He is NOT friendly to illegals entering this country without going through the proper channels. Arnold also states on his campaign website re: illegal immigration:
Punish Immigrant Smugglers and Human Traffickers
Human traffickers and smugglers exploit and endanger immigrants as they violate our criminal and immigration laws. As Governor, I will crack down hard on those who engage in illegal human smuggling:
Traffickers and smugglers should be prosecuted as organized crime syndicates. If their schemes result in death of immigrants, they should be eligible for the death penalty.
The federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2001 establishes a special visa, the T-visa, for immigrants who assist in investigations. As governor, I will order state law enforcement officials to work with their federal counterparts to prioritize and process applications for T-visas expeditiously.
http://www.joinarnold.com/en/agenda/#E1 Read the full page, it outlines almost all his stances in a wide variety of areas.