In prayer and meditation on your post 45, I envisioned a great tear in the fabric of space/time when Christ gave up the Spirit, and Light of so great an intensity it engulfs all of existence. This thought was provoked by your post but it does have a parallel in Scripture:
I second that, Alamo-Girl! This point must be made very clear.
You wrote: "I envisioned a great tear in the fabric of space/time when Christ gave up the Spirit, and Light of so great an intensity it engulfs all of existence. This thought was provoked by your post but it does have a parallel in Scripture:"
Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; -- Matthew 27:50-51
Oh yours is such a beautiful insight, A-G! The very world, the Creation itself, was riven, right down to the rocks (so to speak) when Christ gave up the Spirit -- and the Father caused that Spirit to irrupt, reflowing back into souls and all of Creation in a corruscating blaze of divine Light. And this seems possible to me, because somehow necessary; for when Adam fell, he took all of Creation "down" with him. So it seems that the great renovation made by Him Who "makes all things new" embraces not only man, but all of Creation, as well.
And though such things can be sensed in the Spirit, this unique event truly does "passeth all [human] understanding."