Hermann, T'heck did you find the time to learn all of this ?:)
Any Catholic who has ever lived can be said to have assisted at the mass of all times if we remind ourselves what mass (or liturgy, or service, or eucharist ect ect) consists of in its essence- it is Jesus acting on our behalf(priest and victim) offering Himself to the Father in an act of propitiation. (not to omit mass is also a sacred banquet).
Christians in the time of Peter went to the Mass of all times.
Christians in the time of Pope St. Deusdedit went to mass of all times.
Christians in the time of Pope Lucius II went to the Mass of all time.
And Christians alive today - whether they go to the Pauline Rite or whether they go to the mass accrd to the 1962 R.M. - go to the mass of all times.
We ought be cautious about allowing ourselves to be marketed to for polemical reasons as that tends to obscure the truth. The Mass,(Divine liturgy, eucharist, service ect) is primarily about Jesus and what He does and to allow the accidents of the setting of the Mass to obscure that substantial truth is to let Jesus receede into the background and HE must increase and we must decrease.