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To: SpyGuy
SpyGuy writes:
Do you really want to pick up the tax burden previously filled by a once productive and prosperous California? As California becomes a giant welfare trough for the overpopulating poor (mainly) from Central and South America, who do you think is going to be paying for their "social services"? (Hint: it won't be Californian taxpayers because, as you say, most will either be "marginalized" or will "physically escape".) The truth is, the forty-some other non-border states will become the "rich uncle" that will be bled dry to feed, clothe, house, school, entertain,... the occupying invasion of illegals. That won't happen, you say? You won't allow that? Why not? You're already willing to allow it to happen to California. And as California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and others fall under de-facto Mexican control...

As I stated in my original posting, California will almost certainly become the first state to face bankruptcy. With the billions upon billions upon billions of dollars they are in debt (and that's only _this_ year's debt, not considering each and every year to come), there can be no escape.

No governor -- not even one wielding his line-item veto like a Jedi sword -- is going to be able to free California from this debt. No one. The debt burden is "embedded" into California's [deteriorating and Mexicanizing] culture and social structures in ways that cannot be reversed. Can you seriously assert to me that _any_ new governor, McClintock or Swarnegger or ANYone, is going to take steps to prevent illegals from sapping the public health system with free medical care? Can you seriously assert to me that _any_ new governor, McClintock or Swarnegger or ANYone, is going to take steps to end the ridiculous requirement that more than 50% of all state spending be earmarked for education (educating a huge number of illegal children)??? Please respond to these questions directly, and maybe I'll believe your arguments have weight.

But you are overlooking something else that will become very important -- perhaps not in the next few years, but certainly within a decade or two. As whites and businesses flee and mestizos flock to the state, there will arise (shades of "Reconquista!") a cultural sentiment that California should again become a part of Mexico. _Mexico_, and _not_ the United States. We will almost certainly see the rise of a "separatist" movement a la the Party Quebecois. Granted, Quebec [at this time] remains a part of Canada, but the possibility remains that the citizens of that province could someday vote to secede from the Canadian commonwealth. If that day ever comes, I predict English-speaking Canada would make scant effort to restrain Quebec from secession.

If anything, the situation in California is deteriorating so rapidly that it may reach the "cultural breakoff point" _before_ Quebec.

What will the _rest_ of America think when California has become a financial burden on the national coffers, with an ever-increasing alien population (now surging into the majority) clamoring for cultural secession?

Prediction: the citizens of the "other 49" may just decide to relinquish the California territories -- which by that time will little resemble what it did when it was culturally part of the United States -- back to from where they came, with all the social and financial problems along with it.

Your prediction of "de facto" Mexican control will at that point face conversion to "de jure" control. If it's "Atzlan" they want, let them have it. There will be little left to save, and the costs (to Americans) of trying to "save" California will have become more than the costs of "letting it go".

SpyGuy continued:
As I said before, if we lose the battle against the invasion of illegals in California and other border states, then we will lose America...all of America!

You could very well be right. But I sense that -- for the vast majority of "the rest" of America (read: flyover country), the illegal issue is just now beginning to come to a head -- along with the realization that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are _ever_ going to do anything to stop it, short of a grassroots revolution.

Perhaps all is lost. Perhaps the innundation of illegals in California is unstoppable for the rest of the nation. Unsure at this point. One thing I can state: the illegal invasion _is_ most certainly "unstoppable" in California, far past critical mass at this point. How can it ever be contained (which would not solve the problem) or _reversed_ (which _might_)? I challenge you to refute this.

For these reasons, the loss of Atzlan (or, more correctly, the "conversion" of previously white California into brown Atzlan) may become the "clarion call" for a new rebirth of European-American cultural consciousness and defense. Kind of a "last stand" for the white folks?

As California falls, it will -- it MUST -- be this rebirth of cultural consciousness if there is any chance to save the REST of the country.

California cannot be saved. Oh, conservatives out there continue to rail against the obvious, as Lear raged against the storm that would eventually destroy him. But there is still time remaining to "build the cultural wall" necessary to contain much of the rest of the land.

Whether we do that or not (and, frankly, I wish I could be more optimistic that it will be done) is solely a matter of our resolve to do so.

- John

34 posted on 09/02/2003 1:50:17 PM PDT by Fishrrman
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To: Fishrrman
John writes:
"As I stated in my original posting, California will almost certainly become the first state to face bankruptcy."

Possibly.... But let's not fool ourselves: the financial crisis of California was/is caused by much more than simply illegal immigration (although that certainly plays a major role). California has a HUGE state government workforce with outrageous salaries, benefits, and pensions. This is because the CA Legislature and Governor have pandered to the state workers unions in exchange for political influence and campaign contributions. California has a grotesque workman's compensation system. California has social handouts that are magnets not just for illegals, but also for hordes of worthless bums who migrate here from other states to cash in. California has punitive and oppressive tax and regulatory systems that drive businesses out of state. California has an education system that is so top-heavy with overpaid bureaucratic administrators, that even if we discharged all the illegals, it would still cost us a fortune to run. The point of pointing this out is that it is not just illegal immigration running the late great state of California into the ground: it is unchecked Leftism. And it's coming to a state near you. Sure, flyover country is predominantly conservative. But flyover country doesn't have the political might and/or will (at this time) to overturn the race towards national socialism. Frankly, it doesn't matter how conservative flyover country is as long as the federal government continues to move Left (and I'm talking about BOTH political parties).

John writes:
"Please respond to these questions directly, and maybe I'll believe your arguments have weight."

I already responded that. In many ways, it doesn't really matter what the new governor's position is on illegal immigration. Border control and immigration control are not within the state government's purview. Let's assume that we could elect a governor who will take a hard-line stance against illegal immigration. What could he do? He couldn't put troops on the border. He couldn't round up and deport illegals (that's the job of the INS...or whatever they're calling themselves these days). He couldn't even enact legislation to cut off social services to illegals (assuming he could get such legislation past the communists and socialists in the CA Legislature) because some Leftist judge(s) would simply overturn it (the same way they blocked the voter-approved Prop 187).

So my point is that the salvation to California, in regards to the problems of illegal immigration, rests not within the California government, but rather in the will of the American people as a whole putting pressure on our national government to end this problem.

But for a more direct response, I agree with you that it will be very difficult for any new governor to turn California around, primarily because we will first have to also recall 99% of the CA Legislature. One of the reasons Gray Davis and the legislature are trying to push through (before the recall) this bill giving driver's licenses to illegals is specifically so that more illegals aliens will become illegal voters--to keep the Leftist Demoncrats in power, of course.

John writes:
"there will arise (shades of "Reconquista!") a cultural sentiment that California should again become a part of Mexico. ... We will almost certainly see the rise of a "separatist" movement a la the Party Quebecois. ... Prediction: the citizens of the 'other 49' may just decide to relinquish the California territories."

I have a prediction for you: if California does fall under Mexican control, there is no way in hell they would want to secede. Why would they want to throw away the golden goose (i.e., the rest of America and the socialist federal government that will be confiscating YOUR tax dollars and redistributing it to the "Bronze State")?

Sure there will always be an undercurrent of reunification with Mexico by radical activists, but they will be a small minority compared to those that would rather continue sucking at the teat of Aunt Sam (i.e., Uncle Sam after the feminists emasculated him and the homosexual lobby forced a sex-change operation). And with California's political clout, you wouldn't be able to boot the state away if you wanted to.

John writes:
"One thing I can state: the illegal invasion is most certainly "unstoppable" in California, far past critical mass at this point. How can it ever be contained (which would not solve the problem) or reversed (which might)? I challenge you to refute this."

I'm not willing to surrender just yet. But it will take a NATIONAL effort to reverse the downward spiral. This is not just California's problem: it is AMERICA's problem. If the remaining states do not want to follow California's lead (and they will follow our lead--whether they want to or not--if things don't change in Washington), then all must act to stop this invasion by force of our country.

John writes:
"California cannot be saved."

Allow me to paraphrase Pastor Martin Niemöller:

First they came for California
and I did not speak out
because I did not live in California.
Then they came for Arizona
and I did not speak out
because I did not live in Arizona.
Then they came for New Mexico
and I did not speak out
because I did not live in New Mexico.
Then they came for Texas
and I did not speak out
because I did not live in Texas.
Then they came for my state
and there were not enough electoral votes
to speak out for me.

John writes:
"But there is still time remaining to 'build the cultural wall' necessary to contain much of the rest of the land."

Don't think that you can throw California to the wolves to keep them at bay. The wall we must be building, is not between California and the rest of America, it needs to be between America and her neighboring countries. And it will take all the states UNITED (now there's a concept!) to do it.

35 posted on 09/02/2003 4:09:45 PM PDT by SpyGuy
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To: Fishrrman
Just curious, what state are you in? Cal?
37 posted on 09/02/2003 4:49:12 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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