They should show an abortion being performed to every women considering one. When they see theres little hands and feet maybe they'll reconsider. For the women who want a 3rd trimester abortion maybe seeing that the doctor has to pry the skull open and then suck the babies brains out to collapse the skull will make them realize that this isn't just a piece of flesh, it's a human life.
Youve made me recall something that I had long ago forgotten, something Id blocked out of my mind now for quite some time. I remember once accompanying my aunt to her nursing school as she attended class one night. I was young, around 10 years old. She took me to a lab that had many jars in it, jars that contained little babies (fetuses) in them and other body parts like eyes I dont know how Ive forgotten about it for so long, but I do recall how horrified, sick, and saddened it made me feel to see them in those jars. They all seemed to be sleeping so quietly, but the olive-green tinted liquid they were submersed in seemed gruesome and perverse. I had dreams of becoming a doctor in my youth, but witnessing the training my aunt was receiving turned me away from pursuing such a profession I knew my heart was not in it. I just dont believe in letting others filter how we see certain events. Words can be used to color such events in a way that distorts or completely misrepresents what is being done. These types of abortions should be video typed. I dont need anyone telling me about them. I can adequately discern what is being done, and all should be given the real picture so that they can see also.