To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
Read some of my posts in this thread to answer you question.
To: AmericaUnited
Please forgive my callowness, but I did go through your posts and I do not discern there any direct answer to the question.
I really would like to understand your position, and so I respectfully request your indulgence and ask that you will answer the question once again, and directly.
To: AmericaUnited
I agree with Heartbreak P. I'd like to know the answer, too.
Your posts thus far have not addressed this very fact except to say that everyone else thinks this way so they/we must be right. To me, what matters is what God says is right. It is entirely within the realm of possibilities that the 99.999% could be wrong about this. I am not saying this out of arrogance but out of my search for the truth. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson