Yes, I agree. As what the RCC-ites call a 'Bible-only' Christian, I am the furthest thing from an apologist for the Roman Catholic Church. But once in a great while, some individual catholic -- never the RCC itself which is controlled by corrupt liberal 'bishops'-- does something which advances the simple truth of the Scriptures. This appears to be one of those times.
Can't we simply commend that fidelity to the Scriptures without debating all the other nutty stuff which one or another RCC follower might or might not believe? Who cares.
I don't see any evangelical Christians spending $25M of their own money to make a movie faithful to the Scriptural account. [Although in our area, there is a movie currently in the theaters based on the "Gospel of John" with all the dialog from the TEV of the Bible. Another great concept.]
Yes, undoubtedly Mel Gibson did the wrong thing in yielding to political pressure to pull one of the subtitles from the movie because one pressure group objects to the Gospel, but let's be thankful for what DID make it into the theater. Yes, Mel undoubtedly has some nutty ideas about curing epilepsy while filming the movie, etc, but let's remember that he has had to learn all this on his own; he comes out of a denomination (the RCC) which normally pays almost no attention to the Gospel. I think it is a tribute to the power of the Scripture that it can speak through willing and faithful transmitters whether or not they are rigorously Christian in doctrine.
Let us not forget that 'passion plays' have a wonderful pedigree. Starting in medieval times, it was traveling passion plays which kept the Gospel alive in common men, when the RCC as an organization was busy trying to keep the Scriptures out of the hands of the believers. Do you doubt that this movie -- a form of traveling passion play in our time -- could once again do the same thing? Are you surprised that the pope's ambiguously favorable comment was officially 'withdrawn' by the RCC?
This is one single man without background in the Scriptures, who, by all accounts, has produced a faithful Scriptural account -- without any support or encouragement by the RCC or the 'Hollywood establishment.' Let's rejoice in the Power of God to accomplish things despite human organizations arrayed against Him.
I have my tickets to see the movie and look forward to enjoying it.