1 posted on
03/04/2004 6:14:21 AM PST by
To: american colleen; sinkspur; Lady In Blue; Salvation; CAtholic Family Association; narses; ...
Interesting that Fr. Minkler from the Diocese of Albany was also an 'advisor' to RCF. Like Fr. Kunz, there is much mystery surrounding his death last month.
2 posted on
03/04/2004 6:17:58 AM PST by
(Ad Jesum per Mariam)
To: NYer
A significant aspect of that underbelly is the homosexual network, a network that has existed for a long time but is seldom if ever discussed in politically correct circles. Actively homosexual priests who seek to destroy the Church from within. This is the homosexual network. "Never underestimate the power of this network," Kunz reportedly once told a close associate.
Speaking of which... NYer, any autopsy information on Fr. Minkler? I have some catching up to do.
To: NYer
I asked about this priest and HIS connection to RCF at the heght of the hoopla following Fr. MInkler's death. Nobody responded.
Thank you Nyer!
Note to priests working with Stephen Brady: Beware of the Lavender Mafia.
6 posted on
03/04/2004 7:12:09 AM PST by
(Go Irish! If only we can get the theology dept. turned around.)
To: NYer
Fr. Andrew Greeley has claimed in one of his books that he knows something about this murder. He has linked it to a homosexual network of bishops and priests that radiates out of Chicago.
To: NYer; Domestic Church; AKA Elena; livius; tiki; saradippity; american colleen; B-Chan; ...
Justice for the the murdered Priests.
13 posted on
03/04/2004 7:47:21 AM PST by
(+Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet+)
To: NYer
This is so sad but as I was reading the article it sounded like a movie. I couldn't help thinking they'll need to make it look as though the RCC and the intolerant conservative priest was the cause of his death.
58 posted on
03/04/2004 12:47:42 PM PST by
(READ Your Bible-STUDY to show yourself approved)
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