You may be right, but that stink and filth proves exactly my point, and the point of this article. Which is, smokers homes are harder to sell and therefore sell for less money. You can defend your right to smoke in your home all day long, and that's fine and dandy, but you can't deny the fact that it affects your house in PHYSICAL ways, and those physical effects do drive down your homes value to future buyers.
No buyer, even one that smokes themselves considers walls weeping tar and other smoke related agents "clean". Smokers can object to the fact that I call this physical result of their smoking filth if they choose, but reality is that is exactly what it is viewed as. Looking at the wall that is pure white where the pictures were hanging, yet cream everywhere else, is considered dingy and filthy by buyers.
Don't have to like it, but its reality.
To: HamiltonJay
My house is over a hundred years old. How many people lived here that smoked? Care to take a guess? And it's a beautiful BIG farm home. And I'm not about to sell, so I sure don't have to worry about any prudes coming in to look at it.
199 posted on
09/30/2003 5:43:57 PM PDT by
(Curiosity killed the cat BUT satisfaction brought her back!!!)
To: HamiltonJay
"walls weeping tar" and other smoke related agentsBeen studying that ol' anti-smoker playbook for the proper hype and hysteria, I see. Or are you really Joe Cherner in disguise?
254 posted on
09/30/2003 7:35:18 PM PDT by
Max McGarrity
(Anti-smokers--still the bullies in the playground they always were.)
To: HamiltonJay; Gabz; SheLion
"No buyer, even one that smokes themselves considers walls weeping tar and other smoke related agents "clean". Smokers can object to the fact that I call this physical result of their smoking filth if they choose, but reality is that is exactly what it is viewed as. Looking at the wall that is pure white where the pictures were hanging, yet cream everywhere else, is considered dingy and filthy by buyers."
Hey jokester, it is a product of an individuals overall cleanliness. If a person never cleans their kitchen the walls and cabinets will be layered in grease. If a person never cleans their bathroom the walls will be layerd in hairspray and soapscum. Any unclean home will bring a lower price, regardless of the source of the filth!
You make statements that point to smoking as the only cause of dirt, when the reality is that it is a product of the individuals willingness to clean their home.
I guess by this threads comments it would be OK to state that buyers should just blatantly pay less for an Asians home. You know the smell permeats the house from their unique dietary habits. By the comment on this thread, it would be an acceptable behaviour to be racist with regards to real estate transactions!
Do you exclude renting your homes based on race or culture?
350 posted on
10/01/2003 5:47:48 AM PDT by
( - Homepage of all Smoke Gnatzies!)
To: HamiltonJay
walls weeping tar and other smoke related agentsI never realized how much BS you put out.
Are you this unfactual on other types of threads.
I have never, and I mean NEVER, seen a wall, "weeping tar and other smoke related agents".
I think that this would have to be right up there with a weeping madonna.
Really, are you this hateful and uninformed on other types of threads?
414 posted on
10/02/2003 6:48:18 AM PDT by
Just another Joe
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