1. The Salvation Army--When the Salvation Army first started they preached the gospel and also tried to help those who were poor and needy. As the years went by they helped the poor and needy more and more and they preached the gospel less and less. Today the Salvation Army does very little preaching of the gospel. They allowed themselves to become diverted from the MAIN THING that Christ told them to do.
  2. The YMCA--The YMCA started out as a Christian organization (The Young Men’s Christian Association). But as time went on the people in this organization gave more importance to other things and less importance to preaching the gospel. Today, if you want to swim or play basketball or get some good exercise and healthy activity, the YMCA is a great place to go. However, if you want to learn how to be saved and how to go to heaven, do not go to the YMCA. They have been diverted.

Danger: Do not fail to do the MAIN THING that Christ has commanded His Church to do. The Church must not forget why she is in the world. We must clearly point to Christ and His wonderful salvation. We must not get involved with things that Christ never told us to get involved with. Are you involved in sharing the good news with others?


In Revelation chapter 2 we learn about a church which was about to have its light snuffed out (Revelation 2:5). What was the problem? What did these believers do wrong? Jesus said, "I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast _______________ thy _______________" (Revelation 2:4). Something terrible happened to these people. Something happened that cooled their love for the Saviour. They no longer loved Him as they once did. Their love for the Saviour had grown cold. Their relationship with Christ had slowly and gradually lost its warmth and beauty and freshness.

When a person is saved he enters into a love-relationship with Christ Jesus: "We _____________ Him because He first __________ us" (1 John 4:19). Once we are saved we need to keep our love for the Saviour burning bright and hot.

It is possible for other loves to come in and crowd out one’s first love. Some people are "lovers of _________________ more than lovers of _______" (2 Tim. 3:4). They would rather lie at the beach than sit in Church. They would rather play than pray. They would rather read comics than read Corinthians.

Think of a husband and wife. If they never talked to each other and never did anything for each other and never spent time with each other, would they have a very good love-relationship? ________ Jesus Christ wants to have FIRST PLACE in our lives (Col. 1:18).

Danger: If your love for the Saviour growing cold? Can you remember a time in your Christian life when you were walking closer to the Lord than you are now? In some church buildings you will find an organ, a piano, a choir, people in the pews, a pastor, but THE LORD IS MISSING. The Lord does not COMMEND but He CONDEMNS a Church where He is UNLOVED and where the hearts of the people have grown COLD towards Him.


There are some things that we must not tolerate. Suppose a rattlesnake were to be found in a yard where small children often play. Should this snake be tolerated and allowed to remain in this yard? Suppose you were to learn that there was cancer in your body. Would you tolerate this cancer and let it stay there and grow there?

There are some things that the Church must not tolerate. In Revelation 2:2 we learn that there were people who claimed to be Apostles. Were they really apostles? ______ They were FALSE APOSTLES. Did these Christians tolerate these liars and allow them to continue to fool people and mislead people? ______

Today there are churches that tolerate many things. There are churches that tolerate SIN. If someone has a serious problem with sin they do not try to help the person deal with the problem God’s way. Instead they try to ignore the problem and pretend that everything Is alright. This is like ignoring the rattlesnake and pretending that everything is alright! (see 1 Corinthians chapter 5 where Paul told the Corinthians that they needed to deal with a man who had fallen into deep sin).

Some churches allow unsaved people to be MEMBERS. Some allow unsaved people to PREACH from the pulpit. This is a very DANGEROUS thing to do! This would be like a Shepherd telling the wolf to watch the sheep for him while he takes a long walk. This is a fast way to destroy the flock!

Danger: The Church must never tolerate that which is wrong. The Church that fails to deal with sin in the right way will be the Church that Is destroyed by sin. The cancer that is not removed from the body is the cancer that destroys the body.


Was the Corinthian Church a DIVIDED Church (1 Cor.1:10-12)? ________ These Christians were getting together and forming different groups within the Church and each group thought they were better than the other group!

It is a terrible thing to see family warfare within the Church. It is a terrible thing to see Christians fighting Christians. by such things as gossip, jealousy, pride, failure to love the brethren, etc. Christians sometimes are so busy fighting each other that they have little time or energy left to battle the real enemies: THE WORLD, THE FLESH and THE DEVIL! How are Christians supposed to live with each other (see Ephesians 4:2-3; 31-32)? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Danger: If a person is a fellow Christian then he is supposed to be on the same team that you are on! BE ALERT! Love the brethren (I John 3:14). Don’t be one who sows discord and division among brethren. God HATES this kind of thing (see Proverbs 6:16,19)..


One of the great enemies that the Church faces today is the CLOSED BIBLE. There are many churches where the Bible is used very little. The next time you see people walking to Church see if they are carrying their Bibles. There are many people today who do not even bring a Bible to Church. There are many Pastors who never have their people take their Bibles and use them (by turning to different passages). In many Churches the Bible is a closed Book.

According to 2 Timothy 4:2, what should be preached from the pulpit? _________________________ There will come a time when people will not want S_______________ D______________________ (see 2 Timothy 4:3). They will not want healthy teaching! They will turn away their ears from the _________ (2 Timothy 4:4). Will their teachers give them what they need to hear or what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3)? ________________ __________________ Sometimes the truth hurts! The truth is like medicine. It does not always taste good, but we sure need it.

Danger: Is the Bible a closed Book in your Church? Is the Bible a closed Book in your home? Is your Bible a closed Book most of the time? When do you use your Bible? When do you open your Bible? Do you open it only in Church or at other times also? May God help us to have an OPEN BIBLE and an OPEN HEART!


4 posted on 03/20/2004 5:25:26 PM PST by RaceBannon (John Kerry is Vietnam's Benedict Arnold: Former War Hero turned Traitor)
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