I doubt Arnold would win even if McC were not in the race. Furthermore, even if he did win, I fail to see what good he would do. Arnold has demonstrated his political incompetence. That, coupled with a lack of popular mandate and a hostile legislature guarantees his governorship will be a failure, which in the long run would hurt the CA GOP worse than loosing the recall.
Keeping Arnold out is the best thing anyone can do for the CA GOP right now. McClintock is doing us a big service, IMHO.
By your reasoning, we should all be supporting Howard Dean for president, because after he taxes all the money out of our bank-accounts, socializes medicine, destroys the economy, opens the borders, runs foreign policy based on what the UN and French dictate to us and allows a few of our cities to be nuked, the American people will finally be ready for a true leader like Pat Buchanan.
Pure genius.
B.S. Denial is a river in Egypt for you as well I guess? LOL
NO, McClintock is acting as an enemy of the Republican party at this point and Arnold is a lock without McClintock, especially if he suggested his folks vote for Arnold as he withdrew.
As a matter of fact, at this point, the only possible future Tom can salvage in the Republican party is if he soon drops out and IN ADDITION backs Arnold and campaigns for him. Otherwise his future in California Politics is about as bright as Gary Condit's! LOL Tom has become an ego driven joke.