To enough pipple in order to elect him. Our view of Noxin today is a lot different than it was back then. Common Tator had a specific analysis of that race and perhaps he'll wander by and enlighten us.
Neither Nixon or Humphrey was very likeable. But Nixon was more likeable than HHH.
Think about Happy Warrior.. what does that mean... Does he laughs as he kills his enemies? "Ha HA HA Take that!" as he blows his enemies to bloody red bits? Is that the HHH version of Happy Warrior?
Or was HHH the Happy Warrior who laughs delightedly as he strikes near his enemies with a soggy wet noodle... saying in a polite tone, "Bad Bad enemy..... don't you dare do that again or I will perhaps get ever so slightly angry with you."
Hubert humpry lost in 1968 because anyone with a pair knew that HHH did not have a pair and We were at war.
Actually polls at the time showed that people did like Nixon a bit better than HHH.
HHH's big problem was people felt he as too girlish. Let us just say that HHH on TV was more girlish than Ann Coulter. He had a quite girlish giggle.. which broke out on all occasions.
I campaigned against HHH in 1968 by asking "Would you let HHH take your 11 year old son to Church camp?" "Would you let Dick Nixon take your 11 year old son to Church camp?" The answer to those two questions will tell you how to vote. They voted for Nixon.