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The "Bible Alone" is Not Enough
Catholic Family News ^ | July 1995

Posted on 03/15/2004 6:40:12 PM PST by narses

The "Bible Alone" is Not Enough

Answers to 25 Questions on the History of New Testament which completely refute the Protestants' "Bible Only" Theory.


Did Our Lord write any part of the New Testament or command His Apostles to do so? Our Lord Himself never wrote a line, nor is there any record that He ordered His Apostles to write; He did command them to teach and to preach. Also He to whom all power was given in Heaven and on earth (Matthew 28-18) promised to give them the Holy Ghost (John 14-26) and to be with them Himself till the end of the world. (Matthew 28-20).

Comment: If reading the Bible were a necessary means of salvation, Our Lord would have made that statement and also provided the necessary means for His followers.


How many of the Apostles or others actually wrote what is now in the New Testament? A few of the Apostles wrote part of Our Lords teachings, as they themselves expressly stated; i.e., Peter, Paul, James, John, Jude, Matthew, also Saints Mark and Luke. None of the others wrote anything, so far as is recorded.

Comment: If the Bible privately interpreted was to be a Divine rule of Faith, the Apostles would have been derelict in their duty when instead, some of them adopted preaching only.


Was it a teaching or a Bible-reading Church that Christ founded?

The Protestant Bible expressly states that Christ founded a teaching Church, which existed before any of the New Testament books were written.
   Romans 10-17: So then faith cometh by Hearing and hearing by the word of God.
   Matthew 28-19: Go ye therefore and Teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
   Mark 16-20: And they went forth, and Preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.
   Mark 16-15: And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and Preach the gospel to every creature.

Comment: Thus falls the entire basis of the 'Bible-only theory.


Was there any drastic difference between what Our Lord commanded the Apostles to teach and what the New Testament contains? Our Lord commanded His Apostles to teach all things whatsoever He had commanded; (Matthew 28-20); His Church must necessarily teach everything; (John 14-26); however,  the Protestant Bible itself teaches that the Bible does not contain all of Our Lords doctrines:

    John 20-30: And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book.
    John 21-25: And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.

Comment: How would it have been possible for second century Christians to practice Our Lords religion, if private interpretation of an unavailable and only partial account of Christs teaching were indispensable?


Does the New Testament expressly refer to Christs "unwritten word"? The New Testament itself teaches that it does not contain all that Our Lord did or, consequently, all that He taught.

    John 20-30: And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book.
   John 21-25: And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.

Comment:    Since     the  Bible is incomplete, it needs something else to supplement it; i.e., the spoken or historically recorded word which we call Tradition.


What became of the unwritten truths which Our Lord and the Apostles taught? The Church had carefully conserved this 'word of mouth teaching by historical records called Tradition. Even the Protestant Bible teaches that many Christian truths were to be handed down by word of mouth.

    2 Thessalonians 2-14: Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
   2 Timothy 2-2: And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

Comment: Hence not only Scripture but other sources of information must be consulted to get the whole of Christs teaching. Religions founded on 'the Bible only are therefore necessarily incomplete.


Between what years were the first and last books of the New Testament written? The first book, Saint Matthews Gospel, was not written until about ten years after Our Lords Ascension. Saint Johns fourth gospel and Apocalypse or Book of Revelations were not written until about 100 A.D.

Comment: Imagine how the present-day privately interpreted 'Bible-only theory would have appeared at a time when the books of the New Testament were not only unavailable, but most of them had not yet been written.


When was the New Testament placed under one cover? In 397 A.D. by the Council of Carthage, from which it follows that non- Catholics have derived their New Testament from the Catholic Church; no other source was available.

Comment: Up to 397 A.D., some of the Christians had access to part of the New Testament; into this situation, how would the 'Bible-only privately interpreted theory have fitted?


Why so much delay in compiling the New Testament? Prior to 397 A.D., the various books of the New Testament were not under one cover, but were in the custody of different groups or congregations. The persecutions against the Church, which had gained new intensity, prevented these New Testament books from being properly authenticated and placed under one cover. However, this important work was begun after Constantine gave peace to Christianity in 313 A.D., allowing it to be practiced in the Roman Empire.

Comment: This again shows how utterly impossible was the 'Bible-only theory, at least up to 400 A.D.


What other problem confronted those who wished to determine the contents of the New Testament? Before the inspired books were recognized as such, many other books had been written and by many were thought to be inspired; hence the Catholic Church made a thorough examination of the whole question; biblical scholars spent years in the Holy Land studying languages of New Testament writings.

Comment: According to the present-day 'Bible-only theory, in the above circumstances, it would also have been necessary for early Christians to read all the doubtful books and, by interior illumination, judge which were and which were not divinely inspired.


Who finally did decide which books were inspired and therefore belonged to the New Testament? Shortly before 400 A.D. a General Council of the Catholic Church, using the infallible authority which Christ had given to His own Divine institution, finally decided which books really belonged to the New Testament and which did not.

Either the Church at this General Council was infallible, or it was not.

If the Church was infallible then, why is it not infallible now? If the Church was not infallible then, in that case the New Testament is not worth the paper it is written on, because internal evidences of authenticity and inspiration are inconclusive and because the work of this Council cannot now be rechecked; this is obvious from reply to next question.

Comment: In view of these historical facts, it is difficult to see how non-Catholics can deny that it was from the (Roman) Catholic Church that they received the New Testament.


Why is it impossible for modern non-Catholics to check over the work done by the Church previous to 400 A.D.? The original writings were on frail material called papyrus, which had but temporary enduring qualities. While the books judged to be inspired by the Catholic Church were carefully copied by her monks, those rejected at that time were allowed to disintegrate, for lack of further interest in them.

Comment: What then is left for non-Catholics, except to trust the Catholic Church to have acted under divine inspiration; if at that time, why not now?


Would the theory of private interpretation of the New Testament have been possible for the year 400 A.D.? No, because, as already stated, no New Testament as such was in existence.

Comment: If our non-Catholic brethren today had no Bibles, how could they even imagine following the 'Bible-only privately interpreted theory but before 400 A.D., New Testaments were altogether unavailable.


Would the private interpretation theory have been possible between 400 A.D., and 1440 A.D., when printing was invented? No, the cost of individual Bibles written by hand was prohibitive; moreover, due to the scarcity of books, and other reasons, the ability to read was limited to a small minority. The Church used art, drama and other means to convey Biblical messages.

Comment: To have proposed the 'Bible-only theory during the above period would obviously have been impracticable and irrational.


Who copied and conserved the Bible during the interval between 400 A.D. and 1440 A.D.? The Catholic monks; in many cases these monks spent their entire lives to give the world personally-penned copies of the Scriptures, before printing was invented.

Comment: In spite of this, the Catholic Church is accused of having tried to destroy the Bible; had she desired to do this, she had 1500 years within which to do so.


Who gave the Reformers the authority to change over from the one Faith, one Fold and one Shepherd program, to that of the 'Bible-only Theory? Saint Paul seems to answer the above when he said: 'But though we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1-8 (Protestant version).

Comment: If in 300 years, one-third of Christianity was split into at least 300 sects, how many sects would three-thirds of Christianity have produced in 1900 years? (Answer is 5700.)


Since Luther, what consequences have followed from the use of the 'Bible-only theory and its personal interpretation? Just what Saint Paul foretold when he said: 'For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. 2 Timothy 4-3 (Protestant edition). According to the World Almanac for 1953 there are in the United States 20 different organizations of Methodists, 22 kinds of Baptists, 10 branches of Presbyterians, 13 organizations of Mennonites, 18 of Lutherans and hundreds of other denominations.

Comment: The 'Bible-only theory may indeed cater to the self-exaltation of the individual, but it certainly does not conduce to the acquisition of Divine truth.


In Christs system, what important part has the Bible? The Bible is one precious source of religious truth; other sources are historical records (Tradition) and the abiding presence of the Holy Ghost.

Comment: Elimination of any one of the three elements in the equation of Christs true Church would be fatal to its claims to be such.


Now that the New Testament is complete and available, what insolvable problem remains? The impossibility of the Bible to explain itself and the consequent multiplicity of errors which individuals make by their theory of private interpretation. Hence it is indisputable that the Bible must have an authorized interpreter.

    2 Peter 1-20: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
   2 Peter 3-16: As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
   Acts 8-30: And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Isaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? 31. And he said, How can I, except some men should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

Comment: Only by going on the supposition that falsehood is as acceptable to God as is truth, can the 'Bible-only theory be defended.


Who is the official expounder of the Scriptures? The Holy Ghost, acting through and within the Church which Christ founded nineteen centuries ago; the Bible teaches through whom in the Church come the official interpretations of Gods law and Gods word.

    Luke 10-16: He that heareth you heareth Me; and he that despiseth you despiseth Me; and he that despiseth Me despiseth Him that sent Me.
   Matthew 16-18: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
   Malachias 2-7: For the priests lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.

Comment: Formerly, at least, it was commonly held that when individuals read their Bibles carefully and prayerfully, the Holy Ghost would guide each individual to a knowledge of the truth. This is much more than the Catholic Church claims for even the Pope himself. Only after extended consultation and study, with much fervent prayer, does he rarely and solemnly make such a decision.


What are the effects of the  Catholic  use  of the Bible? Regardless of what persons may think about the Catholic Church, they must admit that her system gets results in the way of unity of rule and unity of Faith; otherwise stated, one Faith, one Fold and one Shepherd.

Comment: If many millions of non-Catholics in all nations,  by  reading  their Bible carefully and prayerfully, had exactly the same faith, reached the same conclusions, then this theory might deserve the serious consideration of intelligent, well-disposed persons -- but not otherwise.


Why are there so many non-Catholic Churches? Because there is so much different interpretation of the Bible; there is so much different interpretation of the Bible because there is so much wrong interpretation; there is so much wrong interpretation because the system of interpreting is radically wrong; you cannot have one Fold and one Shepherd, one Faith and one Baptism, by allowing every man and every woman to distort and pervert the Scriptures to suit his or her own pet theories.

Comment:  To  say  that Bible reading is an intensely Christian practice, is to enunciate a beautiful truth; to say that Bible reading is the sole source of religious Faith, is to make a sadly erroneous statement.


Without Divine aid, could the Catholic Church have maintained her one Faith, one Fold, and one Shepherd? Not any more than the non-Catholic sects have done; they are a proof of what happens when, without Divine aid, groups strive to do the humanly impossible.

Comment: Catholics love, venerate, use the bible; but they also know that the Bible alone is not Christs system but only a precious book, a means, an aid by which the Church carries on her mission to 'preach the Gospel to every living creature and to keep on preaching it 'to the end of time.


Were there any printed Bibles before Luther? When printing was invented, about 1440, one of the first, if not the earliest printed book, was an edition of the Catholic Bible printed by Johann Gutenberg. It is reliably maintained that 626 editions of the Catholic Bible, or portions thereof, had come from the press through the agency of the Church, in countries where her influence prevailed, before Luthers German version appeared in 1534. Of these, many were in various European languages. Hence Luthers 'discovery of the supposedly unknown Bible at Erfurt in 1503 is one of those strange, wild calumnies with which anti-Catholic literature abounds.

Comment: Today parts of the Bible are read in the vernacular from every Catholic altar every Sunday. The Church grants a spiritual premium or indulgence to those who read the Bible; every Catholic family has, or is supposed to have, a Bible in the home. Millions of Catholic Bibles are sold annually.


During the Middle Ages, did the Catholic Church manifest hostility to the Bible as her adversaries claim? Under stress of special circumstances, various regulations were made by the Church to protect the people from being spiritually poisoned by the corrupted and distorted translations of the Bible; hence opposition to the Waldensians, Albigensians, Wycliffe and Tyndale.

Comment: Individual churchmen may at times have gone too far in their zeal, not to belittle the Bible, but to protect it. There is no human agency in which authority is always exercised blamelessly.

Taken from The Catholic Religion Proved by the Protestant Bible

Reprinted from the Juluy 1995 edition of
Catholic Family News
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To: HarleyD
I'm afraid I don't see how the early church fathers' action of closing off the Bible is unbiblical...

Surely you can see that you are merely demonstrating that my assertion is correct. You are referencing material outside the Bible to claim such and such about the Bible. Whether that is unbiblical, extra-biblical or something else is beside the point, because it certainly isn't "using only the Bible" or demonstrating that "the Bible is enough." Seeing that nowhere in the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today is there a decree to "close up shop," per se, and bind up the volume, the early fathers were either acting on their own initiative, acting on guidance by the Holy Spirit, acting under some directive from someone or whatever, but they certainly weren't acting on anything in scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today.

pseudogratix @ In Him All Things Hold Together

201 posted on 03/18/2004 1:22:56 AM PST by pseudogratix (....for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart....)
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To: PetroniusMaximus
that we may do all the words of this law

No, Sir! "This law" is the Mosaic law. Christians are not bound by that law, lest we practice Judaism. There is a difference between God's Laws and the laws of Moses.

202 posted on 03/18/2004 1:27:40 AM PST by kosta50 (Eastern Orthodoxy is pure Christianity)
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To: kosta50
The quoted verse highlights the principle that God does not reveal all thing (on some issues scripture is silent)... but those things He does reveal belong to us and we are responsible for the light we have.

***Christians are not bound by that law, lest we practice Judaism.***

Of course!

***There is a difference between God's Laws and the laws of Moses.***

... I know you're not saying what I think you're saying.

203 posted on 03/18/2004 1:55:55 AM PST by PetroniusMaximus
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To: Desdemona
I've thought more about your comment...

***Well, not quite in the way I think you must mean. If that's the case, we refer more to the parable of the Prodigal Son. I would be the child who never left.***

In John 3, when Jesus spoke of being reborn, he was speaking to Nicodemas who was "a Pharisees,... a ruler of the Jews". Nichodemas was no prodigal son, he was a well respected religious person, certainly no great sinner.

But Jesus told him that unless he was born again he would never see the Kingdom.

How does that square with your beliefs about the nature of being "born-again"?
204 posted on 03/18/2004 2:34:31 AM PST by PetroniusMaximus
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To: findingtruth
Me: Fact is, you have to some authority other than scripture to tell you which books are inspired and which books are not.

You: Yes, indeed ... and we have one ... God.

Well, well! If you've had some special revelation from God on this matter, you should share it with us. Pray tell us.

Oh ... I was sure that we agreed that God inspired the collection and selection of the New Testament canon ... that the entire process was led by the Holy Spirit.

Do we agree that this was the case ?

205 posted on 03/18/2004 5:15:50 AM PST by Quester
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To: pseudogratix
"You are referencing material outside the Bible to claim such and such about the Bible. Whether that is unbiblical, extra-biblical or something else is beside the point, because it certainly isn't "using only the Bible" or demonstrating that "the Bible is enough."

Perhaps I wasn't clear. The Bible is considered “God breathed”, divinely inspired created by the Holy Spirit through the men of God who lived the moment. It is from the Bible, and the Bible only, we derived our doctrines and theologies. No extra writings are used. Consequently, we do not create or base doctrine or theology on any part of the early church fathers’ writings. These writings, like other non-church sources of the time, are viewed for historical purposes only.

The church fathers had their share of disagreements (the Septuagint is just one) and issues of their own. But what these writings contain is information on the thoughts, life, and doctrine of the early church and serves as a guide or commentary in understanding the scriptures. They were not perfect men and they differed in interpretations on some issues. But they were solidly united in the core beliefs from which many of the creed came about.

As far as whether it was "scriptural” to “close the books” I’m not sure. However, given there was much heretical writings flooding the market (and since I might add) the church fathers were united in this to preserve the purity of the original text.

Did they make the right decision in closing the book? Given these were the church leaders who sacrifice all that they had and, in some cases, gave up their lives for the gospel and our Lord Jesus, I’d say that qualifies for a BIG Holy Spirit inspired effort.

206 posted on 03/18/2004 6:04:55 AM PST by HarleyD (READ Your Bible-STUDY to show yourself approved)
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To: sheltonmac

In addition, look at what the church did to men like William Tyndale.*******

Have you read "The Life of Thomas More"? Tyndale was just one of several who tried to use political power to usurp Rome's Authority and make King Henry VIII head of the Church. It seems the ends justify the means. Guys like Tyndale would better have served the Lord by acts of Charity and Goodwill. Sometimes fools give up their lives for their own glory. Yes, Tyndale gave his life for the Book. What of Thomas More?
207 posted on 03/18/2004 7:30:50 AM PST by Gotterdammerung
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To: Gotterdammerung
Thomas More is an example of poetic justice. He met with the same fate he sought to inflict on the "heretics."
208 posted on 03/18/2004 9:25:36 AM PST by sheltonmac ("Duty is ours; consequences are God's." -Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson)
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To: narses
Our Lord Himself never wrote a line, nor is there any record that He ordered His Apostles to write; He did command them to teach and to preach. Also He to whom all power was given in Heaven and on earth (Matthew 28-18) promised to give them the Holy Ghost (John 14-26) and to be with them Himself till the end of the world. (Matthew 28-20).

I cannot get past point 1. I don't think the author realizes he is at once rejecting the bible and accepting the bible as the sole source simultaneously. This is an example of circular thinking that I assume this and similar logical errors are made by the author through out.

209 posted on 03/18/2004 9:44:31 AM PST by VRWC_minion
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To: sheltonmac
****Thomas More is an example of poetic justice. He met with the same fate he sought to inflict on the "heretics."***

That's not the way I see it. You can't just dismiss it so easily. Thomas More died with more honor and grace.
210 posted on 03/18/2004 10:24:29 AM PST by Gotterdammerung
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To: Quester
Oh ... I was sure that we agreed that God inspired the collection and selection of the New Testament canon ... that the entire process was led by the Holy Spirit. Do we agree that this was the case?

That wasn't the issue. The question was, who told you which belong in the canon and which books don't?

211 posted on 03/18/2004 12:38:57 PM PST by findingtruth
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To: findingtruth
That wasn't the issue. The question was, who told you which belong in the canon and which books don't?

Did not God speak through the canonization process ?

212 posted on 03/18/2004 12:48:46 PM PST by Quester
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To: PetroniusMaximus
Me: Consequently, they become interested in distinguishing true doctrine from false.

You: True indeed! But they can also fall prey to unprofitable hair-splitting and dithering over issues upon which the scripture is silent.

We were talking about the doctrine of transubstantiation. Neither Catholics nor your Protestant brethren would consider that "hair-splitting and dithering over issues upon which the scripture is silent."

You: A definition (as opposed to a caricature) of "Sola Scriptura" would benefit our discussion. For our purposes lets use this definition: Scripture alone is the primary and absolute source of authority, the final court of appeal, for all doctrine and practice. Scripture is infallible, sufficient, and clear in all it's major doctrines.

As I have pointed out, you can't say you believe that doctrine without a logical inconsistency. You have to have some authority, call it "Authority X," to tell you which books belong in the Bible and which books don't. "X" could be your church, your tradition, your personal opinion, etc. "X" then, is your real authority, that is, your authority behind your other supposed authority.

Here is another one for you to consider. You claim that sacred tradition is true, inspired and authoritative. On what extra-scriptural authority do you basis your belief in the legitimacy of sacred tradition?

Secondarily on the authority of the Church. Ultimately on the authority of Christ.

Now will you tell us who told you which books belong in the Bible and which books don't?

213 posted on 03/18/2004 1:00:42 PM PST by findingtruth
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To: HarleyD
It is from the Bible, and the Bible only, we derived our doctrines and theologies.

Translation: "We read the Bible, and then we derive doctrines from our opinions and interpretations of what we read."

214 posted on 03/18/2004 1:04:48 PM PST by findingtruth
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To: kosta50
You are the one that called them well to do pagan Greeks and Jews. I am saying that they were Christians. There was confusion in the church, just as there is confusion now. That is why the Bible is so neccessary. Only the Bible is truth.
215 posted on 03/18/2004 2:42:51 PM PST by irishtenor (Taglines for sale - please inquire within.)
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To: findingtruth
"Translation: "We read the Bible, and then we derive doctrines from our opinions and interpretations of what we read.""

Translation: "The church leaders read the Bible and tell us what to believe."

Rather hard in "finding truth" IMHO.

216 posted on 03/18/2004 4:19:12 PM PST by HarleyD (READ Your Bible-STUDY to show yourself approved)
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To: HarleyD
Perhaps I wasn't clear. The Bible is considered "God breathed", divinely inspired created by the Holy Spirit through the men of God who lived the moment

What is the biblical foundation for considering the Bible is anything of the sort? There is nothing in the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today that talks about the Bible. Yes, there are references about scripture in general. You seem to be referencing 2 Timothy 3:16. This particular verse does indeed seem to be explaining something about scripture in general, but it certainly isn't identifying the Bible as a volume of scripture, let alone that the Bible the end all of scripture. Again, you are simply making my earlier point about how, for some reason, many believers automatically seem to assume that scripture and Bible are interchangeable terms. If we buy into the assumption that scripture equals Bible and that Bible equals scripture, then yes, we will start to build on that assumption to interpret things much differently than had we not accepted that premise to begin with. My point is that the premise that scripture equals Bible and that Bible equals scripture is not found anywhere in the Bible as we have it today. So, in order to subscribe to such a premise, you have to go outside the Bible.

It is from the Bible, and the Bible only, we derived our doctrines and theologies. No extra writings are used.

If this is how your personal belief paradigm functions, fine. I am merely pointing out that you are presuming things about the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today that simply can't be found within the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today.

As far as whether it was "scriptural" to "close the books" I'm not sure. However, given there was much heretical writings flooding the market (and since I might add) the church fathers were united in this to preserve the purity of the original text. Did they make the right decision in closing the book? Given these were the church leaders who sacrifice all that they had and, in some cases, gave up their lives for the gospel and our Lord Jesus, I'd say that qualifies for a BIG Holy Spirit inspired effort.

Again, if this is how your personal belief paradigm functions, fine. However, it isn't supported by anything in the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today. You may want to ask yourself why you feel the need to make conclusions about such and such when the Bible itself has made no attempt to do so. There are a lot of open ended issues if we view just the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today. As such, we certainly don't need to rush to conclusions. The serious disciple, in my opinion, is more than willing to await further light and knowledge rather than rush to conclusions that certainly don't need rushing to in order to continue in one's discipleship to deny oneself, take up one's cross and follow Christ.

pseudogratix @ In Him All Things Hold Together

217 posted on 03/18/2004 4:22:11 PM PST by pseudogratix (....for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart....)
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To: irishtenor
Only the Bible is truth.

If this is how your personal belief paradigm functions, fine. However, I hope that you can stop to consider that you seem to be presuming things about the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today that simply can't be found within the scripture contained within the Bible as we have it today.

pseudogratix @ In Him All Things Hold Together

218 posted on 03/18/2004 4:25:40 PM PST by pseudogratix (....for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart....)
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To: pseudogratix
219 posted on 03/18/2004 4:28:05 PM PST by irishtenor (Taglines for sale - please inquire within.)
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To: pseudogratix
And what do you use to hold your personal paradigm together?
220 posted on 03/18/2004 4:30:03 PM PST by irishtenor (Taglines for sale - please inquire within.)
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