It wouldn't have anything to do with real work, would it?
Uh yes it would have dougie. The Pubbies would need 50 people there while Schumer tiraded for days. At any time Schumer could ask for a vote and in a weak moment defeat the nomination.
A real filabuster would have been much easier for the demos, especially with the press coverage of the "noble" Schumer talking for days against the "mean" Republicans.
The fact still stands that the demos are the ones who threw out 200 years of Senate precedent, and yet you are frothing at the mouth towards the Pubbies, while you give Hillary and the demos a free pass.
The difficulty comes from a need to hold the floor (you have to talk, the other guy gets to listen, or leave) and to maintain a quorum when not holding the floor (lest the session be disbanded).
Just picking a nit. I'm no fan of 24/7, especially in this case. I would have liked a bit more attention on the Senate rule. That attention was there for a short period, but not maintained.
Thanks for explaining the filibuster on this thread and for these comments above!
That's defeatism itself.
I know how commies fight, and this is one of their primary weapons.
Gee, Republicans would have to have been on guard. What a horrible, unconscienable, obscene thought!
Silly me for even having suggested that somebody in that stinking rathole Senate stand on any scintilla of principle.
Democrats are racist, atheistic communists, and we have to live with it and like it because only the media or the Republicans in that cesspool know that they are the only ones who can do anything about it, which makes them either communists themselves, or they just don't eff'n care.