To: AmericaUnited
God has ordained governmental authority to exact justice. Otherwise, we would all be doing what "we think is right" and there would be utter chaos. Murder is wrong but are we supposed to just go up to a murderer and pump a few rounds into them? Answer: NO! That's taking government authority too far. Both the Nazis and the Bolsheviks acted under color of law. Did that make the genocides they committed lawful? Clearly, it did not. After all, no state authority is above the Natural Law, and indeed all states maintain their authority only upon condition that they do not stray too far from the same. The Nazis and the Bolsheviks were illegitimate authority because they condoned murder (including being the first abortion proponents) and other crimes against God's Natural Law. The Natural Law dictates that one may defend oneself meeting force with force, and by extension that one may vindicate the right of self defense of the innocent. No state may deny that God-given right and then claim legitimate authority. Any state, including our own, that denies the most basic protections to all human beings under its jurisdiciton thereby forfeits all authority over us. Your position would justify as God's will any tryant's most arbitrary action. This is simply out of the question, especially for any American who believes that all of our rights spring directly from Nature, and Nature's God. I see no way around concluding that Hill acted the way his conscience, guided by logic and I don't doubt by prayerful reflection, dictated. Who was it who said "he is a slave who will not speak for the fallen and the weak?" By that standard, Hill died a free man.
To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
Why do you think the majority of Christian/Baptist/etc. ministers and theologians, who are staunchly anti-abortion, don't agree with your ( or Hill's ) position? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson