To: dangus
The lackey's name was Lucifer.
"By your command"
Yes, 20 years ago I was a big fan of that show...
51 posted on
10/21/2003 2:20:25 PM PDT by
(Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa.)
To: ArrogantBustard
Oh, of course... how perfect.
53 posted on
10/21/2003 2:24:39 PM PDT by
To: ArrogantBustard
Whaddayamean "20 years ago"? It's ba-a-ack! Sci-fi channel in December. And except for their history of wretchedly bad miniseries ("Taken," "Dune 2002," etc.), I'd think it looks like the coolest thing to hit TV since E.D. got all hormonal and went off on the Axis of Weasels on Fox News. (i.e., "I'll tell you why the population of France is going down! Because there aren't any women who'd wanna -- ." At that point she was reestrained.)
55 posted on
10/21/2003 2:28:48 PM PDT by
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