To: Gabz
This has nothing to do with buying the house or not, it has to do with the fact that like it or not, a house that has been lived in by a smoker, and particularly a heavy smoker, will not sell for the same amount of money as a comparable non smoking house! And you know what else, even if the new buyer is a SMOKER THEMSELVES the price still will be lower on average for a home of a smoker!
That's reality! Reality is, no one will pay more to buy a house with tar stained walls, and smelly carpets... that's just fact. You can deny reality all day long, but its true.
I don't personally care if you smoke in your home, in fact for me I prefer you did, so I know I can get it cheaper than another house... but buying your home isn't what this is about.
Its about the statistical reality, a home of a smoker sells for less than a home for a non smoker, by and large, and the reason is simple... they tend to SMELL and they tend to be FILTHY. If you are offended by the fact that anyone with working eyes can detect the brownish tinge your once white walls have that's not my problem, and that anyone with a working nose can smell the years of smoke upon entering your front door, that's not my problem either. People pay less for dirty homes.... regardless of the reason, whether it be smoke, or dog smell or anything else.
Reality doesn't afford you an outcome to your liking.
To: HamiltonJay
they tend to SMELL and they tend to be FILTHY Excuse me! I hope you got yourself off by typing that sentence.
However, I do NOT live in a pig sty,thank you very much! I resent the fact that your calling me FILTHY. Where do YOU get off!
126 posted on
09/30/2003 3:50:55 PM PDT by
(Curiosity killed the cat BUT satisfaction brought her back!!!)
To: HamiltonJay
I don't care about your statistical "reality." My reality is I sold my house for my asking price, which was higher than the most recent sale of the identical home on the same street that had been owned by non-smokers.
That is my reality.
My house neither smelled nor was filthy and you are an arrogant prig for even suggesting such a thing about another person.
There was no brownish tinge on my once white walls, because my walls were still white, which was evident when I took down the pictures that had been in the same place since the walls had been painted 5 or 6 years previous.
Both my husband and I smoked in our home for the entire 11 years we lived there and had 2 dogs also, and at one time even had several cats.
My reality is that I received the price for my house I was asking.
Reality just doesn't seem to be to your liking - what a shame.
133 posted on
09/30/2003 4:04:48 PM PDT by
(Smoke-gnatzies - small minds buzzing in your business - SWAT'EM)
To: HamiltonJay
they tend to SMELL and they tend to be FILTHY.You know what HJ, I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell all other smoke gnatzies, "BITE ME!".
You don't have a clue about smokers, FReepers, or just about anything else you have spouted on this thread.
All you want to do is say how smokers houses stink to high heaven and are as filthy as the trash heaps of a third world country.
You can go spout your hate somewhere else where it just might be believed.
IF, as stated in the article, smokers houses are being sold cheaper, did you ever stop to think that it could be yet another politically correct stanza in the demonize smokers song sung by every anti-smoker in the country.
"Smokers are evil" "Smokers are killing all of us" "Smokers stink" "Smokers are dumb" etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.
Now it's "Smokers houses stink and are filthy"
All of you anti-smokers out there can BITE ME!
413 posted on
10/02/2003 6:26:45 AM PDT by
Just another Joe
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