Try this one on for size:
McClintock's career is far from over. In fact, over the last few days I have determined that his presence in the race was part of a well-orchestrated plan by the California GOP to get Arnold Schwarzenegger elected governor.
Let's see, Tom takes votes from Bustamante, to elect R'nald.
Doug's right on, RIP Whistling past the grave yard Tom.
Here's the dilemma I and many others find ourselves in--but unfortunately not enough to get Tom McClintock elected governor: If Mr. McClintock remains in the race, I cannot, in good conscience vote for Arnold S., I must vote for the man who supports my beliefs and values (i.e. McClintock). You may say that Arnold S. has no influence over abortion law or right to bear arms, or promotion of the homosexual agenda, and you may be right. But I would prefer my governor be a leader who stand on the moral right, as his moral beliefs will be reflected in everything he does.
That said, if Mr. McClintock bows out of the race, I will be free to select Arnold S. over Bustamante and Davis, as he more closely aligns with my values. If McClintock bows out of the race, he will have done a difficult thing, but it might buy California a little time...
That said, God's ways are not our ways. He raises up and he brings down.
I guess things seem clearer from a distance.