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What happened to Paul Craig Roberts? He was a member of the Reagan Administration and opposed Clinton. But now he has fallen in with the Buchananites and expressed strong antipathy for Israel -- when did his political beliefs begin to change?
1 posted on 09/21/2003 9:04:15 PM PDT by Recourse
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To: Recourse
Wow. This guy really knows how to beat the hell out of a straw man.
2 posted on 09/21/2003 9:11:13 PM PDT by Imal (The deadliest weapon is patience.)
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To: Recourse
when did his political beliefs begin to change?

Maybe he got tired of seeing Americans fight and die on behalf of Israel?

3 posted on 09/21/2003 9:14:44 PM PDT by Gunslingr3
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To: Recourse
This is outrageous tripe. The responsiblity for the war we're in the midst of lies squarely with the Islamofascists. This author is no better than the Tranzis who cried about how we deserved 9/11 for being so terrible to poor innocent Muslims.
4 posted on 09/21/2003 9:15:52 PM PDT by thoughtomator (Right Wing Crazy #5338526)
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To: Recourse
Arabs do not occupy Israeli territory.

Only because they lack the ability ... not the will.

6 posted on 09/21/2003 9:18:14 PM PDT by Centurion2000 (Islam : totalitarian political ideology / meme cloaked under the cover of religion)
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To: Recourse
Islamic nutcases launched this war on the US on US territory. We don't have the option of ignoring them, for they will continue to strike again and again, until , like 911 , they get our attention. Ending Moslem dictatorships is the only long range solution which will end this war. Maybe Lew will see the necessity when they hit us with nukes but I rather end the war before that.
7 posted on 09/21/2003 9:19:48 PM PDT by Nateman (Socialism first, cancer second.)
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To: Recourse
Paul Craig Roberts should stick to writing about the economy; it is his field of expertise. The the middle-east is not.
10 posted on 09/21/2003 9:26:43 PM PDT by LibertyAndJusticeForAll
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To: Recourse; aculeus; general_re; BlueLancer; William McKinley; hellinahandcart; Catspaw; ...

What happened to Paul Craig Roberts?

He went mad in the usual way. Conspiracies, Space-Jews, God knows what.

"Take two Haldol and call me in the morning."

11 posted on 09/21/2003 9:28:42 PM PDT by dighton (NLC™)
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To: Recourse; Paleo Conservative
Neo-Jacobins Push For World War IV by Paul Craig Roberts by Paul Craig Roberts
Right opff the bat he is an idiot. World War IV began on September 11, 2001.

The identical lies used to deceive Americans about Iraq are now being recycled to justify invading Syria and Iran.
Find one conclusive lie on Iraq.
Iraq had cheamical weapons precursors that could have been assembled in under a day. Hence they had WMDs.
Iraq did work with many terrorist groups including Al Qaeda.

Before exploring this fact, first understand that there is nothing conservative about neoconservatives. Neocons hide behind "conservative" but they are in fact Jacobins.
So was the Democrat-Republican Party of the 1790's. Of course Paleos revere Jefferson.

Jacobins were the 18th century French revolutionaries whose intention to remake Europe in revolutionary France’s image launched the Napoleonic Wars.

Actually, France was invaded after the decapitation of Louis XII.

In an outstanding article, "The Ideology of American Empire," in the current issue of Orbis, Professor Claes Ryn conclusively shows that neocons are, in truth, neo-Jacobins.
No they are neo-Wilsonians. In that they are not much different than Reagan.

More dangerous an enemy of the US and its traditional values than Muslims, neo-Jacobins have seized control of the Bush presidency and US foreign policy. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of World War IV in the Middle East.
1. We are already at war.
2. To what end? Does this idiot think that we want to conquer the region for oil, territory, or slaves? We are there because of terrorism. (Syria has no resources!)

It is now absolutely certain that the American public and President Bush were bamboozled into invading Iraq by Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz, Undersecretary of State John Bolton, an unsavory assortment of lesser neo-Jacobin notables who inhabit the higher reaches of the Bush administration, and their neo-Jacobin allies in the Likud Party controlled media in New York City and Washington DC.
1. The Likud party is a mixture of Nationalists and Classical liberals. It is not Jacobin. It only cares about Israel.
2. The Neocons control the media! He's lost it.

On September 17 President Bush confessed his folly: "We’ve had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in September 11." Yet according to polls, a majority of Americans still believe that Iraq was responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center. Whose propaganda led Americans to this utterly mistaken belief?
Bush commited no folly. He never said that Saddam was responsible for 9-11. (Although there is a lot of evidence regarding the 1993 attack.)

An extensive search in Iraq has failed to turn up any evidence of any weapons of mass destruction, much less nuclear weapons.

Actually we found processing plants for chemical weapons with the precursor chemicals. This is the equivalent of looking at a plate with bread, mayo, turkey, lettuce, tomato, and onion and saying "Look no sandwich!"

The image of "mushroom clouds going up over American cities," which was used to panic Congress into accepting an invasion of Iraq, has turned out to be – as every expert knew at the time – nothing but propaganda worthy of Heinrich Himmler and Paul Joseph Goebbles. The fabrications about Iraq’s intentions toward the US rival Hitler’s declaration that Poland had attacked Germany.
Oh yeah, he's lost it.

Consider the implications if Saddam Hussein really had possessed WMD – especially ones that could be deployed in 45 minutes as asserted by British Prime Minister Tony Blair: the entire US-British invasion force, concentrated in a tiny area of Kuwait, could have been destroyed by one or two weapons. If Bush really believed Iraq had WMD, he was criminally negligent for making sitting ducks out of our troops.
Detterence works under some circumstances. The generals in a falling regime were not willing to use WMD's.

Senator Ted Kennedy is correct when he said on September 18 that the case against Iraq was "a fraud" made up to give Republicans a political boost. As much as I hate to admit it, the evidence is on Senator Kennedy’s side.
Idiot. Iraq is hurting Bush. (Not that facts should get in the way of his propoganda!)

On September 16, Undersecretary of State John Bolton in testimony before Congress declared Syria to be a "rogue state" armed with weapons of mass destruction and called for "regime change."
Chemical and Biological weapons are WMDs.

On September 17, Assistant Secretary of State Paula DeSutter testified to Congress that Iran has the ability to launch missiles with biological warheads and that Iran’s nuclear program is a genuine threat both to the Middle East and the US.
Where is the lie!

Are the neo-Jacobins in charge of the US government totally delusional? Are they totally disconnected from reality? Or is this more fraud to start two more wars before the American public wakes up to the neo-Jacobin agenda?
Earth to PCR. Which is it? Are the neocons usurpers supporting laucnching multiple wars, or are they aware that we are weak. Anyone reading the Weekly Standard would know that thye are well aware t hat our forces are stretched too thin for our current conflict.

The neo-Jacobins are rushing to get America involved in a general Middle Eastern war before Americans have time to think. The terrorist scare which worked the first time is being employed again. Once we have attacked other sovereign Islamic countries, we will have to bring back the draft in order to raise the necessary armies or resort to nuclear weapons.

Of course. An administration pathologically unwilling to ask for an additional 3 divisions wants to institute a draft! Idiot.

The only weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East are Israel’s 200 nuclear warheads. Israel has the real thing, not a mere desire for a program that might produce a weapon in the future.
And the Chemical and bio weaposn in the hands of Libya, Syria, Iran and Egypt (which used them int he 1950's!)
PCR does not care about facts!

It is Israel – not Iran – who has refused to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
So? Israel needs a Samson option. Israel cant invade Iran. Besides, Iran refuses to abide by the terms of the treaty. Treaties with dictators are worthless. PCR must think that the Briand-Kellog treaty was a good idea.

It is Israel that occupies by force of arms parts of Syria and Palestine. Arabs do not occupy Israeli territory.
If the 1922 borders are legitimate (ie the Golan belongs to Syria) , then Israel is not occupying the West Bank and Gaza since these were set aside for the Jews in the same treaties that created the borders of the middle east. If the 1922 treaty is irrelevent, then Israel is not occupying the Golan heights. It can't be both.
As for "Palestine" it is not a country or part of any sovereign territory. As such it cannot be occupied. Of course, if you accept the 1922 Sykes-Picot agreements, then it is the Arabs who are illegally occupying Israeli territory.

It is Israel that treats Palestinians the way National Socialists treated Jews by bottling them up in ghettos and assassinating them at will.
That is just delusional. Until the intefadah, the Arabs in YeShA were better off than virtually all of their relatives in other arab countries. Israel built the infrastructure, hospitals, schools, etc; not jordan or Egypt!
PCR confuses
Israel has 1.2 million Israeli Arab citizens. Their are no death camps. Hell, they are BENEFICIARIES of affirmative action!

On September 18 President Bush declared: "Arafat has failed as a leader." What Bush means is that Arafat, unlike Bush, has failed to carry out Israel’s orders. Arafat’s support in Palestine far exceeds Bush’s support in the US or Sharon’s support in Israel.
Actually, Arafat has failed to live up to any agreement. Not only has he failed to curb terrorist groups like Hamas, his Fatah organization FUNDS terrorist groups. The PA extolls terrorists and celebrates the deads. Hell, Fatah Hawks/Tanzim and Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades continue as terrorist groups, under Arafats command.

Every day the Israelis bite off another piece of Palestine. Arafat is a "failed leader" because he has not led Palestinians off into the wilderness for 40 years, the better to deliver Palestine up to Israel.
Huh? PCR needs a map in scale. Perhaps he confuses who is on what side of the border. The Arabs control 3/4 of Palestin in Jordan, and 10% under the PA.

The root of the Middle Eastern problem is Israel’s uncanny ability to manipulate American public opinion and US foreign policy. This unique power means Israel doesn’t have to compromise. Instead, the Israelis escalate and involve us ever more deeply and one-sidedly in their disputes with Arabs.
Since 1973, israel hasa continuously given up territory for paper promises. Meanwhile the US arms Egypt and jordan, potentially against Israel!

The inability of the US to impose an evenhanded settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the breeding ground of terrorists.
Islamist was born 20 years before the third Israeli commonwealth. the goal of Jihad was set forth in 622 CE!

The US invasion of Iraq has bred more terrorists.
Considering we are leaving Saudi Arabia, I doubt it. At any rate, we are killing hundreds of them.

Bush’s neo-Jacobins will not be content until they have 600 million enraged Muslims at our throats.

He refuses to get it. This already is going on.
This idiot would have sued for peact on December 8th 1941, to prevent angering Japan!

for the record, PCR should have been lavbeled a Fifth Columnist in July 2002 for his defense of John Lind (aka the american Taliban)

14 posted on 09/22/2003 1:00:25 AM PDT by rmlew ("Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.")
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To: Recourse
Bush’s neo-Jacobins will not be content until they have 600 million enraged Muslims at our throats.

Note to Dr.Roberts.

16 posted on 09/22/2003 3:07:38 AM PDT by tet68
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To: Recourse
Paul has gone full-blown paleo-con.

There are valid criticisms to be made of the neo-con agenda but PCR has pumped them up by a factor of four.

Like most paleo-cons, he has a curious "Israel" fixation.

18 posted on 09/22/2003 6:03:10 AM PDT by The Iguana
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To: Recourse
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." If neoconservatives have their way, Americans will soon be repeating this refrain.

Runtime error.

This has gotten to be so ridiculous.

20 posted on 09/22/2003 6:09:03 AM PDT by rdb3 (Which is more powerful: The story or the warrior?)
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To: Recourse
I am going to be a bit extreme here.

I do wish this were the case. We need to destroy all muslim fundamentalism and in many cases that requires the destruction of entire societies built on Madrassas. If we don't swat this bug now, it will come back meaner and more determined to take over the world.
21 posted on 09/22/2003 9:45:16 AM PDT by Apa6
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To: Recourse; Chancellor Palpatine
The root of the Middle Eastern problem is Israel’s uncanny ability to manipulate American public opinion and US foreign policy.

Israel also causes static cling, damn them....

28 posted on 09/22/2003 12:18:59 PM PDT by NeoCaveman (Wesley Clark is to Eisenhower, what a Yugo is to a Ferrari)
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To: Recourse
Op-ed by a Chicago professor in today's NYT:

The data show that there is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, or any religion for that matter. In fact, the leading instigator of suicide attacks is the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, a Marxist-Leninist group whose members are from Hindu families but who are adamantly opposed to religion (they have have committed 75 of the 188 incidents).

Rather, what nearly all suicide terrorist campaigns have in common is a specific secular and strategic goal: to compel liberal democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland. Religion is rarely the root cause, although it is often used as a tool by terrorist organizations in recruiting and in other efforts in service of the broader strategic objective.

I don't know whether to trust this. It could simply be that the author has tailored his conclusions to fit what he already believes. The article does suggest that those who argue that we are already in WWIV against tens or hundreds of millions of Muslims are wrong. His recommendations are certainly questionable and would amount to giving terrorists a victory, but his view shouldn't simply be discounted.

32 posted on 09/22/2003 12:33:22 PM PDT by x
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